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Test Coverage
package transfer

import (

    "" // since 1.21, this is in the standard library


    w_common ""

var (
    zero = big.NewInt(0)
    one  = big.NewInt(1)
    two  = big.NewInt(2)

// Partial transaction info obtained by ERC20Downloader.
// A PreloadedTransaction represents a Transaction which contains one
// ERC20/ERC721/ERC1155 transfer event.
// To be converted into one Transfer object post-indexing.
type PreloadedTransaction struct {
    Type    w_common.Type  `json:"type"`
    ID      common.Hash    `json:"-"`
    Address common.Address `json:"address"`
    // Log that was used to generate preloaded transaction.
    Log     *types.Log `json:"log"`
    TokenID *big.Int   `json:"tokenId"`
    Value   *big.Int   `json:"value"`

// Transfer stores information about transfer.
// A Transfer represents a plain ETH transfer or some token activity inside a Transaction
// Since ERC1155 transfers can contain multiple tokens, a single Transfer represents a single token transfer,
// that means ERC1155 batch transfers will be represented by multiple Transfer objects.
type Transfer struct {
    Type        w_common.Type      `json:"type"`
    ID          common.Hash        `json:"-"`
    Address     common.Address     `json:"address"`
    BlockNumber *big.Int           `json:"blockNumber"`
    BlockHash   common.Hash        `json:"blockhash"`
    Timestamp   uint64             `json:"timestamp"`
    Transaction *types.Transaction `json:"transaction"`
    Loaded      bool
    NetworkID   uint64
    // From is derived from tx signature in order to offload this computation from UI component.
    From    common.Address `json:"from"`
    Receipt *types.Receipt `json:"receipt"`
    // Log that was used to generate erc20 transfer. Nil for eth transfer.
    Log *types.Log `json:"log"`
    // TokenID is the id of the transferred token. Nil for eth transfer.
    TokenID *big.Int `json:"tokenId"`
    // TokenValue is the value of the token transfer. Nil for eth transfer.
    TokenValue  *big.Int `json:"tokenValue"`
    BaseGasFees string
    // Internal field that is used to track multi-transaction transfers.
    MultiTransactionID w_common.MultiTransactionIDType `json:"multi_transaction_id"`

// ETHDownloader downloads regular eth transfers and tokens transfers.
type ETHDownloader struct {
    chainClient chain.ClientInterface
    accounts    []common.Address
    signer      types.Signer
    db          *Database

var errLogsDownloaderStuck = errors.New("logs downloader stuck")

func (d *ETHDownloader) GetTransfersByNumber(ctx context.Context, number *big.Int) ([]Transfer, error) {
    blk, err := d.chainClient.BlockByNumber(ctx, number)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    rst, err := d.getTransfersInBlock(ctx, blk, d.accounts)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return rst, err

// Only used by status-mobile
func getTransferByHash(ctx context.Context, client chain.ClientInterface, signer types.Signer, address common.Address, hash common.Hash) (*Transfer, error) {
    transaction, _, err := client.TransactionByHash(ctx, hash)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    receipt, err := client.TransactionReceipt(ctx, hash)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    eventType, transactionLog := w_common.GetFirstEvent(receipt.Logs)
    transactionType := w_common.EventTypeToSubtransactionType(eventType)

    from, err := types.Sender(signer, transaction)

    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    baseGasFee, err := client.GetBaseFeeFromBlock(ctx, big.NewInt(int64(transactionLog.BlockNumber)))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    transfer := &Transfer{
        Type:        transactionType,
        ID:          hash,
        Address:     address,
        BlockNumber: receipt.BlockNumber,
        BlockHash:   receipt.BlockHash,
        Timestamp:   uint64(time.Now().Unix()),
        Transaction: transaction,
        From:        from,
        Receipt:     receipt,
        Log:         transactionLog,
        BaseGasFees: baseGasFee,

    return transfer, nil

func (d *ETHDownloader) getTransfersInBlock(ctx context.Context, blk *types.Block, accounts []common.Address) ([]Transfer, error) {
    startTs := time.Now()

    rst := make([]Transfer, 0, len(blk.Transactions()))

    receiptsByAddressAndTxHash := make(map[common.Address]map[common.Hash]*types.Receipt)
    txsByAddressAndTxHash := make(map[common.Address]map[common.Hash]*types.Transaction)

    addReceiptToCache := func(address common.Address, txHash common.Hash, receipt *types.Receipt) {
        if receiptsByAddressAndTxHash[address] == nil {
            receiptsByAddressAndTxHash[address] = make(map[common.Hash]*types.Receipt)
        receiptsByAddressAndTxHash[address][txHash] = receipt

    addTxToCache := func(address common.Address, txHash common.Hash, tx *types.Transaction) {
        if txsByAddressAndTxHash[address] == nil {
            txsByAddressAndTxHash[address] = make(map[common.Hash]*types.Transaction)
        txsByAddressAndTxHash[address][txHash] = tx

    getReceiptFromCache := func(address common.Address, txHash common.Hash) *types.Receipt {
        if receiptsByAddressAndTxHash[address] == nil {
            return nil
        return receiptsByAddressAndTxHash[address][txHash]

    getTxFromCache := func(address common.Address, txHash common.Hash) *types.Transaction {
        if txsByAddressAndTxHash[address] == nil {
            return nil
        return txsByAddressAndTxHash[address][txHash]

    getReceipt := func(address common.Address, txHash common.Hash) (receipt *types.Receipt, err error) {
        receipt = getReceiptFromCache(address, txHash)
        if receipt == nil {
            receipt, err = d.fetchTransactionReceipt(ctx, txHash)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err
            addReceiptToCache(address, txHash, receipt)
        return receipt, nil

    getTx := func(address common.Address, txHash common.Hash) (tx *types.Transaction, err error) {
        tx = getTxFromCache(address, txHash)
        if tx == nil {
            tx, err = d.fetchTransaction(ctx, txHash)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err
            addTxToCache(address, txHash, tx)
        return tx, nil

    for _, address := range accounts {
        // During block discovery, we should have populated the DB with 1 item per transfer log containing
        // erc20/erc721/erc1155 transfers.
        // ID is a hash of the tx hash and the log index. log_index is unique per ERC20/721 tx, but not per ERC1155 tx.
        transactionsToLoad, err := d.db.GetTransactionsToLoad(d.chainClient.NetworkID(), address, blk.Number())
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        areSubTxsCheckedForTxHash := make(map[common.Hash]bool)

        log.Debug("getTransfersInBlock", "block", blk.Number(), "transactionsToLoad", len(transactionsToLoad))

        for _, t := range transactionsToLoad {
            receipt, err := getReceipt(address, t.Log.TxHash)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err

            tx, err := getTx(address, t.Log.TxHash)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err

            subtransactions, err := d.subTransactionsFromPreloaded(t, tx, receipt, blk)
            if err != nil {
                log.Error("can't fetch subTxs for erc20/erc721/erc1155 transfer", "error", err)
                return nil, err
            rst = append(rst, subtransactions...)
            areSubTxsCheckedForTxHash[t.Log.TxHash] = true

        for _, tx := range blk.Transactions() {
            // Skip dummy blob transactions, as they are not supported by us
            if tx.Type() == types.BlobTxType {
            if tx.ChainId().Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) != 0 && tx.ChainId().Cmp(d.chainClient.ToBigInt()) != 0 {
                log.Info("chain id mismatch", "tx hash", tx.Hash(), "tx chain id", tx.ChainId(), "expected chain id", d.chainClient.NetworkID())
            from, err := types.Sender(d.signer, tx)

            if err != nil {
                if err == core.ErrTxTypeNotSupported {
                    log.Error("Tx Type not supported", "tx chain id", tx.ChainId(), "type", tx.Type(), "error", err)
                return nil, err

            isPlainTransfer := from == address || (tx.To() != nil && *tx.To() == address)
            mustCheckSubTxs := false

            if !isPlainTransfer {
                // We might miss some subTransactions of interest for some transaction types. We need to check if we
                // find the address in the transaction data.
                switch tx.Type() {
                case types.DynamicFeeTxType, types.OptimismDepositTxType, types.ArbitrumDepositTxType, types.ArbitrumRetryTxType:
                    mustCheckSubTxs = !areSubTxsCheckedForTxHash[tx.Hash()] && w_common.TxDataContainsAddress(tx.Type(), tx.Data(), address)

            if isPlainTransfer || mustCheckSubTxs {
                receipt, err := getReceipt(address, tx.Hash())
                if err != nil {
                    return nil, err

                // Since we've already got the receipt, check for subTxs of
                // interest in case we haven't already.
                if !areSubTxsCheckedForTxHash[tx.Hash()] {
                    subtransactions, err := d.subTransactionsFromTransactionData(address, from, tx, receipt, blk)
                    if err != nil {
                        log.Error("can't fetch subTxs for eth transfer", "error", err)
                        return nil, err
                    rst = append(rst, subtransactions...)
                    areSubTxsCheckedForTxHash[tx.Hash()] = true

                // If it's a plain ETH transfer, add it to the list
                if isPlainTransfer {
                    rst = append(rst, Transfer{
                        Type:               w_common.EthTransfer,
                        NetworkID:          tx.ChainId().Uint64(),
                        ID:                 tx.Hash(),
                        Address:            address,
                        BlockNumber:        blk.Number(),
                        BlockHash:          receipt.BlockHash,
                        Timestamp:          blk.Time(),
                        Transaction:        tx,
                        From:               from,
                        Receipt:            receipt,
                        Log:                nil,
                        BaseGasFees:        blk.BaseFee().String(),
                        MultiTransactionID: w_common.NoMultiTransactionID})
    log.Debug("getTransfersInBlock found", "block", blk.Number(), "len", len(rst), "time", time.Since(startTs))
    // TODO(dshulyak) test that balance difference was covered by transactions
    return rst, nil

// NewERC20TransfersDownloader returns new instance.
func NewERC20TransfersDownloader(client chain.ClientInterface, accounts []common.Address, signer types.Signer, incomingOnly bool) *ERC20TransfersDownloader {
    signature := w_common.GetEventSignatureHash(w_common.Erc20_721TransferEventSignature)

    return &ERC20TransfersDownloader{
        client:                 client,
        accounts:               accounts,
        signature:              signature,
        incomingOnly:           incomingOnly,
        signatureErc1155Single: w_common.GetEventSignatureHash(w_common.Erc1155TransferSingleEventSignature),
        signatureErc1155Batch:  w_common.GetEventSignatureHash(w_common.Erc1155TransferBatchEventSignature),
        signer:                 signer,

// ERC20TransfersDownloader is a downloader for erc20 and erc721 tokens transfers.
// Since both transaction types share the same signature, both will be assigned
// type Erc20Transfer. Until the downloader gets refactored and a migration of the
// database gets implemented, differentiation between erc20 and erc721 will handled
// in the controller.
type ERC20TransfersDownloader struct {
    client       chain.ClientInterface
    accounts     []common.Address
    incomingOnly bool

    // hash of the Transfer event signature
    signature              common.Hash
    signatureErc1155Single common.Hash
    signatureErc1155Batch  common.Hash

    // signer is used to derive tx sender from tx signature
    signer types.Signer

func topicFromAddressSlice(addresses []common.Address) []common.Hash {
    rst := make([]common.Hash, len(addresses))
    for i, address := range addresses {
        rst[i] = common.BytesToHash(address.Bytes())
    return rst

func (d *ERC20TransfersDownloader) inboundTopics(addresses []common.Address) [][]common.Hash {
    return [][]common.Hash{{d.signature}, {}, topicFromAddressSlice(addresses)}

func (d *ERC20TransfersDownloader) outboundTopics(addresses []common.Address) [][]common.Hash {
    return [][]common.Hash{{d.signature}, topicFromAddressSlice(addresses), {}}

func (d *ERC20TransfersDownloader) inboundERC20OutboundERC1155Topics(addresses []common.Address) [][]common.Hash {
    return [][]common.Hash{{d.signature, d.signatureErc1155Single, d.signatureErc1155Batch}, {}, topicFromAddressSlice(addresses)}

func (d *ERC20TransfersDownloader) inboundTopicsERC1155(addresses []common.Address) [][]common.Hash {
    return [][]common.Hash{{d.signatureErc1155Single, d.signatureErc1155Batch}, {}, {}, topicFromAddressSlice(addresses)}

func (d *ETHDownloader) fetchTransactionReceipt(parent context.Context, txHash common.Hash) (*types.Receipt, error) {
    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(parent, 3*time.Second)
    receipt, err := d.chainClient.TransactionReceipt(ctx, txHash)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return receipt, nil

func (d *ETHDownloader) fetchTransaction(parent context.Context, txHash common.Hash) (*types.Transaction, error) {
    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(parent, 3*time.Second)
    tx, _, err := d.chainClient.TransactionByHash(ctx, txHash) // TODO Save on requests by checking in the DB first
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return tx, nil

func (d *ETHDownloader) subTransactionsFromPreloaded(preloadedTx *PreloadedTransaction, tx *types.Transaction, receipt *types.Receipt, blk *types.Block) ([]Transfer, error) {
    log.Debug("subTransactionsFromPreloaded start", "txHash", tx.Hash().Hex(), "address", preloadedTx.Address, "tokenID", preloadedTx.TokenID, "value", preloadedTx.Value)
    address := preloadedTx.Address
    txLog := preloadedTx.Log

    rst := make([]Transfer, 0, 1)

    from, err := types.Sender(d.signer, tx)
    if err != nil {
        if err == core.ErrTxTypeNotSupported {
            return nil, nil
        return nil, err

    eventType := w_common.GetEventType(preloadedTx.Log)
    // Only add ERC20/ERC721/ERC1155 transfers from/to the given account
    // from/to matching is already handled by getLogs filter
    switch eventType {
    case w_common.Erc20TransferEventType,
        w_common.Erc1155TransferSingleEventType, w_common.Erc1155TransferBatchEventType:
        log.Debug("subTransactionsFromPreloaded transfer", "eventType", eventType, "logIdx", txLog.Index, "txHash", tx.Hash().Hex(), "address", address.Hex(), "tokenID", preloadedTx.TokenID, "value", preloadedTx.Value, "baseFee", blk.BaseFee().String())

        transfer := Transfer{
            Type:               w_common.EventTypeToSubtransactionType(eventType),
            ID:                 preloadedTx.ID,
            Address:            address,
            BlockNumber:        new(big.Int).SetUint64(txLog.BlockNumber),
            BlockHash:          txLog.BlockHash,
            Loaded:             true,
            NetworkID:          d.signer.ChainID().Uint64(),
            From:               from,
            Log:                txLog,
            TokenID:            preloadedTx.TokenID,
            TokenValue:         preloadedTx.Value,
            BaseGasFees:        blk.BaseFee().String(),
            Transaction:        tx,
            Receipt:            receipt,
            Timestamp:          blk.Time(),
            MultiTransactionID: w_common.NoMultiTransactionID,

        rst = append(rst, transfer)

    log.Debug("subTransactionsFromPreloaded end", "txHash", tx.Hash().Hex(), "address", address.Hex(), "tokenID", preloadedTx.TokenID, "value", preloadedTx.Value)
    return rst, nil

func (d *ETHDownloader) subTransactionsFromTransactionData(address, from common.Address, tx *types.Transaction, receipt *types.Receipt, blk *types.Block) ([]Transfer, error) {
    log.Debug("subTransactionsFromTransactionData start", "txHash", tx.Hash().Hex(), "address", address)

    rst := make([]Transfer, 0, 1)

    for _, txLog := range receipt.Logs {
        eventType := w_common.GetEventType(txLog)
        switch eventType {
        case w_common.UniswapV2SwapEventType, w_common.UniswapV3SwapEventType,
            w_common.HopBridgeTransferSentToL2EventType, w_common.HopBridgeTransferFromL1CompletedEventType,
            w_common.HopBridgeWithdrawalBondedEventType, w_common.HopBridgeTransferSentEventType:
            transfer := Transfer{
                Type:               w_common.EventTypeToSubtransactionType(eventType),
                ID:                 w_common.GetLogSubTxID(*txLog),
                Address:            address,
                BlockNumber:        new(big.Int).SetUint64(txLog.BlockNumber),
                BlockHash:          txLog.BlockHash,
                Loaded:             true,
                NetworkID:          d.signer.ChainID().Uint64(),
                From:               from,
                Log:                txLog,
                BaseGasFees:        blk.BaseFee().String(),
                Transaction:        tx,
                Receipt:            receipt,
                Timestamp:          blk.Time(),
                MultiTransactionID: w_common.NoMultiTransactionID,

            rst = append(rst, transfer)

    log.Debug("subTransactionsFromTransactionData end", "txHash", tx.Hash().Hex(), "address", address.Hex())
    return rst, nil

func (d *ERC20TransfersDownloader) blocksFromLogs(parent context.Context, logs []types.Log) ([]*DBHeader, error) {
    concurrent := NewConcurrentDownloader(parent, NoThreadLimit)

    for i := range logs {
        l := logs[i]

        if l.Removed {

        var address common.Address
        from, to, txIDs, tokenIDs, values, err := w_common.ParseTransferLog(l)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error("failed to parse transfer log", "log", l, "address", d.accounts, "error", err)

        // Double check provider returned the correct log
        if slices.Contains(d.accounts, from) {
            address = from
        } else if slices.Contains(d.accounts, to) {
            address = to
        } else {
            log.Error("from/to address mismatch", "log", l, "addresses", d.accounts)

        eventType := w_common.GetEventType(&l)
        logType := w_common.EventTypeToSubtransactionType(eventType)

        for i, txID := range txIDs {
            log.Debug("block from logs", "block", l.BlockNumber, "log", l, "logType", logType, "txID", txID)

            // For ERC20 there is no tokenID, so we use nil
            var tokenID *big.Int
            if len(tokenIDs) > i {
                tokenID = tokenIDs[i]

            header := &DBHeader{
                Number:  big.NewInt(int64(l.BlockNumber)),
                Hash:    l.BlockHash,
                Address: address,
                PreloadedTransactions: []*PreloadedTransaction{{
                    ID:      txID,
                    Type:    logType,
                    Log:     &l,
                    TokenID: tokenID,
                    Value:   values[i],
                Loaded: false,

            concurrent.Add(func(ctx context.Context) error {
                return nil
    select {
    case <-concurrent.WaitAsync():
    case <-parent.Done():
        return nil, errLogsDownloaderStuck
    return concurrent.GetHeaders(), concurrent.Error()

// GetHeadersInRange returns transfers between two blocks.
// time to get logs for 100000 blocks = 1.144686979s. with 249 events in the result set.
func (d *ERC20TransfersDownloader) GetHeadersInRange(parent context.Context, from, to *big.Int) ([]*DBHeader, error) {
    start := time.Now()
    log.Debug("get erc20 transfers in range start", "chainID", d.client.NetworkID(), "from", from, "to", to, "accounts", d.accounts)
    headers := []*DBHeader{}
    ctx := context.Background()
    var err error
    outbound := []types.Log{}
    var inboundOrMixed []types.Log // inbound ERC20 or outbound ERC1155 share the same signature for our purposes
    if !d.incomingOnly {
        outbound, err = d.client.FilterLogs(ctx, ethereum.FilterQuery{
            FromBlock: from,
            ToBlock:   to,
            Topics:    d.outboundTopics(d.accounts),
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        inboundOrMixed, err = d.client.FilterLogs(ctx, ethereum.FilterQuery{
            FromBlock: from,
            ToBlock:   to,
            Topics:    d.inboundERC20OutboundERC1155Topics(d.accounts),
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
    } else {
        inboundOrMixed, err = d.client.FilterLogs(ctx, ethereum.FilterQuery{
            FromBlock: from,
            ToBlock:   to,
            Topics:    d.inboundTopics(d.accounts),
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

    inbound1155, err := d.client.FilterLogs(ctx, ethereum.FilterQuery{
        FromBlock: from,
        ToBlock:   to,
        Topics:    d.inboundTopicsERC1155(d.accounts),
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    logs := concatLogs(outbound, inboundOrMixed, inbound1155)

    if len(logs) == 0 {
        log.Debug("no logs found for account")
        return nil, nil

    rst, err := d.blocksFromLogs(parent, logs)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if len(rst) == 0 {
        log.Warn("no headers found in logs for account", "chainID", d.client.NetworkID(), "addresses", d.accounts, "from", from, "to", to)
    } else {
        headers = append(headers, rst...)
        log.Debug("found erc20 transfers for account", "chainID", d.client.NetworkID(), "addresses", d.accounts,
            "from", from, "to", to, "headers", len(headers))

    log.Debug("get erc20 transfers in range end", "chainID", d.client.NetworkID(),
        "from", from, "to", to, "headers", len(headers), "accounts", d.accounts, "took", time.Since(start))
    return headers, nil

func concatLogs(slices ...[]types.Log) []types.Log {
    var totalLen int
    for _, s := range slices {
        totalLen += len(s)
    tmp := make([]types.Log, totalLen)
    var i int
    for _, s := range slices {
        i += copy(tmp[i:], s)

    return tmp