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Test Coverage
package transfer

import (



const (
    NoThreadLimit         uint32 = 0
    SequentialThreadLimit uint32 = 10

// NewConcurrentDownloader creates ConcurrentDownloader instance.
func NewConcurrentDownloader(ctx context.Context, limit uint32) *ConcurrentDownloader {
    runner := async.NewQueuedAtomicGroup(ctx, limit)
    result := &Result{}
    return &ConcurrentDownloader{runner, result}

type ConcurrentDownloader struct {

type Result struct {
    mu          sync.Mutex
    transfers   []Transfer
    headers     []*DBHeader
    blockRanges [][]*big.Int

var errDownloaderStuck = errors.New("eth downloader is stuck")

func (r *Result) Push(transfers ...Transfer) {
    r.transfers = append(r.transfers, transfers...)

func (r *Result) Get() []Transfer {
    rst := make([]Transfer, len(r.transfers))
    copy(rst, r.transfers)
    return rst

func (r *Result) PushHeader(block *DBHeader) {

    r.headers = append(r.headers, block)

func (r *Result) GetHeaders() []*DBHeader {
    rst := make([]*DBHeader, len(r.headers))
    copy(rst, r.headers)
    return rst

func (r *Result) PushRange(blockRange []*big.Int) {

    r.blockRanges = append(r.blockRanges, blockRange)

func (r *Result) GetRanges() [][]*big.Int {
    rst := make([][]*big.Int, len(r.blockRanges))
    copy(rst, r.blockRanges)
    r.blockRanges = [][]*big.Int{}

    return rst

// Downloader downloads transfers from single block using number.
type Downloader interface {
    GetTransfersByNumber(context.Context, *big.Int) ([]Transfer, error)

// Returns new block ranges that contain transfers and found block headers that contain transfers, and a block where
// beginning of trasfers history detected
func checkRangesWithStartBlock(parent context.Context, client balance.Reader, cache balance.Cacher,
    account common.Address, ranges [][]*big.Int, threadLimit uint32, startBlock *big.Int) (
    resRanges [][]*big.Int, headers []*DBHeader, newStartBlock *big.Int, err error) {

    log.Debug("start checkRanges", "account", account.Hex(), "ranges len", len(ranges), "startBlock", startBlock)

    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(parent, 30*time.Second)
    defer cancel()

    c := NewConcurrentDownloader(ctx, threadLimit)

    newStartBlock = startBlock

    for _, blocksRange := range ranges {
        from := blocksRange[0]
        to := blocksRange[1]

        log.Debug("check block range", "from", from, "to", to)

        if startBlock != nil {
            if to.Cmp(newStartBlock) <= 0 {
                log.Debug("'to' block is less than 'start' block", "to", to, "startBlock", startBlock)

        c.Add(func(ctx context.Context) error {
            if from.Cmp(to) >= 0 {
                log.Debug("'from' block is greater than or equal to 'to' block", "from", from, "to", to)
                return nil
            log.Debug("eth transfers comparing blocks", "from", from, "to", to)

            if startBlock != nil {
                if to.Cmp(startBlock) <= 0 {
                    log.Debug("'to' block is less than 'start' block", "to", to, "startBlock", startBlock)
                    return nil

            lb, err := cache.BalanceAt(ctx, client, account, from)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            hb, err := cache.BalanceAt(ctx, client, account, to)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            if lb.Cmp(hb) == 0 {
                log.Debug("balances are equal", "from", from, "to", to, "lb", lb, "hb", hb)

                hn, err := cache.NonceAt(ctx, client, account, to)
                if err != nil {
                    return err
                // if nonce is zero in a newer block then there is no need to check an older one
                if *hn == 0 {
                    log.Debug("zero nonce", "to", to)

                    if hb.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) == 0 { // balance is 0, nonce is 0, we stop checking further, that will be the start block (even though the real one can be a later one)
                        if startBlock != nil {
                            if to.Cmp(newStartBlock) > 0 {
                                log.Debug("found possible start block, we should not search back", "block", to)
                                newStartBlock = to // increase newStartBlock if we found a new higher block
                        } else {
                            newStartBlock = to

                    return nil

                ln, err := cache.NonceAt(ctx, client, account, from)
                if err != nil {
                    return err
                if *ln == *hn {
                    log.Debug("transaction count is also equal", "from", from, "to", to, "ln", *ln, "hn", *hn)
                    return nil
            if new(big.Int).Sub(to, from).Cmp(one) == 0 {
                // WARNING: Block hash calculation from plain header returns a wrong value.
                header, err := client.HeaderByNumber(ctx, to)
                if err != nil {
                    return err
                // Obtain block hash from first transaction
                blockHash, err := client.CallBlockHashByTransaction(ctx, to, 0)
                if err != nil {
                    return err
                c.PushHeader(toDBHeader(header, blockHash, account))
                return nil
            mid := new(big.Int).Add(from, to)
            mid = mid.Div(mid, two)
            _, err = cache.BalanceAt(ctx, client, account, mid)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            log.Debug("balances are not equal", "from", from, "mid", mid, "to", to)

            c.PushRange([]*big.Int{mid, to})
            c.PushRange([]*big.Int{from, mid})
            return nil

    select {
    case <-c.WaitAsync():
    case <-ctx.Done():
        return nil, nil, nil, errDownloaderStuck

    if c.Error() != nil {
        return nil, nil, nil, errors.Wrap(c.Error(), "failed to dowload transfers using concurrent downloader")

    log.Debug("end checkRanges", "account", account.Hex(), "newStartBlock", newStartBlock)
    return c.GetRanges(), c.GetHeaders(), newStartBlock, nil

func findBlocksWithEthTransfers(parent context.Context, client balance.Reader, cache balance.Cacher,
    account common.Address, low, high *big.Int, noLimit bool, threadLimit uint32) (
    from *big.Int, headers []*DBHeader, resStartBlock *big.Int, err error) {

    ranges := [][]*big.Int{{low, high}}
    from = big.NewInt(low.Int64())
    headers = []*DBHeader{}
    var lvl = 1

    for len(ranges) > 0 && lvl <= 30 {
        log.Debug("check blocks ranges", "lvl", lvl, "ranges len", len(ranges))
        // Check if there are transfers in blocks in ranges. To do that, nonce and balance is checked
        // the block ranges that have transfers are returned
        newRanges, newHeaders, strtBlock, err := checkRangesWithStartBlock(parent, client, cache,
            account, ranges, threadLimit, resStartBlock)
        resStartBlock = strtBlock
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, nil, err

        headers = append(headers, newHeaders...)

        if len(newRanges) > 0 {
            log.Debug("found new ranges", "account", account, "lvl", lvl, "new ranges len", len(newRanges))
        if len(newRanges) > 60 && !noLimit {
            sort.SliceStable(newRanges, func(i, j int) bool {
                return newRanges[i][0].Cmp(newRanges[j][0]) == 1

            newRanges = newRanges[:60]
            from = newRanges[len(newRanges)-1][0]

        ranges = newRanges
