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Test Coverage
# Week 12

## Yago

During this final sprint, I fixed the bug [#289]( (via PR [#313]( and designed & implemented a dark theme for the app, which is synchronized with the system’s theme (PR [#314](

Apart from that, I also helped Noah debugging the problems in the emulator with the location reminder system, reviewed [#309]( (and others), and also fixed a few more bugs along the way.

I am very happy with the progress of the sprint: the work was split in small chunks from the beginning, time estimates were reasonable, and I got a cool new feature added to the project.

For future sprints, I will consider a career in farming to avoid hair loss. :farmer:

## Leandro

This week I finished my work on the tag feature, enhancing its functionality as well as its design. It was a difficult week because I had a lot of work to do for all the courses and I had several exams. However, I managed to work for more than eight hours. I also edited the video of our presentation, using the clips Noah sent me. The whole team helped me on my different tasks when I encountered difficulties (which happened a lot), so this week there was some very nice team work.

## Noah (scrum master)

This sprint was a very special one, since it’s the last week of the semester. I had a lot of exams, projects and stuff but I still managed to fix some bugs (Thanks to Yago for the one with LocationReminder). I’m happy because I’ve started to work on my task early in the sprint so I definitely have improved on managing my time, so that’s already good news !
Also to test the locationReminder part I even walked at 1am in my city to be sure that the feature works correctly on the phone and happily it was the case ! :)  I’ve made some reviews for PRs. I have also prepared a script and recorded the demo for the battle of the app. Thanks Leandro for editing the video !
I’m happy to have done this project with this team. Thanks a lot guys, nice job !

## Théo

This week I corrected the drawing fragment, so we can embed a drawing directly in a note. I also created a new fragment for some user management (changing email, password,...), I also added a little section with the credits.
I tried to review some PRs. It was a tough week because I had a lot of exams at the beginning of the exam and I was able to work on SDP before Thursday. But I think that I did my job.
I finished my work late because I had some issues with mocking a FirebaseUser.
But I'm happy with the result, the app looks good and I like the demo we have.

## Vincent 

This week I continued working on the daily planning feature. Almost all the intended functionality is working. This feature notably requires for the UI a lot of different button designs. Almost all of them could be found already in Android ecosystem but I had to leave a few placeholders. I am still struggling with the testing however.

This week was better than the last for me time-wise, as I had more time to work after my exams were over.

## Sydney 

This week I was able to fix a bug #192, help Leandro for a very short time on some bug he had but he managed to solve it himself. I also reviewed some PRs. There was an issue with the in-app google authentication experienced by some of our team members. I tried to find a solution to the problem but only managed to find partial solutions. PR 284 was finally merged this week, and PR 320 has been requested.

## Overall team

Overall this week, we made really good progress on managing our time for tasks and communicating. In the end, we were very well organized and it was very pleasant to work in these conditions. The team helps each other and doesn’t blame anyone. Maybe we could have been working earlier and started reviewing the PRs earlier, but this was a particular week, with a lot of exams and other projects, so I think we did pretty well under these circumstances. We still had trouble with Cirrus that slows us to merge the PRs as fast as we would like.

The app now seems really great, we even have a dark mode ! I’m happy that we achieved this much. 

Great work everyone !