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# rack-2.1.4

module Rack
  def self.release; end
  def self.version; end
module Rack::Auth
module Rack::Auth::Digest
module Rack::Session
class Rack::BodyProxy
  def close; end
  def closed?; end
  def each; end
  def initialize(body, &block); end
  def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block); end
  def respond_to?(method_name, include_all = nil); end
class Rack::Cascade
  def <<(app); end
  def add(app); end
  def apps; end
  def call(env); end
  def include?(app); end
  def initialize(apps, catch = nil); end
module Rack::RegexpExtensions
class Rack::QueryParser
  def initialize(params_class, key_space_limit, param_depth_limit); end
  def key_space_limit; end
  def make_params; end
  def new_depth_limit(param_depth_limit); end
  def new_space_limit(key_space_limit); end
  def normalize_params(params, name, v, depth); end
  def param_depth_limit; end
  def params_hash_has_key?(hash, key); end
  def params_hash_type?(obj); end
  def parse_nested_query(qs, d = nil); end
  def parse_query(qs, d = nil, &unescaper); end
  def self.make_default(key_space_limit, param_depth_limit); end
  def unescape(s); end
class Rack::QueryParser::ParameterTypeError < TypeError
class Rack::QueryParser::InvalidParameterError < ArgumentError
class Rack::QueryParser::Params
  def [](key); end
  def []=(key, value); end
  def initialize(limit); end
  def key?(key); end
  def to_h; end
  def to_params_hash; end
module Rack::Utils
  def add_cookie_to_header(header, key, value); end
  def add_remove_cookie_to_header(header, key, value = nil); end
  def best_q_match(q_value_header, available_mimes); end
  def build_nested_query(value, prefix = nil); end
  def build_query(params); end
  def byte_ranges(env, size); end
  def clean_path_info(path_info); end
  def clock_time; end
  def delete_cookie_header!(header, key, value = nil); end
  def escape(s); end
  def escape_html(string); end
  def escape_path(s); end
  def get_byte_ranges(http_range, size); end
  def make_delete_cookie_header(header, key, value); end
  def parse_cookies(env); end
  def parse_cookies_header(header); end
  def parse_nested_query(qs, d = nil); end
  def parse_query(qs, d = nil, &unescaper); end
  def q_values(q_value_header); end
  def rfc2109(time); end
  def rfc2822(time); end
  def secure_compare(a, b); end
  def select_best_encoding(available_encodings, accept_encoding); end
  def self.add_cookie_to_header(header, key, value); end
  def self.add_remove_cookie_to_header(header, key, value = nil); end
  def self.best_q_match(q_value_header, available_mimes); end
  def self.build_nested_query(value, prefix = nil); end
  def self.build_query(params); end
  def self.byte_ranges(env, size); end
  def self.clean_path_info(path_info); end
  def self.clock_time; end
  def self.default_query_parser; end
  def self.default_query_parser=(arg0); end
  def self.delete_cookie_header!(header, key, value = nil); end
  def self.escape(s); end
  def self.escape_html(string); end
  def self.escape_path(s); end
  def self.get_byte_ranges(http_range, size); end
  def self.key_space_limit; end
  def self.key_space_limit=(v); end
  def self.make_delete_cookie_header(header, key, value); end
  def self.multipart_part_limit; end
  def self.multipart_part_limit=(arg0); end
  def self.param_depth_limit; end
  def self.param_depth_limit=(v); end
  def self.parse_cookies(env); end
  def self.parse_cookies_header(header); end
  def self.parse_nested_query(qs, d = nil); end
  def self.parse_query(qs, d = nil, &unescaper); end
  def self.q_values(q_value_header); end
  def self.rfc2109(time); end
  def self.rfc2822(time); end
  def self.secure_compare(a, b); end
  def self.select_best_encoding(available_encodings, accept_encoding); end
  def self.set_cookie_header!(header, key, value); end
  def self.status_code(status); end
  def self.unescape(s, encoding = nil); end
  def self.unescape_path(s); end
  def self.valid_path?(path); end
  def set_cookie_header!(header, key, value); end
  def status_code(status); end
  def unescape(s, encoding = nil); end
  def unescape_path(s); end
  def valid_path?(path); end
class Rack::Utils::Context
  def app; end
  def call(env); end
  def context(env, app = nil); end
  def for; end
  def initialize(app_f, app_r); end
  def recontext(app); end
class Rack::Utils::HeaderHash < Hash
  def [](k); end
  def []=(k, v); end
  def delete(k); end
  def each; end
  def has_key?(k); end
  def include?(k); end
  def initialize(hash = nil); end
  def initialize_copy(other); end
  def key?(k); end
  def member?(k); end
  def merge!(other); end
  def merge(other); end
  def names; end
  def replace(other); end
  def to_hash; end
class Rack::Chunked
  def call(env); end
  def chunkable_version?(ver); end
  def initialize(app); end
  include Rack::Utils
class Rack::Chunked::Body
  def close; end
  def each(&block); end
  def initialize(body); end
  def insert_trailers(&block); end
  include Rack::Utils
class Rack::Chunked::TrailerBody < Rack::Chunked::Body
  def insert_trailers(&block); end
class Rack::CommonLogger
  def call(env); end
  def extract_content_length(headers); end
  def initialize(app, logger = nil); end
  def log(env, status, header, began_at); end
class Rack::ConditionalGet
  def call(env); end
  def etag_matches?(none_match, headers); end
  def fresh?(env, headers); end
  def initialize(app); end
  def modified_since?(modified_since, headers); end
  def to_rfc2822(since); end
class Rack::Config
  def call(env); end
  def initialize(app, &block); end
class Rack::ContentLength
  def call(env); end
  def initialize(app); end
  include Rack::Utils
class Rack::ContentType
  def call(env); end
  def initialize(app, content_type = nil); end
  include Rack::Utils
class Rack::ETag
  def call(env); end
  def digest_body(body); end
  def etag_body?(body); end
  def etag_status?(status); end
  def initialize(app, no_cache_control = nil, cache_control = nil); end
  def skip_caching?(headers); end