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Test Coverage
package transfer

import (


    w_common ""

// DBHeader fields from header that are stored in database.
type DBHeader struct {
    Number                *big.Int
    Hash                  common.Hash
    Timestamp             uint64
    PreloadedTransactions []*PreloadedTransaction
    Network               uint64
    Address               common.Address
    // Head is true if the block was a head at the time it was pulled from chain.
    Head bool
    // Loaded is true if transfers from this block have been already fetched
    Loaded bool

func toDBHeader(header *types.Header, blockHash common.Hash, account common.Address) *DBHeader {
    return &DBHeader{
        Hash:      blockHash,
        Number:    header.Number,
        Timestamp: header.Time,
        Loaded:    false,
        Address:   account,

// SyncOption is used to specify that application processed transfers for that block.
type SyncOption uint

// JSONBlob type for marshaling/unmarshaling inner type to json.
type JSONBlob struct {
    data interface{}

// Scan implements interface.
func (blob *JSONBlob) Scan(value interface{}) error {
    if value == nil || reflect.ValueOf( {
        return nil
    bytes, ok := value.([]byte)
    if !ok {
        return errors.New("not a byte slice")
    if len(bytes) == 0 {
        return nil
    err := json.Unmarshal(bytes,
    return err

// Value implements interface.
func (blob *JSONBlob) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
    if == nil || reflect.ValueOf( {
        return nil, nil
    return json.Marshal(

func NewDB(client *sql.DB) *Database {
    return &Database{client: client}

// Database sql wrapper for operations with wallet objects.
type Database struct {
    client *sql.DB

// Close closes database.
func (db *Database) Close() error {
    return db.client.Close()

func (db *Database) SaveBlocks(chainID uint64, headers []*DBHeader) (err error) {
    var (
        tx *sql.Tx
    tx, err = db.client.Begin()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer func() {
        if err == nil {
            err = tx.Commit()
        _ = tx.Rollback()

    err = insertBlocksWithTransactions(chainID, tx, headers)
    if err != nil {


func saveTransfersMarkBlocksLoaded(creator statementCreator, chainID uint64, address common.Address, transfers []Transfer, blocks []*big.Int) (err error) {
    err = updateOrInsertTransfers(chainID, creator, transfers)
    if err != nil {

    err = markBlocksAsLoaded(chainID, creator, address, blocks)
    if err != nil {


// GetTransfersInRange loads transfers for a given address between two blocks.
func (db *Database) GetTransfersInRange(chainID uint64, address common.Address, start, end *big.Int) (rst []Transfer, err error) {
    query := newTransfersQuery().FilterNetwork(chainID).FilterAddress(address).FilterStart(start).FilterEnd(end).FilterLoaded(1)
    rows, err := db.client.Query(query.String(), query.Args()...)
    if err != nil {
    defer rows.Close()
    return query.TransferScan(rows)

// GetTransfersByAddress loads transfers for a given address between two blocks.
func (db *Database) GetTransfersByAddress(chainID uint64, address common.Address, toBlock *big.Int, limit int64) (rst []Transfer, err error) {
    query := newTransfersQuery().

    rows, err := db.client.Query(query.String(), query.Args()...)
    if err != nil {
    defer rows.Close()
    return query.TransferScan(rows)

// GetTransfersByAddressAndBlock loads transfers for a given address and block.
func (db *Database) GetTransfersByAddressAndBlock(chainID uint64, address common.Address, block *big.Int, limit int64) (rst []Transfer, err error) {
    query := newTransfersQuery().

    rows, err := db.client.Query(query.String(), query.Args()...)
    if err != nil {
    defer rows.Close()
    return query.TransferScan(rows)

// GetTransfers load transfers transfer between two blocks.
func (db *Database) GetTransfers(chainID uint64, start, end *big.Int) (rst []Transfer, err error) {
    query := newTransfersQuery().FilterNetwork(chainID).FilterStart(start).FilterEnd(end).FilterLoaded(1)
    rows, err := db.client.Query(query.String(), query.Args()...)
    if err != nil {
    defer rows.Close()
    return query.TransferScan(rows)

func (db *Database) GetTransfersForIdentities(ctx context.Context, identities []TransactionIdentity) (rst []Transfer, err error) {
    query := newTransfersQuery()
    for _, identity := range identities {
        subQuery := newSubQuery()
        subQuery = subQuery.FilterNetwork(uint64(identity.ChainID)).FilterTransactionID(identity.Hash).FilterAddress(identity.Address)
        query.addSubQuery(subQuery, OrSeparator)
    rows, err := db.client.QueryContext(ctx, query.String(), query.Args()...)
    if err != nil {
    defer rows.Close()
    return query.TransferScan(rows)

func (db *Database) GetTransactionsToLoad(chainID uint64, address common.Address, blockNumber *big.Int) (rst []*PreloadedTransaction, err error) {
    query := newTransfersQueryForPreloadedTransactions().

    if address != (common.Address{}) {

    if blockNumber != nil {

    rows, err := db.client.Query(query.String(), query.Args()...)
    if err != nil {
    defer rows.Close()
    return query.PreloadedTransactionScan(rows)

// statementCreator allows to pass transaction or database to use in consumer.
type statementCreator interface {
    Prepare(query string) (*sql.Stmt, error)

// Only used by status-mobile
func (db *Database) InsertBlock(chainID uint64, account common.Address, blockNumber *big.Int, blockHash common.Hash) error {
    var (
        tx *sql.Tx
    tx, err := db.client.Begin()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer func() {
        if err == nil {
            err = tx.Commit()
        _ = tx.Rollback()

    blockDB := blockDBFields{
        chainID:     chainID,
        account:     account,
        blockNumber: blockNumber,
        blockHash:   blockHash,
    return insertBlockDBFields(tx, blockDB)

type blockDBFields struct {
    chainID     uint64
    account     common.Address
    blockNumber *big.Int
    blockHash   common.Hash

func insertBlockDBFields(creator statementCreator, block blockDBFields) error {
    insert, err := creator.Prepare("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO blocks(network_id, address, blk_number, blk_hash, loaded) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")
    if err != nil {
        return err

    _, err = insert.Exec(block.chainID, block.account, (*bigint.SQLBigInt)(block.blockNumber), block.blockHash, true)
    return err

func insertBlocksWithTransactions(chainID uint64, creator statementCreator, headers []*DBHeader) error {
    insert, err := creator.Prepare("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO blocks(network_id, address, blk_number, blk_hash, loaded) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")
    if err != nil {
        return err
    updateTx, err := creator.Prepare(`UPDATE transfers
    SET log = ?, log_index = ?
    WHERE network_id = ? AND address = ? AND hash = ?`)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    insertTx, err := creator.Prepare(`INSERT OR IGNORE
    INTO transfers (network_id, address, sender, hash, blk_number, blk_hash, type, timestamp, log, loaded, log_index, token_id, amount_padded128hex)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 0, ?, 0, ?, ?, ?)`)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    for _, header := range headers {
        _, err = insert.Exec(chainID, header.Address, (*bigint.SQLBigInt)(header.Number), header.Hash, header.Loaded)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        for _, transaction := range header.PreloadedTransactions {
            var logIndex *uint
            if transaction.Log != nil {
                logIndex = new(uint)
                *logIndex = transaction.Log.Index
            res, err := updateTx.Exec(&JSONBlob{transaction.Log}, logIndex, chainID, header.Address, transaction.ID)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            affected, err := res.RowsAffected()
            if err != nil {
                return err
            if affected > 0 {

            tokenID := (*bigint.SQLBigIntBytes)(transaction.TokenID)
            txValue := sqlite.BigIntToPadded128BitsStr(transaction.Value)
            // Is that correct to set sender as account address?
            _, err = insertTx.Exec(chainID, header.Address, header.Address, transaction.ID, (*bigint.SQLBigInt)(header.Number), header.Hash, transaction.Type, &JSONBlob{transaction.Log}, logIndex, tokenID, txValue)
            if err != nil {
                log.Error("error saving token transfer", "err", err)
                return err
    return nil

func updateOrInsertTransfers(chainID uint64, creator statementCreator, transfers []Transfer) error {
    txsDBFields := make([]transferDBFields, 0, len(transfers))
    for _, localTransfer := range transfers {
        // to satisfy gosec: C601 checks
        t := localTransfer
        var receiptType *uint8
        var txHash, blockHash *common.Hash
        var receiptStatus, cumulativeGasUsed, gasUsed *uint64
        var contractAddress *common.Address
        var transactionIndex, logIndex *uint

        if t.Receipt != nil {
            receiptType = &t.Receipt.Type
            receiptStatus = &t.Receipt.Status
            txHash = &t.Receipt.TxHash
            if t.Log != nil {
                logIndex = new(uint)
                *logIndex = t.Log.Index
            blockHash = &t.Receipt.BlockHash
            cumulativeGasUsed = &t.Receipt.CumulativeGasUsed
            contractAddress = &t.Receipt.ContractAddress
            gasUsed = &t.Receipt.GasUsed
            transactionIndex = &t.Receipt.TransactionIndex

        var txProtected *bool
        var txGas, txNonce, txSize *uint64
        var txGasPrice, txGasTipCap, txGasFeeCap *big.Int
        var txType *uint8
        var txValue *big.Int
        var tokenAddress *common.Address
        var tokenID *big.Int
        var txFrom *common.Address
        var txTo *common.Address
        if t.Transaction != nil {
            if t.Log != nil {
                _, tokenAddress, txFrom, txTo = w_common.ExtractTokenTransferData(t.Type, t.Log, t.Transaction)
                tokenID = t.TokenID
                // Zero tokenID can be used for ERC721 and ERC1155 transfers but when serialzed/deserialized it becomes nil
                // as 0 value of big.Int bytes is nil.
                if tokenID == nil && (t.Type == w_common.Erc721Transfer || t.Type == w_common.Erc1155Transfer) {
                    tokenID = big.NewInt(0)
                txValue = t.TokenValue
            } else {
                txValue = new(big.Int).Set(t.Transaction.Value())
                txFrom = &t.From
                txTo = t.Transaction.To()

            txType = new(uint8)
            *txType = t.Transaction.Type()
            txProtected = new(bool)
            *txProtected = t.Transaction.Protected()
            txGas = new(uint64)
            *txGas = t.Transaction.Gas()
            txGasPrice = t.Transaction.GasPrice()
            txGasTipCap = t.Transaction.GasTipCap()
            txGasFeeCap = t.Transaction.GasFeeCap()
            txNonce = new(uint64)
            *txNonce = t.Transaction.Nonce()
            txSize = new(uint64)
            *txSize = t.Transaction.Size()

        dbFields := transferDBFields{
            chainID:            chainID,
            id:                 t.ID,
            blockHash:          t.BlockHash,
            blockNumber:        t.BlockNumber,
            timestamp:          t.Timestamp,
            address:            t.Address,
            transaction:        t.Transaction,
            sender:             t.From,
            receipt:            t.Receipt,
            log:                t.Log,
            transferType:       t.Type,
            baseGasFees:        t.BaseGasFees,
            multiTransactionID: t.MultiTransactionID,
            receiptStatus:      receiptStatus,
            receiptType:        receiptType,
            txHash:             txHash,
            logIndex:           logIndex,
            receiptBlockHash:   blockHash,
            cumulativeGasUsed:  cumulativeGasUsed,
            contractAddress:    contractAddress,
            gasUsed:            gasUsed,
            transactionIndex:   transactionIndex,
            txType:             txType,
            txProtected:        txProtected,
            txGas:              txGas,
            txGasPrice:         txGasPrice,
            txGasTipCap:        txGasTipCap,
            txGasFeeCap:        txGasFeeCap,
            txValue:            txValue,
            txNonce:            txNonce,
            txSize:             txSize,
            tokenAddress:       tokenAddress,
            tokenID:            tokenID,
            txFrom:             txFrom,
            txTo:               txTo,
        txsDBFields = append(txsDBFields, dbFields)

    return updateOrInsertTransfersDBFields(creator, txsDBFields)

type transferDBFields struct {
    chainID            uint64
    id                 common.Hash
    blockHash          common.Hash
    blockNumber        *big.Int
    timestamp          uint64
    address            common.Address
    transaction        *types.Transaction
    sender             common.Address
    receipt            *types.Receipt
    log                *types.Log
    transferType       w_common.Type
    baseGasFees        string
    multiTransactionID w_common.MultiTransactionIDType
    receiptStatus      *uint64
    receiptType        *uint8
    txHash             *common.Hash
    logIndex           *uint
    receiptBlockHash   *common.Hash
    cumulativeGasUsed  *uint64
    contractAddress    *common.Address
    gasUsed            *uint64
    transactionIndex   *uint
    txType             *uint8
    txProtected        *bool
    txGas              *uint64
    txGasPrice         *big.Int
    txGasTipCap        *big.Int
    txGasFeeCap        *big.Int
    txValue            *big.Int
    txNonce            *uint64
    txSize             *uint64
    tokenAddress       *common.Address
    tokenID            *big.Int
    txFrom             *common.Address
    txTo               *common.Address

func updateOrInsertTransfersDBFields(creator statementCreator, transfers []transferDBFields) error {
    insert, err := creator.Prepare(`INSERT OR REPLACE INTO transfers
        (network_id, hash, blk_hash, blk_number, timestamp, address, tx, sender, receipt, log, type, loaded, base_gas_fee, multi_transaction_id,
        status, receipt_type, tx_hash, log_index, block_hash, cumulative_gas_used, contract_address, gas_used, tx_index,
        tx_type, protected, gas_limit, gas_price_clamped64, gas_tip_cap_clamped64, gas_fee_cap_clamped64, amount_padded128hex, account_nonce, size, token_address, token_id, tx_from_address, tx_to_address)
        (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 1, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    for _, t := range transfers {
        txGasPrice := sqlite.BigIntToClampedInt64(t.txGasPrice)
        txGasTipCap := sqlite.BigIntToClampedInt64(t.txGasTipCap)
        txGasFeeCap := sqlite.BigIntToClampedInt64(t.txGasFeeCap)
        txValue := sqlite.BigIntToPadded128BitsStr(t.txValue)

        _, err = insert.Exec(t.chainID,, t.blockHash, (*bigint.SQLBigInt)(t.blockNumber), t.timestamp, t.address, &JSONBlob{t.transaction}, t.sender, &JSONBlob{t.receipt}, &JSONBlob{t.log}, t.transferType, t.baseGasFees, t.multiTransactionID,
            t.receiptStatus, t.receiptType, t.txHash, t.logIndex, t.receiptBlockHash, t.cumulativeGasUsed, t.contractAddress, t.gasUsed, t.transactionIndex,
            t.txType, t.txProtected, t.txGas, txGasPrice, txGasTipCap, txGasFeeCap, txValue, t.txNonce, t.txSize, t.tokenAddress, (*bigint.SQLBigIntBytes)(t.tokenID), t.txFrom, t.txTo)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error("can't save transfer", "b-hash", t.blockHash, "b-n", t.blockNumber, "a", t.address, "h",
            return err

    for _, t := range transfers {
        err = removeGasOnlyEthTransfer(creator, t)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error("can't remove gas only eth transfer", "b-hash", t.blockHash, "b-n", t.blockNumber, "a", t.address, "h",, "err", err)
            // no return err, since it's not critical
    return nil

func removeGasOnlyEthTransfer(creator statementCreator, t transferDBFields) error {
    if t.transferType == w_common.EthTransfer {
        countQuery, err := creator.Prepare(`SELECT COUNT(*) FROM transfers WHERE tx_hash = ?`)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        defer countQuery.Close()

        var count int
        err = countQuery.QueryRow(t.txHash).Scan(&count)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        // If there's only one (or none), return without deleting
        if count <= 1 {
            log.Debug("Only one or no transfer found with the same tx_hash, skipping deletion.")
            return nil
    query, err := creator.Prepare(`DELETE FROM transfers WHERE tx_hash = ? AND address = ? AND network_id = ? AND account_nonce = ? AND type = 'eth' AND amount_padded128hex = '00000000000000000000000000000000'`)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer query.Close()

    res, err := query.Exec(t.txHash, t.address, t.chainID, t.txNonce)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    count, err := res.RowsAffected()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    log.Debug("removeGasOnlyEthTransfer rows deleted", "count", count)
    return nil

// markBlocksAsLoaded(chainID, tx, address, blockNumbers)
// In case block contains both ETH and token transfers, it will be marked as loaded on ETH transfer processing.
// This is not a problem since for token transfers we have preloaded transactions and blocks 'loaded' flag is needed
// for ETH transfers only.
func markBlocksAsLoaded(chainID uint64, creator statementCreator, address common.Address, blocks []*big.Int) error {
    update, err := creator.Prepare("UPDATE blocks SET loaded=? WHERE address=? AND blk_number=? AND network_id=?")
    if err != nil {
        return err

    for _, block := range blocks {
        _, err := update.Exec(true, address, (*bigint.SQLBigInt)(block), chainID)
        if err != nil {
            return err
    return nil

// GetOwnedMultiTransactionID returns sql.ErrNoRows if no transaction is found for the given identity
func GetOwnedMultiTransactionID(tx *sql.Tx, chainID w_common.ChainID, hash common.Hash, address common.Address) (mTID int64, err error) {
    row := tx.QueryRow(`SELECT COALESCE(multi_transaction_id, 0) FROM transfers WHERE network_id = ? AND tx_hash = ? AND address = ?`, chainID, hash, address)
    err = row.Scan(&mTID)
    if err != nil {
        return 0, err
    return mTID, nil

func (db *Database) GetLatestCollectibleTransfer(address common.Address, id thirdparty.CollectibleUniqueID) (*Transfer, error) {
    query := newTransfersQuery().
    rows, err := db.client.Query(query.String(), query.Args()...)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer rows.Close()

    transfers, err := query.TransferScan(rows)
    if err == sql.ErrNoRows || len(transfers) == 0 {
        return nil, nil
    } else if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &transfers[0], nil

// Delete blocks for address and chainID
// Transfers will be deleted by cascade
func deleteBlocks(creator statementCreator, address common.Address) error {
    delete, err := creator.Prepare("DELETE FROM blocks WHERE address = ?")
    if err != nil {
        return err

    _, err = delete.Exec(address)
    return err

func getAddresses(creator statementCreator) (rst []common.Address, err error) {
    stmt, err := creator.Prepare(`SELECT address FROM transfers UNION SELECT address FROM blocks UNION
        SELECT address FROM blocks_ranges_sequential UNION SELECT address FROM blocks_ranges`)
    if err != nil {
    rows, err := stmt.Query()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer rows.Close()

    address := common.Address{}
    for rows.Next() {
        err = rows.Scan(&address)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        rst = append(rst, address)

    return rst, nil