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# Xdrgen

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`xdrgen` is a code generator that takes XDR IDL files (`.x` files) as specified
in [RFC 4506]( and spits code out in
various languages.

`xdrgen` requires ruby 2.1 or later to run.

## Status

Xdrgen is a very early project.  Aside from the test fixtures in
[spec/fixtures](spec/fixtures), the only .x files that have been thrown at it
are the .x files used for the
[stellar-core project](

Xdrgen presently supports these output languages: ruby, javacript, java,
golang, elixir and Python:

- ruby: complete support
- javascript: complete support
- java: complete support
- golang: currently using a fork of go-xdr, but has complete support
- rust: support is experimental. Default arms and floats are not supported.
- elixir: support is experimental as the SDK is in early development. Generated
  code requires [:exdr]( in your deps
- C#: complete support
- Python: complete support
Testing is _very_ sparse, but will improve over time.

## Usage as a binary

Xdrgen is a rubygem, compatible with ruby 2.1 or higher

    $ gem install xdrgen

The command line:


### Language Specific Options

### Rust

`--rust-types-custom-str-impl`: Used to specify a comma-separated list of type names that should not have string conversion code generated as it will be provided by custom implementations provided by the developer using the generated code.

## Usage as a library

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'xdrgen'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Example usage:

require 'xdrgen'

# create a compilation object, specifying your options

c =
  language: :ruby,
  namespace: "MyProgram::XDR",
  options: {
    rust_types_custom_str_impl: [],
    rust_types_custom_jsonschema_impl: [],

# then run compile



## Contributing

1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/xdrgen/fork )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create a new Pull Request