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Test Coverage
    ZoneID: "Zone ID"
    QuickActionsLabel: "Quick Actions"
    PurgeAllButton: "Purge All"
    PurgeStylesheetsButton: "Purge Stylesheets"
    PurgeJavascriptButton: "Purge Javascript"
    PurgeImagesButton: "Purge Images"
    SingleFileLabel: "Single File / URL"
    ProvidedFileNotFound: "Please provide a valid file to purge first"
    FailurePurgeProvidedFile: "An error occurred while attempting to purge the provided file(s)"
    NoPermission: "You do not have permission to do that..."
    NoCredentialsDefined: "No Cloudflare credentials have been defined. Please see above, or refer to the readme to find out more."
    NoModulePermissions: "You don't have permission to use this module."
    ModuleFooterLabel: "Cloudflare Module"
    NoLocalhost: "This module does not operate under <strong>localhost</strong>. Please ensure your website has a resolvable DNS and access the website via the domain."
    ZoneIdNotFound: "Unable to detect a Zone ID for <strong>{server_name}</strong> under the defined Cloudflare user.<br/><br/>Please create a new zone under this account to use this module on this domain."
    NoFilesToPurge: "No {what} files were found to purge."
    SuccessFilesPurged: "Successfully purged {file_count} {what} files from cache."
    PurgedEverything: "Successfully purged <strong>EVERYTHING</strong> from cache."
    SuccessCriticalElementChanged: "A critical element has changed in this page (url, menu label, or page title) as a result; everything was purged"
    SuccessPurgeCurrentPage: "Successfully purged cache for the current page"
    FailurePurgeCurrentPage: "An error occurred while attempting to purge cache for the current page"
    SuccessPurgeMultiple: "Cache has been purged for: {file_count} files"
    FailurePurgeMultiple: "An error occurred while attempting to purge cache for multiple pages"
    UnpublishAllCachePurged: "All cache has been purged as a result of unpublishing a page."
    FailureAllCachePurged: "We encountered an error when attempting to purge all cache, consider doing this manually."
    ActionMenuPurge: "Purge in Cloudflare"
    SingleUrlPurgeButton: "Purge"
    UnableToDetect: "UNABLE TO DETECT"