= content_for :head, auto_discovery_link_tag(:atom, discussions_url(trending_by_rshares: 'true', min_rshares: @min_rshares, max_rshares: @max_rshares, format: :atom))
= content_for :head, auto_discovery_link_tag(:rss, discussions_url(trending_by_rshares: 'true', min_rshares: @min_rshares, max_rshares: @max_rshares, format: :rss))
= render partial: 'nav' unless action_name == 'card'
.card.border-top-0{style: 'padding-top: 0'}
= form_tag discussions_path, method: :get, class: 'form-inline' do
= hidden_field_tag :trending_by_rshares, true
%label{for: :min_rshares} Minimum Rshares:
= number_field_tag :min_rshares, @min_rshares, class: 'form-control form-control-sm', style: 'width: 240px'
%label{for: :max_rshares} Maximum Rshares:
= number_field_tag :max_rshares, @max_rshares, class: 'form-control form-control-sm', style: 'width: 240px'
= submit_tag 'Query', class: 'btn btn-primary'
Trending authors with a minimum voter rshares of
%font.rshares= @min_rshares
and max voter rshares of
%font.rshares= @max_rshares
- @discussions.group_by{ |d| group_pattern(d) }.sort_by{ |d| d.first }.reverse.each do |group|
- key = group.first
- rshares = key.last
- discussion = group.last.last
%font.rshares= discussion[:max_rshares]
- if group.last.size == 1
= link_to discussion[:title], "#{site_prefix}#{discussion[:url]}"
= link_to discussion[:author], "#{site_prefix}/@#{discussion[:author]}"
- else
- group.last.each do |discussion|
= link_to discussion[:title], "#{site_prefix}#{discussion[:url]}"
= link_to discussion[:author], "#{site_prefix}/@#{discussion[:author]}"