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Test Coverage
package timesource

import (



const (
    // DefaultMaxAllowedFailures defines how many failures will be tolerated.
    DefaultMaxAllowedFailures = 4

    // FastNTPSyncPeriod period between ntp synchronizations before the first
    // successful connection.
    FastNTPSyncPeriod = 2 * time.Minute

    // SlowNTPSyncPeriod period between ntp synchronizations after the first
    // successful connection.
    SlowNTPSyncPeriod = 1 * time.Hour

    // DefaultRPCTimeout defines write deadline for single ntp server request.
    DefaultRPCTimeout = 2 * time.Second

// defaultServers will be resolved to the closest available,
// and with high probability resolved to the different IPs
var defaultServers = []string{
var errUpdateOffset = errors.New("failed to compute offset")

var ntpTimeSource *NTPTimeSource
var ntpTimeSourceCreator func() *NTPTimeSource
var now func() time.Time

type ntpQuery func(string, ntp.QueryOptions) (*ntp.Response, error)

type queryResponse struct {
    Offset time.Duration
    Error  error

type multiRPCError []error

func (e multiRPCError) Error() string {
    var b bytes.Buffer
    b.WriteString("RPC failed: ")
    more := false
    for _, err := range e {
        if more {
            b.WriteString("; ")
        more = true
    return b.String()

func init() {
    ntpTimeSourceCreator = func() *NTPTimeSource {
        if ntpTimeSource != nil {
            return ntpTimeSource
        ntpTimeSource = &NTPTimeSource{
            servers:           defaultServers,
            allowedFailures:   DefaultMaxAllowedFailures,
            fastNTPSyncPeriod: FastNTPSyncPeriod,
            slowNTPSyncPeriod: SlowNTPSyncPeriod,
            timeQuery:         ntp.QueryWithOptions,
        return ntpTimeSource
    now = time.Now

func computeOffset(timeQuery ntpQuery, servers []string, allowedFailures int) (time.Duration, error) {
    if len(servers) == 0 {
        return 0, nil
    responses := make(chan queryResponse, len(servers))
    for _, server := range servers {
        go func(server string) {
            response, err := timeQuery(server, ntp.QueryOptions{
                Timeout: DefaultRPCTimeout,
            if err == nil {
                err = response.Validate()
            if err != nil {
                responses <- queryResponse{Error: err}
            responses <- queryResponse{Offset: response.ClockOffset}
    var (
        rpcErrors multiRPCError
        offsets   []time.Duration
        collected int
    for response := range responses {
        if response.Error != nil {
            rpcErrors = append(rpcErrors, response.Error)
        } else {
            offsets = append(offsets, response.Offset)
        if collected == len(servers) {
    if lth := len(rpcErrors); lth > allowedFailures {
        return 0, rpcErrors
    } else if lth == len(servers) {
        return 0, rpcErrors
    sort.SliceStable(offsets, func(i, j int) bool {
        return offsets[i] > offsets[j]
    mid := len(offsets) / 2
    if len(offsets)%2 == 0 {
        return (offsets[mid-1] + offsets[mid]) / 2, nil
    return offsets[mid], nil

// Default initializes time source with default config values.
func Default() *NTPTimeSource {
    return ntpTimeSourceCreator()

// NTPTimeSource provides source of time that tries to be resistant to time skews.
// It does so by periodically querying time offset from ntp servers.
type NTPTimeSource struct {
    servers           []string
    allowedFailures   int
    fastNTPSyncPeriod time.Duration
    slowNTPSyncPeriod time.Duration
    timeQuery         ntpQuery // for ease of testing

    quit    chan struct{}
    started bool

    mu           sync.RWMutex
    latestOffset time.Duration

// Now returns time adjusted by latest known offset
func (s *NTPTimeSource) Now() time.Time {
    return now().Add(s.latestOffset)

func (s *NTPTimeSource) updateOffset() error {
    offset, err := computeOffset(s.timeQuery, s.servers, s.allowedFailures)
    if err != nil {
        log.Error("failed to compute offset", "error", err)
        return errUpdateOffset
    log.Info("Difference with ntp servers", "offset", offset)
    s.latestOffset = offset

    return nil

// runPeriodically runs periodically the given function based on NTPTimeSource
// synchronization limits (fastNTPSyncPeriod / slowNTPSyncPeriod)
func (s *NTPTimeSource) runPeriodically(fn func() error, starWithSlowSyncPeriod bool) {
    if s.started {

    period := s.fastNTPSyncPeriod
    if starWithSlowSyncPeriod {
        period = s.slowNTPSyncPeriod
    s.quit = make(chan struct{})
    go func() {
        for {
            select {
            case <-time.After(period):
                if err := fn(); err == nil {
                    period = s.slowNTPSyncPeriod
                } else if period != s.slowNTPSyncPeriod {
                    period = s.fastNTPSyncPeriod

            case <-s.quit:

// Start initializes the local offset and starts a goroutine that periodically updates the local offset.
func (s *NTPTimeSource) Start() {
    if s.started {

    // Attempt to update the offset synchronously so that user can have reliable messages right away
    err := s.updateOffset()
    if err != nil {
        // Failure to update can occur if the node is offline.
        // Instead of returning an error, continue with the process as the update will be retried periodically.
        log.Error("failed to update offset", err)

    s.runPeriodically(s.updateOffset, err == nil)

    s.started = true

// Stop goroutine that updates time source.
func (s *NTPTimeSource) Stop() error {
    if s.quit == nil {
        return nil
    s.started = false
    return nil

func GetCurrentTime() time.Time {
    ts := Default()

    return ts.Now()

func GetCurrentTimeInMillis() uint64 {
    return uint64(GetCurrentTime().UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond))