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StellarGraph basics

`StellarGraph <>`_ has support for loading data via Pandas, NetworkX and Neo4j. This folder contains examples of the loading data into a ``StellarGraph`` object, which is the format used by the machine learning algorithms in this library.

Find demos for a format

.. list-table::
   :header-rows: 1

   * - Demo
     - Data formats
     - Performance
     - Data preprocessing
   * - :doc:`loading-pandas`
     - Anything `supported by Pandas <>`__: CSV, TSV, Excel, JSON, SQL, HDF5, many more
     - Good
     - Via Pandas, `scikit-learn <>`__ and more
   * - :doc:`loading-numpy`
     - Anything supported by `NumPy <>`__, `SciPy <>`__ or other libraries: CSV, TSV, MATLAB ``.mat``, NetCDF, many more
     - Best
     - Via NumPy, `scikit-learn <>`__ and more
   * - :doc:`loading-networkx`
     - Anything `supported by NetworkX <>`__: Adjacency lists, GEXF, GML, GraphML, Shapefiles, many more
     - Poor
     - Via graph-focused transforms and functions in NetworkX
   * - :doc:`loading-saving-neo4j`
     - Any Cypher query supported by `Neo4j <>`__
     - Good for subgraphs and other queries
     - Via Cypher functionality

See :doc:`all demos for machine learning algorithms <../index>`.

Table of contents

.. toctree::
