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Test Coverage
package wakuv2

import (



    gethcommon ""




const maxContentTopicsPerRequest = 10
const maxAttemptsToRetrieveHistory = 3
const delay = 10 * time.Second

type TopicInterest struct {
    peerID        peer.ID
    pubsubTopic   string
    contentTopics []string
    lastChecked   time.Time

    ctx    context.Context
    cancel context.CancelFunc

func (p TopicInterest) Equals(other TopicInterest) bool {
    if p.peerID != other.peerID {
        return false

    if p.pubsubTopic != other.pubsubTopic {
        return false


    if len(p.contentTopics) != len(other.contentTopics) {
        return false

    for i, contentTopic := range p.contentTopics {
        if contentTopic != other.contentTopics[i] {
            return false

    return true

func (w *Waku) SetTopicsToVerifyForMissingMessages(peerID peer.ID, pubsubTopic string, contentTopics []string) {
    defer w.topicInterestMu.Unlock()

    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(w.ctx)
    newMissingMessageRequest := TopicInterest{
        peerID:        peerID,
        pubsubTopic:   pubsubTopic,
        contentTopics: contentTopics,
        lastChecked:   w.timesource.Now().Add(-delay),
        ctx:           ctx,
        cancel:        cancel,

    currMessageVerificationRequest, ok := w.topicInterest[pubsubTopic]

    if ok && currMessageVerificationRequest.Equals(newMissingMessageRequest) {

    if ok {
        // If there is an ongoing request, we cancel it before replacing it
        // by the new list. This can be probably optimized further by tracking
        // the last time a content topic was synced, but might not be necessary
        // since cancelling an ongoing request would mean cancelling just a single
        // page of results

    w.topicInterest[pubsubTopic] = newMissingMessageRequest

func (w *Waku) checkForMissingMessages() {
    defer w.wg.Done()
    defer w.logger.Debug("checkForMissingMessages - done")

    t := time.NewTicker(time.Minute)
    defer t.Stop()

    var semaphore = make(chan struct{}, 5)
    for {
        select {
        case <-t.C:
            w.logger.Debug("checking for missing messages...")
            for _, request := range w.topicInterest {
                select {
                case <-w.ctx.Done():
                    semaphore <- struct{}{}
                    go func(r TopicInterest) {

        case <-w.ctx.Done():

func (w *Waku) FetchHistory(missingHistoryRequest TopicInterest) {
    for i := 0; i < len(missingHistoryRequest.contentTopics); i += maxContentTopicsPerRequest {
        j := i + maxContentTopicsPerRequest
        if j > len(missingHistoryRequest.contentTopics) {
            j = len(missingHistoryRequest.contentTopics)

        now := w.timesource.Now()
        err := w.fetchMessagesBatch(missingHistoryRequest, i, j, now)
        if err != nil {
            if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {

            w.logger.Error("could not fetch history", zap.Stringer("peerID", missingHistoryRequest.peerID), zap.String("pubsubTopic", missingHistoryRequest.pubsubTopic), zap.Strings("contentTopics", missingHistoryRequest.contentTopics))

        c := w.topicInterest[missingHistoryRequest.pubsubTopic]
        if c.Equals(missingHistoryRequest) {
            c.lastChecked = now
            w.topicInterest[missingHistoryRequest.pubsubTopic] = c

func (w *Waku) storeQueryWithRetry(ctx context.Context, queryFunc func(ctx context.Context) (*store.Result, error), logger *zap.Logger, logMsg string) (*store.Result, error) {
    retry := true
    count := 1
    for retry && count <= maxAttemptsToRetrieveHistory {
        logger.Debug(logMsg, zap.Int("attempt", count))
        tCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 20*time.Second)
        result, err := queryFunc(tCtx)
        if err != nil {
            logger.Error("could not query storenode", zap.Error(err), zap.Int("attempt", count))
            select {
            case <-w.ctx.Done():
                return nil, w.ctx.Err()
            case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
        } else {
            return result, nil

    return nil, errors.New("storenode not available")

func (w *Waku) fetchMessagesBatch(missingHistoryRequest TopicInterest, batchFrom int, batchTo int, now time.Time) error {
    logger := w.logger.With(
        zap.Stringer("peerID", missingHistoryRequest.peerID),
        zap.Strings("contentTopics", missingHistoryRequest.contentTopics[batchFrom:batchTo]),
        zap.String("pubsubTopic", missingHistoryRequest.pubsubTopic),
        logutils.WakuMessageTimestamp("from", proto.Int64(missingHistoryRequest.lastChecked.UnixNano())),
        logutils.WakuMessageTimestamp("to", proto.Int64(now.UnixNano())),

    result, err := w.storeQueryWithRetry(missingHistoryRequest.ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (*store.Result, error) {
        return w.node.Store().Query(ctx, store.FilterCriteria{
            ContentFilter: protocol.NewContentFilter(missingHistoryRequest.pubsubTopic, missingHistoryRequest.contentTopics[batchFrom:batchTo]...),
            TimeStart:     proto.Int64(missingHistoryRequest.lastChecked.Add(-delay).UnixNano()),
            TimeEnd:       proto.Int64(now.Add(-delay).UnixNano()),
        }, store.WithPeer(missingHistoryRequest.peerID), store.WithPaging(false, 100), store.IncludeData(false))
    }, logger, "retrieving history to check for missing messages")
    if err != nil {
        if !errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
            logger.Error("storenode not available", zap.Error(err))
        return err

    var missingMessages []pb.MessageHash

    for !result.IsComplete() {
        for _, mkv := range result.Messages() {
            hash := pb.ToMessageHash(mkv.MessageHash)

            alreadyCached := w.envelopeCache.Has(gethcommon.Hash(hash))
            if alreadyCached {

            missingMessages = append(missingMessages, hash)

        result, err = w.storeQueryWithRetry(missingHistoryRequest.ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (*store.Result, error) {
            if err = result.Next(ctx); err != nil {
                return nil, err
            return result, nil
        }, logger.With(zap.String("cursor", hex.EncodeToString(result.Cursor()))), "retrieving next page")
        if err != nil {
            if !errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
                logger.Error("storenode not available", zap.Error(err))
            return err

    if len(missingMessages) == 0 {
        // Nothing to do here
        return nil

    result, err = w.storeQueryWithRetry(missingHistoryRequest.ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (*store.Result, error) {
        return w.node.Store().QueryByHash(ctx, missingMessages, store.WithPeer(missingHistoryRequest.peerID), store.WithPaging(false, 100))
    }, logger, "retrieving missing messages")
    if err != nil {
        if !errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
            logger.Error("storenode not available", zap.Error(err))
        return err

    for !result.IsComplete() {
        for _, mkv := range result.Messages() {
            envelope := protocol.NewEnvelope(mkv.Message, mkv.Message.GetTimestamp(), mkv.GetPubsubTopic())
            w.logger.Info("received waku2 store message",
                zap.Stringer("envelopeHash", envelope.Hash()),
                zap.String("pubsubTopic", mkv.GetPubsubTopic()),
                zap.Int64p("timestamp", envelope.Message().Timestamp),

            err = w.OnNewEnvelopes(envelope, common.StoreMessageType, false)
            if err != nil {
                return err

        result, err = w.storeQueryWithRetry(missingHistoryRequest.ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (*store.Result, error) {
            if err = result.Next(ctx); err != nil {
                return nil, err
            return result, nil
        }, logger.With(zap.String("cursor", hex.EncodeToString(result.Cursor()))), "retrieving next page")
        if err != nil {
            if !errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
                logger.Error("storenode not available", zap.Error(err))
            return err

    return nil