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Test Coverage
package transfer

import (

    w_common ""

// View stores only fields used by a client and ensures that all relevant fields are
// encoded in hex.
type View struct {
    ID                   common.Hash    `json:"id"`
    Type                 w_common.Type  `json:"type"`
    Address              common.Address `json:"address"`
    BlockNumber          *hexutil.Big   `json:"blockNumber"`
    BlockHash            common.Hash    `json:"blockhash"`
    Timestamp            hexutil.Uint64 `json:"timestamp"`
    GasPrice             *hexutil.Big   `json:"gasPrice"`
    MaxFeePerGas         *hexutil.Big   `json:"maxFeePerGas"`
    MaxPriorityFeePerGas *hexutil.Big   `json:"maxPriorityFeePerGas"`
    EffectiveTip         *hexutil.Big   `json:"effectiveTip"`
    EffectiveGasPrice    *hexutil.Big   `json:"effectiveGasPrice"`
    GasLimit             hexutil.Uint64 `json:"gasLimit"`
    GasUsed              hexutil.Uint64 `json:"gasUsed"`
    Nonce                hexutil.Uint64 `json:"nonce"`
    TxStatus             hexutil.Uint64 `json:"txStatus"`
    Input                hexutil.Bytes  `json:"input"`
    TxHash               common.Hash    `json:"txHash"`
    Value                *hexutil.Big   `json:"value"`   // Only used for Type EthTransfer and Erc20Transfer
    TokenID              *hexutil.Big   `json:"tokenId"` // Only used for Type Erc721Transfer
    From                 common.Address `json:"from"`
    To                   common.Address `json:"to"`
    Contract             common.Address `json:"contract"`
    NetworkID            uint64         `json:"networkId"`
    MultiTransactionID   int64          `json:"multiTransactionID"`
    BaseGasFees          string         `json:"base_gas_fee"`

func castToTransferViews(transfers []Transfer) []View {
    views := make([]View, 0, len(transfers))
    for _, tx := range transfers {
        switch tx.Type {
        case w_common.EthTransfer, w_common.Erc20Transfer, w_common.Erc721Transfer:
            view := CastToTransferView(tx)
            views = append(views, view)
    return views

func CastToTransferView(t Transfer) View {
    view := View{}
    view.ID = t.ID
    view.Type = getFixedTransferType(t)
    view.Address = t.Address
    view.BlockNumber = (*hexutil.Big)(t.BlockNumber)
    view.BlockHash = t.BlockHash
    view.Timestamp = hexutil.Uint64(t.Timestamp)
    view.GasPrice = (*hexutil.Big)(t.Transaction.GasPrice())
    if t.BaseGasFees != "" {
        baseFee := new(big.Int)
        baseFee.SetString(t.BaseGasFees[2:], 16)
        tip := t.Transaction.EffectiveGasTipValue(baseFee)

        view.EffectiveTip = (*hexutil.Big)(tip)
        price := new(big.Int).Add(baseFee, tip)
        view.EffectiveGasPrice = (*hexutil.Big)(price)
    view.MaxFeePerGas = (*hexutil.Big)(t.Transaction.GasFeeCap())
    view.MaxPriorityFeePerGas = (*hexutil.Big)(t.Transaction.GasTipCap())
    view.GasLimit = hexutil.Uint64(t.Transaction.Gas())
    view.GasUsed = hexutil.Uint64(t.Receipt.GasUsed)
    view.BaseGasFees = t.BaseGasFees
    view.Nonce = hexutil.Uint64(t.Transaction.Nonce())
    view.TxStatus = hexutil.Uint64(t.Receipt.Status)
    view.Input = hexutil.Bytes(t.Transaction.Data())
    view.TxHash = t.Transaction.Hash()
    view.NetworkID = t.NetworkID

    value := new(hexutil.Big)
    tokenID := new(hexutil.Big)

    switch view.Type {
    case w_common.EthTransfer:
        view.From = t.From
        if t.Transaction.To() != nil {
            view.To = *t.Transaction.To()
        value = (*hexutil.Big)(t.Transaction.Value())
        view.Contract = t.Receipt.ContractAddress
    case w_common.Erc20Transfer:
        view.Contract = t.Log.Address
        from, to, valueInt := w_common.ParseErc20TransferLog(t.Log)
        view.From, view.To, value = from, to, (*hexutil.Big)(valueInt)
    case w_common.Erc721Transfer:
        view.Contract = t.Log.Address
        from, to, tokenIDInt := w_common.ParseErc721TransferLog(t.Log)
        view.From, view.To, tokenID = from, to, (*hexutil.Big)(tokenIDInt)

    view.MultiTransactionID = int64(t.MultiTransactionID)
    view.Value = value
    view.TokenID = tokenID

    return view

func getFixedTransferType(tx Transfer) w_common.Type {
    // erc721 transfers share signature with erc20 ones, so they both used to be categorized as erc20
    // by the Downloader. We fix this here since they might be mis-categorized in the db.
    if tx.Type == w_common.Erc20Transfer {
        eventType := w_common.GetEventType(tx.Log)
        return w_common.EventTypeToSubtransactionType(eventType)
    return tx.Type