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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017-2020 Data61, CSIRO
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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import queue
import warnings
from collections.__init__ import namedtuple
from ..core.utils import is_real_iterable

EdgeType = namedtuple("EdgeType", "n1 rel n2")

class GraphSchema:
    Class to encapsulate the schema information for a heterogeneous graph.

    Typically this should be created from a StellarGraph object, using the
    :func:`~stellargraph.core.graph.create_graph_schema` method.

    def __init__(self, is_directed, node_types, edge_types, schema):
        self._is_directed = is_directed
        self.node_types = node_types
        self.edge_types = edge_types
        self.schema = schema

    def __repr__(self):
        s = "{}:\n".format(type(self).__name__)
        for nt in self.schema:
            s += "node type: {}\n".format(nt)
            for e in self.schema[nt]:
                s += "   {} -- {} -> {}\n".format(*e)
        return s

    def is_directed(self):
        return self._is_directed

    def node_index(self, name):
        Return node type index from the type name

            index: name of the node type.

            Numerical node type index
            index = self.node_types.index(name)
        except ValueError:
                "Node key '{}' not found.".format(name), RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2
            index = None
        return index

    def edge_index(self, edge_type):
        Return edge type index from the type tuple

            index: Tuple of (node1_type, edge_type, node2_type)

            Numerical edge type index
        if edge_type in self.edge_types:
            index = self.edge_types.index(edge_type)

            raise ValueError("Edge key '{}' not found.".format(edge_type))

        return index

    def sampling_tree(self, head_node_types, n_hops):
        Returns a sampling tree for the specified head node types
        for neighbours up to n_hops away.
        A unique ID is created for each sampling node.

            head_node_types: An iterable of the types of the head nodes
            n_hops: The number of hops away

            A list of the form [(type_adjacency_index, node_type, [children]), ...]
            where children are (type_adjacency_index, node_type, [children])

        adjacency_list = self.type_adjacency_list(head_node_types, n_hops)

        def pack_tree(nodes, level):
            return [
                (n, adjacency_list[n][0], pack_tree(adjacency_list[n][1], level + 1))
                for n in nodes

        # The first k nodes will be the head nodes in the adjacency list
        return adjacency_list, pack_tree(range(len(head_node_types)), 0)

    def sampling_layout(self, head_node_types, num_samples):
        For a sampling scheme with a list of head node types and the
        number of samples per hop, return the map from the actual
        sample index to the adjacency list index.

            head_node_types: A list of node types of the head nodes.
            num_samples: A list of integers that are the number of neighbours
                         to sample at each hop.

            A list containing, for each head node type, a list consisting of
            tuples of (node_type, sampling_index). The list matches the
            list given by the method `type_adjacency_list(...)` and can be
            used to reformat the samples given by `SampledBreadthFirstWalk` to
            that expected by the HinSAGE model.
        adjacency_list = self.type_adjacency_list(head_node_types, len(num_samples))
        sample_index_layout = []
        sample_inverse_layout = []

        # The head nodes are the first K nodes in the adjacency list
        # TODO: generalize this?
        for ii, hnt in enumerate(head_node_types):
            adj_to_samples = [(adj[0], []) for adj in adjacency_list]

            # The head nodes will be the first sample in the appropriate
            # sampling list, and the ii-th in the adjacenecy list
            sample_to_adj = {0: ii}

            # Set the start group as the head node and point the index to the next hop
            node_groups = [(ii, hnt)]
            sample_index = 1

            # Iterate over all hops
            for jj, nsamples in enumerate(num_samples):
                next_node_groups = []
                for a_key, nt1 in node_groups:
                    # For each node we sample from all edge types from that node
                    edge_types = self.schema[nt1]

                    # We want to place the samples for these edge types in the correct
                    # place in the adjacency list
                    next_keys = adjacency_list[a_key][1]

                    for et, next_key in zip(edge_types, next_keys):
                        # These are psueo-samples for each edge type
                        sample_types = [(next_key, et.n2)] * nsamples

                        # Store the node type, adjacency and sampling indices
                        sample_to_adj[sample_index] = next_key
                        sample_index += 1

                        # Sanity check
                        assert adj_to_samples[next_key][0] == et.n2

                node_groups = next_node_groups

            # Add samples to layout and inverse layout
        return sample_inverse_layout

    def type_adjacency_list(self, head_node_types, n_hops):
        Creates a BFS sampling tree as an adjacency list from head node types.

        Each list element is a tuple of::

            (node_type, [child_1, child_2, ...])

        where ``child_k`` is an index pointing to the child of the current node.

        Note that the children are ordered by edge type.

            head_node_types: Node types of head nodes.
            n_hops: How many hops to sample.

            List of form ``[ (node_type, [children]), ...]``
        if not isinstance(head_node_types, (list, tuple)):
            raise TypeError("The head node types should be a list or tuple.")

        if not isinstance(n_hops, int):
            raise TypeError("n_hops should be an integer")

        to_process = queue.Queue()

        # Add head nodes
        clist = list()
        for ii, hn in enumerate(head_node_types):
            if n_hops > 0:
                to_process.put((hn, ii, 0))
            clist.append((hn, []))

        while not to_process.empty():
            # Get node, node index, and level
            nt, ninx, lvl = to_process.get()

            # The ordered list of edge types from this node type
            ets = self.schema[nt]

            # Iterate over edge types (in order)
            for et in ets:
                cinx = len(clist)
                clist.append((et.n2, []))
                if n_hops > lvl + 1:
                    to_process.put((et.n2, cinx, lvl + 1))

        return clist