module Nucleus
module API
module Models
# The {CollectionEntity} is a Grape::Entity model for API references to match HATEOAS.
# It is based on the HAL syntax and provides convenience methods
# to be used by child classes.
class CollectionEntity < AbstractEntity
# A collection, for instance applications registered at the endpoint.
# Exposes the list of items and meta information, e.g. the size of the collection.
# @param [String] key key to be used in the api as entry
# @param [String] full_name full name of the entity, used for the collection's description
# @param [Nucleus::API::Models::AbstractEntity] model class of the entities contained in the collection
# @return [void]
def self.item_collection(key, full_name, model)
present_collection true
model_class_name = model.to_s.gsub(/^.*::/, '')
expose :size, documentation: {
type: 'int', required: true,
desc: "Number of items in the '#{key}' collection"
} do |instance, _o|
instance[:items].nil? ? 0 : instance[:items].size
expose :items, as: key.to_sym, documentation: {
type: model_class_name, desc: "List of #{full_name}", is_array: true,
required: true
}, using: model
# Create the basic links for the collection. This includes the self-reference and the parent API element.
# @param [String] unformatted_link unformatted link of the parent resource
# @param [String] action_name name of the current action, to be used for self-reference
# @return [void]
def self.basic_links(unformatted_link, action_name)
expose :_links, using: Models::BasicReferences, documentation: {
required: true,
type: 'BasicReferences', desc: 'Resource links', is_array: true
} do |_instance, o|
self: { href: link_resource(format(unformatted_link, o[:env]['rack.routing_args']), action_name) },
# link back to the parent resource
parent: { href: link_resource(format(unformatted_link, o[:env]['rack.routing_args'])) }