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Test Coverage
package transfer

import (


    uniswapv2 ""
    uniswapv3 ""
    w_common ""

const ETHSymbol string = "ETH"
const WETHSymbol string = "WETH"

func fetchUniswapV2PairInfo(ctx context.Context, client chain.ClientInterface, pairAddress common.Address) (*common.Address, *common.Address, error) {
    caller, err := uniswapv2.NewUniswapv2Caller(pairAddress, client)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    token0Address, err := caller.Token0(&bind.CallOpts{
        Context: ctx,
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    token1Address, err := caller.Token1(&bind.CallOpts{
        Context: ctx,
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    return &token0Address, &token1Address, nil

func fetchUniswapV3PoolInfo(ctx context.Context, client chain.ClientInterface, poolAddress common.Address) (*common.Address, *common.Address, error) {
    caller, err := uniswapv3.NewUniswapv3Caller(poolAddress, client)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    token0Address, err := caller.Token0(&bind.CallOpts{
        Context: ctx,
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    token1Address, err := caller.Token1(&bind.CallOpts{
        Context: ctx,
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    return &token0Address, &token1Address, nil

func identifyUniswapV2Asset(tokenManager *token.Manager, chainID uint64, amount0 *big.Int, contractAddress0 common.Address, amount1 *big.Int, contractAddress1 common.Address) (token *token.Token, amount *big.Int, err error) {
    // Either amount0 or amount1 should be 0
    if amount1.Sign() == 0 && amount0.Sign() != 0 {
        token = tokenManager.FindTokenByAddress(chainID, contractAddress0)
        if token == nil {
            err = fmt.Errorf("couldn't find symbol for token0 %v", contractAddress0)
        amount = amount0
    } else if amount0.Sign() == 0 && amount1.Sign() != 0 {
        token = tokenManager.FindTokenByAddress(chainID, contractAddress1)
        if token == nil {
            err = fmt.Errorf("couldn't find symbol for token1 %v", contractAddress1)
        amount = amount1
    } else {
        err = fmt.Errorf("couldn't identify token %v %v %v %v", contractAddress0, amount0, contractAddress1, amount1)


func fetchUniswapV2Info(ctx context.Context, client chain.ClientInterface, tokenManager *token.Manager, log *types.Log) (fromAsset string, fromAmount *hexutil.Big, toAsset string, toAmount *hexutil.Big, err error) {
    pairAddress, _, _, amount0In, amount1In, amount0Out, amount1Out, err := w_common.ParseUniswapV2Log(log)
    if err != nil {

    token0ContractAddress, token1ContractAddress, err := fetchUniswapV2PairInfo(ctx, client, pairAddress)
    if err != nil {

    fromToken, fromAmountInt, err := identifyUniswapV2Asset(tokenManager, client.NetworkID(), amount0In, *token0ContractAddress, amount1In, *token1ContractAddress)
    if err != nil {
        // "Soft" error, allow to continue with unknown asset
        fromAsset = ""
        fromAmount = (*hexutil.Big)(big.NewInt(0))
    } else {
        fromAsset = fromToken.Symbol
        fromAmount = (*hexutil.Big)(fromAmountInt)

    toToken, toAmountInt, err := identifyUniswapV2Asset(tokenManager, client.NetworkID(), amount0Out, *token0ContractAddress, amount1Out, *token1ContractAddress)
    if err != nil {
        // "Soft" error, allow to continue with unknown asset
        toAsset = ""
        toAmount = (*hexutil.Big)(big.NewInt(0))
    } else {
        toAsset = toToken.Symbol
        toAmount = (*hexutil.Big)(toAmountInt)

    err = nil

func identifyUniswapV3Assets(tokenManager *token.Manager, chainID uint64, amount0 *big.Int, contractAddress0 common.Address, amount1 *big.Int, contractAddress1 common.Address) (fromToken *token.Token, fromAmount *big.Int, toToken *token.Token, toAmount *big.Int, err error) {
    token0 := tokenManager.FindTokenByAddress(chainID, contractAddress0)
    if token0 == nil {
        err = fmt.Errorf("couldn't find symbol for token0 %v", contractAddress0)

    token1 := tokenManager.FindTokenByAddress(chainID, contractAddress1)
    if token1 == nil {
        err = fmt.Errorf("couldn't find symbol for token1 %v", contractAddress1)

    // amount0 and amount1 are the balance deltas of the pool
    // The positive amount is how much the sender spent
    // The negative amount is how much the recipent got
    if amount0.Sign() > 0 && amount1.Sign() < 0 {
        fromToken = token0
        fromAmount = amount0
        toToken = token1
        toAmount = new(big.Int).Neg(amount1)
    } else if amount0.Sign() < 0 && amount1.Sign() > 0 {
        fromToken = token1
        fromAmount = amount1
        toToken = token0
        toAmount = new(big.Int).Neg(amount0)
    } else {
        err = fmt.Errorf("couldn't identify tokens %v %v %v %v", contractAddress0, amount0, contractAddress1, amount1)


func fetchUniswapV3Info(ctx context.Context, client chain.ClientInterface, tokenManager *token.Manager, log *types.Log) (fromAsset string, fromAmount *hexutil.Big, toAsset string, toAmount *hexutil.Big, err error) {
    poolAddress, _, _, amount0, amount1, err := w_common.ParseUniswapV3Log(log)
    if err != nil {

    token0ContractAddress, token1ContractAddress, err := fetchUniswapV3PoolInfo(ctx, client, poolAddress)
    if err != nil {

    fromToken, fromAmountInt, toToken, toAmountInt, err := identifyUniswapV3Assets(tokenManager, client.NetworkID(), amount0, *token0ContractAddress, amount1, *token1ContractAddress)
    if err != nil {
        // "Soft" error, allow to continue with unknown asset
        err = nil
        fromAsset = ""
        fromAmount = (*hexutil.Big)(big.NewInt(0))
        toAsset = ""
        toAmount = (*hexutil.Big)(big.NewInt(0))
    } else {
        fromAsset = fromToken.Symbol
        fromAmount = (*hexutil.Big)(fromAmountInt)
        toAsset = toToken.Symbol
        toAmount = (*hexutil.Big)(toAmountInt)


func fetchUniswapInfo(ctx context.Context, client chain.ClientInterface, tokenManager *token.Manager, log *types.Log, logType w_common.EventType) (fromAsset string, fromAmount *hexutil.Big, toAsset string, toAmount *hexutil.Big, err error) {
    switch logType {
    case w_common.UniswapV2SwapEventType:
        return fetchUniswapV2Info(ctx, client, tokenManager, log)
    case w_common.UniswapV3SwapEventType:
        return fetchUniswapV3Info(ctx, client, tokenManager, log)
    err = fmt.Errorf("wrong log type %s", logType)

// Build a Swap multitransaction from a list containing one or several uniswapV2/uniswapV3 subTxs
// We only care about the first and last swap to identify the input/output token and amounts
func buildUniswapSwapMultitransaction(ctx context.Context, client chain.ClientInterface, tokenManager *token.Manager, transfer *Transfer) (*MultiTransaction, error) {
    multiTransaction := MultiTransaction{
        Type:          MultiTransactionSwap,
        FromNetworkID: transfer.NetworkID,
        FromTxHash:    transfer.Receipt.TxHash,
        FromAddress:   transfer.Address,
        ToNetworkID:   transfer.NetworkID,
        ToTxHash:      transfer.Receipt.TxHash,
        ToAddress:     transfer.Address,
        Timestamp:     transfer.Timestamp,

    var firstSwapLog, lastSwapLog *types.Log
    var firstSwapLogType, lastSwapLogType w_common.EventType
    hasWETHDepositLog := false
    hasWETHWithdrawalLog := false

    for _, ethlog := range transfer.Receipt.Logs {
        logType := w_common.GetEventType(ethlog)
        switch logType {
        case w_common.WETHDepositEventType:
            hasWETHDepositLog = true
        case w_common.WETHWithdrawalEventType:
            hasWETHWithdrawalLog = true
        case w_common.UniswapV2SwapEventType, w_common.UniswapV3SwapEventType:
            if firstSwapLog == nil {
                firstSwapLog = ethlog
                firstSwapLogType = logType
            lastSwapLog = ethlog
            lastSwapLogType = logType

    var err error

    multiTransaction.FromAsset, multiTransaction.FromAmount, multiTransaction.ToAsset, multiTransaction.ToAmount, err = fetchUniswapInfo(ctx, client, tokenManager, firstSwapLog, firstSwapLogType)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if firstSwapLog != lastSwapLog {
        _, _, multiTransaction.ToAsset, multiTransaction.ToAmount, err = fetchUniswapInfo(ctx, client, tokenManager, lastSwapLog, lastSwapLogType)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

    // WETH and ETH have same decimals value, no need to change From/To Amount
    if multiTransaction.FromAsset == WETHSymbol && hasWETHDepositLog {
        multiTransaction.FromAsset = ETHSymbol

    if multiTransaction.ToAsset == WETHSymbol && hasWETHWithdrawalLog {
        multiTransaction.ToAsset = ETHSymbol

    return &multiTransaction, nil