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Test Coverage
package common

import (



// MessageType represents where this message comes from
type MessageType int

const (
    RelayedMessageType MessageType = iota

// MessageParams specifies the exact way a message should be wrapped
// into an Envelope.
type MessageParams struct {
    Src     *ecdsa.PrivateKey
    Dst     *ecdsa.PublicKey
    KeySym  []byte
    Topic   TopicType
    Payload []byte
    Padding []byte

// ReceivedMessage represents a data packet to be received through the
// WakuV2 protocol and successfully decrypted.
type ReceivedMessage struct {
    Envelope *protocol.Envelope // Wrapped Waku Message

    MsgType MessageType

    Data      []byte
    Padding   []byte
    Signature []byte

    Sent uint32           // Time when the message was posted into the network in seconds
    Src  *ecdsa.PublicKey // Message recipient (identity used to decode the message)
    Dst  *ecdsa.PublicKey // Message recipient (identity used to decode the message)

    PubsubTopic  string
    ContentTopic TopicType

    SymKeyHash common.Hash // The Keccak256Hash of the key

    hash common.Hash

    Processed atomic.Bool

// MessagesRequest contains details of a request for historic messages.
type MessagesRequest struct {
    // ID of the request. The current implementation requires ID to be 32-byte array,
    // however, it's not enforced for future implementation.
    ID []byte `json:"id"`

    // From is a lower bound of time range.
    From uint32 `json:"from"`

    // To is a upper bound of time range.
    To uint32 `json:"to"`

    // Limit determines the number of messages sent by the mail server
    // for the current paginated request.
    Limit uint32 `json:"limit"`

    // Cursor is used as starting point for paginated requests.
    Cursor []byte `json:"cursor"`

    // Topics is a list of topics. A returned message should
    // belong to one of the topics from the list.
    Topics [][]byte `json:"topics"`

func (r MessagesRequest) Validate() error {
    if len(r.ID) != common.HashLength {
        return errors.New("invalid 'ID', expected a 32-byte slice")

    if r.From > r.To {
        return errors.New("invalid 'From' value which is greater than To")

    if r.Limit > MaxLimitInMessagesRequest {
        return fmt.Errorf("invalid 'Limit' value, expected value lower than %d", MaxLimitInMessagesRequest)

    return nil

// EnvelopeError code and optional description of the error.
type EnvelopeError struct {
    Hash        common.Hash
    Code        uint
    Description string

// ErrorToEnvelopeError converts common golang error into EnvelopeError with a code.
func ErrorToEnvelopeError(hash common.Hash, err error) EnvelopeError {
    code := EnvelopeOtherError
    switch err.(type) {
    case TimeSyncError:
        code = EnvelopeTimeNotSynced
    return EnvelopeError{
        Hash:        hash,
        Code:        code,
        Description: err.Error(),

// MessagesResponse sent as a response after processing batch of envelopes.
type MessagesResponse struct {
    // Hash is a hash of all envelopes sent in the single batch.
    Hash common.Hash
    // Per envelope error.
    Errors []EnvelopeError

func (msg *ReceivedMessage) isSymmetricEncryption() bool {
    return msg.SymKeyHash != common.Hash{}

func (msg *ReceivedMessage) isAsymmetricEncryption() bool {
    return msg.Dst != nil

// MessageStore defines interface for temporary message store.
type MessageStore interface {
    Add(*ReceivedMessage) error
    Pop() ([]*ReceivedMessage, error)

// NewMemoryMessageStore returns pointer to an instance of the MemoryMessageStore.
func NewMemoryMessageStore() *MemoryMessageStore {
    return &MemoryMessageStore{
        messages: map[common.Hash]*ReceivedMessage{},

// MemoryMessageStore represents messages stored in a memory hash table.
type MemoryMessageStore struct {
    mu       sync.Mutex
    messages map[common.Hash]*ReceivedMessage

func NewReceivedMessage(env *protocol.Envelope, msgType MessageType) *ReceivedMessage {
    ct, err := ExtractTopicFromContentTopic(env.Message().ContentTopic)
    if err != nil {
        log.Debug("failed to extract content topic from message", "topic", env.Message().ContentTopic, "err", err)
        return nil

    return &ReceivedMessage{
        Envelope:     env,
        MsgType:      msgType,
        Sent:         uint32(env.Message().GetTimestamp() / int64(time.Second)),
        ContentTopic: ct,
        PubsubTopic:  env.PubsubTopic(),

// Hash returns the SHA3 hash of the envelope, calculating it if not yet done.
func (msg *ReceivedMessage) Hash() common.Hash {
    if (msg.hash == common.Hash{}) {
        msg.hash = common.BytesToHash(msg.Envelope.Hash().Bytes())
    return msg.hash

// Add adds message to store.
func (store *MemoryMessageStore) Add(msg *ReceivedMessage) error {
    if _, exist := store.messages[msg.Hash()]; !exist {
        store.messages[msg.Hash()] = msg
    return nil

// Pop returns all available messages and cleans the store.
func (store *MemoryMessageStore) Pop() ([]*ReceivedMessage, error) {
    all := make([]*ReceivedMessage, 0, len(store.messages))
    for hash, msg := range store.messages {
        delete(store.messages, hash)
        all = append(all, msg)
    return all, nil

// Open tries to decrypt an message, and populates the message fields in case of success.
func (msg *ReceivedMessage) Open(watcher *Filter) (result *ReceivedMessage) {
    if watcher == nil {
        return nil

    // The API interface forbids filters doing both symmetric and asymmetric encryption.
    if watcher.expectsAsymmetricEncryption() && watcher.expectsSymmetricEncryption() {
        return nil

    // TODO: should we update msg instead of creating a new received message?
    result = new(ReceivedMessage)

    keyInfo := new(payload.KeyInfo)
    if watcher.expectsAsymmetricEncryption() {
        keyInfo.Kind = payload.Asymmetric
        keyInfo.PrivKey = watcher.KeyAsym
        msg.Dst = &watcher.KeyAsym.PublicKey
    } else if watcher.expectsSymmetricEncryption() {
        keyInfo.Kind = payload.Symmetric
        keyInfo.SymKey = watcher.KeySym
        msg.SymKeyHash = crypto.Keccak256Hash(watcher.KeySym)

    raw, err := payload.DecodePayload(msg.Envelope.Message(), keyInfo)

    if err != nil {
        log.Error("failed to decode message", "err", err)
        return nil

    result.Envelope = msg.Envelope
    result.Data = raw.Data
    result.Padding = raw.Padding
    result.Signature = raw.Signature
    result.Src = raw.PubKey

    result.Sent = uint32(msg.Envelope.Message().GetTimestamp() / int64(time.Second))

    ct, err := ExtractTopicFromContentTopic(msg.Envelope.Message().ContentTopic)
    if err != nil {
        log.Error("failed to decode message", "err", err)
        return nil

    result.PubsubTopic = watcher.PubsubTopic
    result.ContentTopic = ct

    return result