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#!wolframscript -script

(* plot settings *)

colorScheme = {
    Blue, Red, Green, Magenta, Orange, Darker@Green, Cyan, Brown, Purple, Yellow

(* functions *)

(* MDS points scaled to (-1, 1) *)
scaledPoints[pts_] := (
    Transpose[Rescale[#, {Min[#], Max[#]}, {-1, 1}]& /@ Transpose[pts]]

(* taxaNames, taxaIndexes split *)
metadataToGroups[metadata_] :=
    Module[{taxaNames, taxaIndexes},
        taxaNames = Union[("group" /. #)& /@ metadata];
        taxaIndexes = Flatten@Position[metadata, _?(MemberQ["group"->#]), 1]& /@ taxaNames;

        {taxaNames, taxaIndexes}

(* plot options *)
plotLegendAndStyle[taxaNames_, taxaIndexes_, colors_] :=
    Module[{legendNames, legend, plotStyle},
        legendNames = StringForm["`` (``)", #1, #2]& @@@ Transpose[{taxaNames, Length /@ taxaIndexes}];
        legend = SwatchLegend[colors, legendNames];

        (*plot style*)
        plotStyle = Directive[#, PointSize[0.01]]& /@ colors;

        {legend, plotStyle}

(* drawing incorrect points *)
incorrectPoints[points_, incorrectIndexes_] :=
        incorrectPts = points[[incorrectIndexes]];

        (*0.0001 is to fix a clipping issue with Graphics3D*)
        {Opacity[.35], Orange, PointSize[0.022], Point[incorrectPts+0.0001]}

(* 2D scatterplot *)
generate2DPlot[longPoints_, metadata_, taxaIndexes_, incorrectIndexes_, legend_, plotStyle_] :=
    Module[{points, ptsForPlot},
        (*take 2 dimensions*)
        points = Take[#, 2]& /@ longPoints;

        (*create point annotations (for mouseover info)*)
        pointAnnotations = MapIndexed[(
            Annotation[Point[points[[#]]], metadata[[#]], "Mouse"]
        )&, taxaIndexes, {2}];

        (*separate points into groups*)
        ptsForPlot = Map[points[[#]]&, taxaIndexes, {2}];

            ListPlot[ptsForPlot, PlotStyle->plotStyle, PlotRange->{{-1.1, 1.1}, {-1.1, 1.1}},
                     PlotLegends->legend, AspectRatio->1, Frame->True],
            Graphics[incorrectPoints[points, incorrectIndexes]],
            Graphics[{Opacity[0], PointSize[0.022], pointAnnotations}]

(* 3D scatterplot *)
generate3DPlot[longPoints_, metadata_, taxaIndexes_, incorrectIndexes_, legend_, plotStyle_] :=
    Module[{points, pointAnnotations, ptsForPlot},
        (*take 3 dimensions*)
        points = Take[#, 3]& /@ longPoints;

        (*create point annotations (for mouseover info)*)
        pointAnnotations = MapIndexed[(
            Annotation[Text["", points[[#]]], metadata[[#]], "Mouse"]
        )&, taxaIndexes, {2}];

        (*separate points into groups*)
        ptsForPlot = Map[points[[#]]&, taxaIndexes, {2}];

            ListPointPlot3D[ptsForPlot, PlotStyle->plotStyle, PlotRange->{{-1.1, 1.1}, {-1.1, 1.1}, {-1.1, 1.1}},
                            PlotLegends->legend, AspectRatio->1, BoxRatios->{1, 1, 1}],
            Graphics3D[incorrectPoints[points, incorrectIndexes]],

(* mouseover info grid *)
mouseoverInfoGrid[] :=
    Module[{currPtData, labels, tableData},
            currPtData = MouseAnnotation[];

            If[!Null === currPtData,
                labels = Style[First@#, Bold]& /@ currPtData;
                tableData = Transpose[{labels, #[[2]]& /@ currPtData}];

            Grid[tableData, Alignment->Left, ItemSize->{{Scaled[.2], Scaled[.8]}}, Frame->All]

(* load data *)

If[Length[$ScriptCommandLine] != 2,
    Print["usage: <settings (base64d JSON)>"];

settings = ImportString[$ScriptCommandLine[[2]], {"Base64", "JSON"}];
points = Import["mds_file" /. settings];
metadata = Import["metadata_file" /. settings];

If[MemberQ[Keys[settings], "classifier_name"],
    classificationData = (("classifier_name" /. settings) /. Import["classification_file" /. settings]);

    incorrectIndexes = ("misclassified_indexes" /. (("accuracy_type" /. settings) /. classificationData)) + 1;
    metadata = Join[metadata, {"misclassified"->MemberQ[incorrectIndexes, #]}& /@ Range[Length@metadata], 2];
    incorrectIndexes = {};

(* make and export plots *)

points = scaledPoints[points];
{taxaNames, taxaIndexes} = metadataToGroups[metadata];

colors = Take[colorScheme, Length@taxaNames];
{legend, plotStyle} = plotLegendAndStyle[taxaNames, taxaIndexes, colors];

plots = {
    generate2DPlot[points, metadata, taxaIndexes, incorrectIndexes, legend, plotStyle],
    generate3DPlot[points, metadata, taxaIndexes, incorrectIndexes, legend, plotStyle],

Export["output_file" /. settings, Notebook[Cell@*BoxForm@*MakeBoxes /@ plots], "NB"];
If[MemberQ[Keys[settings], "svg_output_file"],
    Export["svg_output_file" /. settings, plots[[1]], "SVG"];
If[MemberQ[Keys[settings], "png_output_file"],
    Export["png_output_file" /. settings, plots[[1]], "PNG", ImageResolution->300];