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Test Coverage
package transactions

import (

    eth ""


type MockETHClient struct {

func (m *MockETHClient) BatchCallContext(ctx context.Context, b []rpc.BatchElem) error {
    args := m.Called(ctx, b)
    return args.Error(0)

type MockChainClient struct {

    Clients map[common.ChainID]*MockETHClient

func NewMockChainClient() *MockChainClient {
    return &MockChainClient{
        Clients: make(map[common.ChainID]*MockETHClient),

func (m *MockChainClient) SetAvailableClients(chainIDs []common.ChainID) *MockChainClient {
    for _, chainID := range chainIDs {
        if _, ok := m.Clients[chainID]; !ok {
            m.Clients[chainID] = new(MockETHClient)
    return m

func (m *MockChainClient) AbstractEthClient(chainID common.ChainID) (chain.BatchCallClient, error) {
    if _, ok := m.Clients[chainID]; !ok {
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("no mock client for chainID %d", chainID))
    return m.Clients[chainID], nil

func GenerateTestPendingTransactions(start int, count int) []PendingTransaction {
    if count > 127 {
        panic("can't generate more than 127 distinct transactions")

    txs := make([]PendingTransaction, count)
    for i := start; i < count; i++ {
        txs[i] = PendingTransaction{
            Hash:           eth.HexToHash(fmt.Sprintf("0x1%d", i)),
            From:           eth.HexToAddress(fmt.Sprintf("0x2%d", i)),
            To:             eth.HexToAddress(fmt.Sprintf("0x3%d", i)),
            Type:           RegisterENS,
            AdditionalData: "someuser.stateofus.eth",
            Value:          bigint.BigInt{Int: big.NewInt(int64(i))},
            GasLimit:       bigint.BigInt{Int: big.NewInt(21000)},
            GasPrice:       bigint.BigInt{Int: big.NewInt(int64(i))},
            ChainID:        777,
            Status:         new(TxStatus),
            AutoDelete:     new(bool),
            Symbol:         "ETH",
            Timestamp:      uint64(i),
        *txs[i].Status = Pending  // set to pending by default
        *txs[i].AutoDelete = true // set to true by default
    return txs

// groupSliceInMap groups a slice of S into a map[K][]N using the getKeyValue function to extract the key and new value for each entry
func groupSliceInMap[S any, K comparable, N any](s []S, getKeyValue func(entry S, i int) (K, N)) map[K][]N {
    m := make(map[K][]N)
    for i, x := range s {
        k, v := getKeyValue(x, i)
        m[k] = append(m[k], v)
    return m

func keysInMap[K comparable, V any](m map[K]V) (res []K) {
    if len(m) > 0 {
        res = make([]K, 0, len(m))

    for k := range m {
        res = append(res, k)

type TestTxSummary struct {
    failStatus  bool
    DontConfirm bool
    // Timestamp will be used to mock the Timestamp if greater than 0
    Timestamp int

type summaryTxPair struct {
    summary  TestTxSummary
    tx       PendingTransaction
    answered bool

func MockTestTransactions(t *testing.T, chainClient *MockChainClient, testTxs []TestTxSummary) []PendingTransaction {
    genTxs := GenerateTestPendingTransactions(0, len(testTxs))
    for i, tx := range testTxs {
        if tx.Timestamp > 0 {
            genTxs[i].Timestamp = uint64(tx.Timestamp)

    grouped := groupSliceInMap(genTxs, func(tx PendingTransaction, i int) (common.ChainID, summaryTxPair) {
        return tx.ChainID, summaryTxPair{
            summary: testTxs[i],
            tx:      tx,

    chains := keysInMap(grouped)

    for chainID, chainSummaries := range grouped {
        // Mock the one call to getTransactionReceipt
        // It is expected that pending transactions manager will call out of order, therefore match based on hash
        cl := chainClient.Clients[chainID]
        call := cl.On("BatchCallContext", mock.Anything, mock.MatchedBy(func(b []rpc.BatchElem) bool {
            if len(b) > len(chainSummaries) {
                return false
            for i := range b {
                for _, localSummary := range chainSummaries {
                    // to satisfy gosec: C601 checks
                    sum := localSummary
                    tx := &sum.tx
                    if sum.answered {
                    require.Equal(t, GetTransactionReceiptRPCName, b[i].Method)
                    if tx.Hash == b[i].Args[0].(eth.Hash) {
                        sum.answered = true
                        return true
            return false

        call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
            elems := args.Get(1).([]rpc.BatchElem)
            for i := range elems {
                receiptWrapper, ok := elems[i].Result.(*nullableReceipt)
                require.True(t, ok)
                require.NotNil(t, receiptWrapper)
                // Simulate parsing of eth_getTransactionReceipt response
                for _, localSum := range chainSummaries {
                    // to satisfy gosec: C601 checks
                    sum := localSum
                    tx := &sum.tx
                    if tx.Hash == elems[i].Args[0].(eth.Hash) {
                        if !sum.summary.DontConfirm {
                            status := types.ReceiptStatusSuccessful
                            if sum.summary.failStatus {
                                status = types.ReceiptStatusFailed

                            receiptWrapper.Receipt = &types.Receipt{
                                BlockNumber: new(big.Int).SetUint64(1),
                                Status:      status,
    return genTxs