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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018-2020 Data61, CSIRO
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Sequences to provide input to Keras

__all__ = [

import warnings
import operator
import random
import collections
import numpy as np
import itertools as it
import networkx as nx
import scipy.sparse as sps
from tensorflow.keras import backend as K
from functools import reduce
from tensorflow.keras.utils import Sequence
from import UnsupervisedSampler
from ..core.utils import is_real_iterable
from ..random import random_state
from scipy import sparse
from ..core.experimental import experimental

class NodeSequence(Sequence):
    """Keras-compatible data generator to use with the Keras
    methods :meth:``, :meth:`keras.Model.evaluate`,
    and :meth:`keras.Model.predict`.

    This class generated data samples for node inference models
    and should be created using the `.flow(...)` method of
    :class:`.GraphSAGENodeGenerator` or :class:`.DirectedGraphSAGENodeGenerator`
    or :class:`.HinSAGENodeGenerator` or :class:`.Attri2VecNodeGenerator`.

    These generator classes are used within the NodeSequence to generate
    the required features for downstream ML tasks from the graph.

        sample_function (Callable): A function that returns features for supplied head nodes.
        ids (list): A list of the node_ids to be used as head-nodes in the downstream task.
        targets (list, optional): A list of targets or labels to be used in the downstream task.
        shuffle (bool): If True (default) the ids will be randomly shuffled every epoch.

    def __init__(
        self, sample_function, batch_size, ids, targets=None, shuffle=True, seed=None
        # Check that ids is an iterable
        if not is_real_iterable(ids):
            raise TypeError("IDs must be an iterable or numpy array of graph node IDs")

        # Check targets is iterable & has the correct length
        if targets is not None:
            if not is_real_iterable(targets):
                raise TypeError("Targets must be None or an iterable or numpy array ")
            if len(ids) != len(targets):
                raise ValueError(
                    "The length of the targets must be the same as the length of the ids"
            self.targets = np.asanyarray(targets)
            self.targets = None

        # Store the generator to draw samples from graph
        if isinstance(sample_function,
            self._sample_function = sample_function
            raise TypeError(
                "({}) The sampling function expects a callable function.".format(

        self.ids = list(ids)
        self.data_size = len(self.ids)
        self.shuffle = shuffle
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self._rs, _ = random_state(seed)

        # Shuffle IDs to start

    def __len__(self):
        """Denotes the number of batches per epoch"""
        return int(np.ceil(self.data_size / self.batch_size))

    def __getitem__(self, batch_num):
        Generate one batch of data

            batch_num (int): number of a batch

            batch_feats (list): Node features for nodes and neighbours sampled from a
                batch of the supplied IDs
            batch_targets (list): Targets/labels for the batch.

        start_idx = self.batch_size * batch_num
        end_idx = start_idx + self.batch_size
        if start_idx >= self.data_size:
            raise IndexError("Mapper: batch_num larger than length of data")
        # print("Fetching batch {} [{}]".format(batch_num, start_idx))

        # The ID indices for this batch
        batch_indices = self.indices[start_idx:end_idx]

        # Get head (root) nodes
        head_ids = [self.ids[ii] for ii in batch_indices]

        # Get corresponding targets
        batch_targets = None if self.targets is None else self.targets[batch_indices]

        # Get features for nodes
        batch_feats = self._sample_function(head_ids, batch_num)

        return batch_feats, batch_targets

    def on_epoch_end(self):
        Shuffle all head (root) nodes at the end of each epoch
        self.indices = list(range(self.data_size))
        if self.shuffle:

class LinkSequence(Sequence):
    Keras-compatible data generator to use with Keras methods :meth:``,
    :meth:`keras.Model.evaluate`, and :meth:`keras.Model.predict`
    This class generates data samples for link inference models
    and should be created using the :meth:`flow` method of
    :class:`.GraphSAGELinkGenerator` or :class:`.HinSAGELinkGenerator` or :class:`.Attri2VecLinkGenerator`.

        sample_function (Callable): A function that returns features for supplied head nodes.
        ids (iterable): Link IDs to batch, each link id being a tuple of (src, dst) node ids.
        targets (list, optional): A list of targets or labels to be used in the downstream task.
        shuffle (bool): If True (default) the ids will be randomly shuffled every epoch.
        seed (int, optional): Random seed

    def __init__(
        self, sample_function, batch_size, ids, targets=None, shuffle=True, seed=None
        # Check that ids is an iterable
        if not is_real_iterable(ids):
            raise TypeError("IDs must be an iterable or numpy array of graph node IDs")

        # Check targets is iterable & has the correct length
        if targets is not None:
            if not is_real_iterable(targets):
                raise TypeError("Targets must be None or an iterable or numpy array ")
            if len(ids) != len(targets):
                raise ValueError(
                    "The length of the targets must be the same as the length of the ids"
            self.targets = np.asanyarray(targets)
            self.targets = None

        # Ensure number of labels matches number of ids
        if targets is not None and len(ids) != len(targets):
            raise ValueError("Length of link ids must match length of link targets")

        # Store the generator to draw samples from graph
        if isinstance(sample_function,
            self._sample_features = sample_function
            raise TypeError(
                "({}) The sampling function expects a callable function.".format(

        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.ids = list(ids)
        self.data_size = len(self.ids)
        self.shuffle = shuffle
        self._rs, _ = random_state(seed)

        # Shuffle the IDs to begin

    def __len__(self):
        """Denotes the number of batches per epoch"""
        return int(np.ceil(self.data_size / self.batch_size))

    def __getitem__(self, batch_num):
        Generate one batch of data
            batch_num (int): number of a batch
            batch_feats (list): Node features for nodes and neighbours sampled from a
                batch of the supplied IDs
            batch_targets (list): Targets/labels for the batch.
        start_idx = self.batch_size * batch_num
        end_idx = start_idx + self.batch_size

        if start_idx >= self.data_size:
            raise IndexError("Mapper: batch_num larger than length of data")
        # print("Fetching {} batch {} [{}]".format(, batch_num, start_idx))

        # The ID indices for this batch
        batch_indices = self.indices[start_idx:end_idx]

        # Get head (root) nodes for links
        head_ids = [self.ids[ii] for ii in batch_indices]

        # Get targets for nodes
        batch_targets = None if self.targets is None else self.targets[batch_indices]

        # Get node features for batch of link ids
        batch_feats = self._sample_features(head_ids, batch_num)

        return batch_feats, batch_targets

    def on_epoch_end(self):
        Shuffle all link IDs at the end of each epoch
        self.indices = list(range(self.data_size))
        if self.shuffle:

class OnDemandLinkSequence(Sequence):
    Keras-compatible data generator to use with Keras methods :meth:``,
    :meth:`keras.Model.evaluate`, and :meth:`keras.Model.predict`

    This class generates data samples for link inference models
    and should be created using the :meth:`flow` method of
    :class:`.GraphSAGELinkGenerator` or :class:`.Attri2VecLinkGenerator`.

        sample_function (Callable): A function that returns features for supplied head nodes.
        sampler (UnsupersizedSampler):  An object that encapsulates the neighbourhood sampling of a graph.
            The generator method of this class returns a batch of positive and negative samples on demand.

    def __init__(self, sample_function, batch_size, walker, shuffle=True):
        # Store the generator to draw samples from graph
        if isinstance(sample_function,
            self._sample_features = sample_function
            raise TypeError(
                "({}) The sampling function expects a callable function.".format(

        if not isinstance(walker, UnsupervisedSampler):
            raise TypeError(
                "({}) UnsupervisedSampler is required.".format(type(self).__name__)

        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.walker = walker
        self.shuffle = shuffle
        # FIXME(#681): all batches are created at once, so this is no longer "on demand"
        self._batches = self._create_batches()
        self.length = len(self._batches)
        self.data_size = sum(len(batch[0]) for batch in self._batches)

    def __getitem__(self, batch_num):
        Generate one batch of data.

            batch_num<int>: number of a batch

            batch_feats<list>: Node features for nodes and neighbours sampled from a
                batch of the supplied IDs
            batch_targets<list>: Targets/labels for the batch.


        if batch_num >= self.__len__():
            raise IndexError(
                "Mapper: batch_num larger than number of esstaimted  batches for this epoch."
        # print("Fetching {} batch {} [{}]".format(, batch_num, start_idx))

        # Get head nodes and labels
        head_ids, batch_targets = self._batches[batch_num]

        # Obtain features for head ids
        batch_feats = self._sample_features(head_ids, batch_num)

        return batch_feats, batch_targets

    def __len__(self):
        """Denotes the number of batches per epoch"""
        return self.length

    def _create_batches(self):

    def on_epoch_end(self):
        Shuffle all link IDs at the end of each epoch
        if self.shuffle:
            self._batches = self._create_batches()

def _full_batch_array_and_reshape(array, propagate_none=False):
        array: an array-like object
        propagate_none: if True, return None when array is None
        array as a numpy array with an extra first dimension (batch dimension) equal to 1
    # if it's ok, just short-circuit on None (e.g. for target arrays, that may or may not exist)
    if propagate_none and array is None:
        return None

    as_np = np.asanyarray(array)
    return np.reshape(as_np, (1,) + as_np.shape)

class FullBatchSequence(Sequence):
    Keras-compatible data generator for for node inference models
    that require full-batch training (e.g., GCN, GAT).
    Use this class with the Keras methods :meth:``,
        :meth:`keras.Model.evaluate`, and

    This class should be created using the `.flow(...)` method of

        features (np.ndarray): An array of node features of size (N x F),
            where N is the number of nodes in the graph, F is the node feature size
        A (np.ndarray or sparse matrix): An adjacency matrix of the graph of size (N x N).
        targets (np.ndarray, optional): An optional array of node targets of size (N x C),
            where C is the target size (e.g., number of classes for one-hot class targets)
        indices (np.ndarray, optional): Array of indices to the feature and adjacency matrix
            of the targets. Required if targets is not None.

    use_sparse = False

    def __init__(self, features, A, targets=None, indices=None):

        if (targets is not None) and (len(indices) != len(targets)):
            raise ValueError(
                "When passed together targets and indices should be the same length."

        # Store features and targets as np.ndarray
        self.features = np.asanyarray(features)
        self.target_indices = np.asanyarray(indices)

        # Convert sparse matrix to dense:
        if sps.issparse(A) and hasattr(A, "toarray"):
            self.A_dense = _full_batch_array_and_reshape(A.toarray())
        elif isinstance(A, (np.ndarray, np.matrix)):
            self.A_dense = _full_batch_array_and_reshape(A)
            raise TypeError(
                "Expected input matrix to be either a Scipy sparse matrix or a Numpy array."

        # Reshape all inputs to have batch dimension of 1
        self.features = _full_batch_array_and_reshape(features)
        self.target_indices = _full_batch_array_and_reshape(indices)
        self.inputs = [self.features, self.target_indices, self.A_dense]

        self.targets = _full_batch_array_and_reshape(targets, propagate_none=True)

    def __len__(self):
        return 1

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        return self.inputs, self.targets

class SparseFullBatchSequence(Sequence):
    Keras-compatible data generator for for node inference models
    that require full-batch training (e.g., GCN, GAT).
    Use this class with the Keras methods :meth:``,
        :meth:`keras.Model.evaluate`, and

    This class uses sparse matrix representations to send data to the models,
    and only works with the Keras tensorflow backend. For any other backends,
    use the :class:`.FullBatchSequence` class.

    This class should be created using the `.flow(...)` method of

        features (np.ndarray): An array of node features of size (N x F),
            where N is the number of nodes in the graph, F is the node feature size
        A (sparse matrix): An adjacency matrix of the graph of size (N x N).
        targets (np.ndarray, optional): An optional array of node targets of size (N x C),
            where C is the target size (e.g., number of classes for one-hot class targets)
        indices (np.ndarray, optional): Array of indices to the feature and adjacency matrix
            of the targets. Required if targets is not None.

    use_sparse = True

    def __init__(self, features, A, targets=None, indices=None):

        if (targets is not None) and (len(indices) != len(targets)):
            raise ValueError(
                "When passed together targets and indices should be the same length."

        # Ensure matrix is in COO format to extract indices
        if sps.isspmatrix(A):
            A = A.tocoo()

            raise ValueError("Adjacency matrix not in expected sparse format")

        # Convert matrices to list of indices & values
        self.A_indices = np.expand_dims(
            np.hstack((A.row[:, None], A.col[:, None])), 0
        self.A_values = np.expand_dims(, 0)

        # Reshape all inputs to have batch dimension of 1
        self.target_indices = _full_batch_array_and_reshape(indices)
        self.features = _full_batch_array_and_reshape(features)
        self.inputs = [

        self.targets = _full_batch_array_and_reshape(targets, propagate_none=True)

    def __len__(self):
        return 1

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        return self.inputs, self.targets

class RelationalFullBatchNodeSequence(Sequence):
    Keras-compatible data generator for for node inference models on relational graphs
    that require full-batch training (e.g., RGCN).
    Use this class with the Keras methods :meth:``,
        :meth:`keras.Model.evaluate`, and

    This class uses either dense or sparse representations to send data to the models.

    This class should be created using the `.flow(...)` method of

        features (np.ndarray): An array of node features of size (N x F),
            where N is the number of nodes in the graph, F is the node feature size
        As (list of sparse matrices): A list of length R of adjacency matrices of the graph of size (N x N)
            where R is the number of relationships in the graph.
        targets (np.ndarray, optional): An optional array of node targets of size (N x C),
            where C is the target size (e.g., number of classes for one-hot class targets)
        indices (np.ndarray, optional): Array of indices to the feature and adjacency matrix
            of the targets. Required if targets is not None.

    def __init__(self, features, As, use_sparse, targets=None, indices=None):

        if (targets is not None) and (len(indices) != len(targets)):
            raise ValueError(
                "When passed together targets and indices should be the same length."

        self.use_sparse = use_sparse

        # Convert all adj matrices to dense and reshape to have batch dimension of 1
        if self.use_sparse:
            self.A_indices = [
                    np.hstack((A.row[:, None], A.col[:, None])).astype(np.int64), 0
                for A in As
            self.A_values = [np.expand_dims(, 0) for A in As]
            self.As = self.A_indices + self.A_values
            self.As = [np.expand_dims(A.todense(), 0) for A in As]

        # Make sure all inputs are numpy arrays, and have batch dimension of 1
        self.target_indices = _full_batch_array_and_reshape(indices)
        self.features = _full_batch_array_and_reshape(features)
        self.inputs = [self.features, self.target_indices] + self.As

        self.targets = _full_batch_array_and_reshape(targets, propagate_none=True)

    def __len__(self):
        return 1

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        return self.inputs, self.targets