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Test Coverage

  <%= link_to('Bootstrap Documentation', '') %>
  <%= link_to('API Documentation', '') %>

<h2>Default Buttons</h2>

<table class='table table-bordered table-striped'>
      <th width="125px"> Button</th>
      <th> Code</th>
      <td><%= button('Default') %></td>
      <td><%= button('Success', :success) %></td>
        <code>button('Success', :success) </code>
      <td><%= button('Warning', :warning) %></td>
        <code>button('Warning', :warning)</code>
      <td><%= button('Danger', :danger) %></td>
        <code>button('Danger', :danger)</code>
      <td><%= button('Info', :info) %></td>
        <code>button('Info', :info)</code>
      <td><%= button('Inverse', :inverse) %></td>
        <code>button('Inverse', :inverse)</code>
      <td> Options
        <code>button('Success', :success, id: 'success-label', key: 'value')</code>

      <td><%= button('Link as button', url: '/somewhere') %></td>
        <code>button('Link as button', url: '/somewhere')</code>

      <td><%= button('Button as a link', :link) %></td>
        <code>button('Button as a link', :link)</code>

<h2>Button Sizes</h2>

<table class='table table-bordered table-striped'>
      <th width="125px">Button</th>
      <td><%= button('Large', :large) %></td>
        <code>button('Large', :large)</code>
      <td><%= button('Default') %></td>
      <td><%= button('Small', :small) %></td>
        <code>button('Small', :small)</code>
      <td><%= button('Mini', :mini) %></td>
        <code>button('Mini', :mini)</code>
      <td><%= button('Block', :block) %></td>
        <code>button('Block', :block) # (occupies 100% width of container)</code>
      <td><%= button('Small Info', :small, :info) %></td>
        <code>button('Small Info', :small, :info)</code>
<h2>Button Bars and Button Groups</h2>

<p><%= link_to('Bootstrap Documentation', '') %>

<div class="bs-docs-example">
  <%= button_group do %>
    <%= button('Left') %>
    <%= button('Middle') %>
    <%= button('Right') %>
  <% end %>

    <%%= button_group do %>
      <%%= button('Left') %>
      <%%= button('Middle') %>
      <%%= button('Right') %>
    <%% end %>


<div class<="bs-docs-example">
  <%= button_toolbar do %>
    <%= button('One', :primary) %>
    <%= button_group do %>
      <%= button('Two', :info) %>
      <%= button('Three', :info) %>
    <% end %>
    <%= button('Four', :danger) %>
  <% end %>
    <%%= button_toolbar do %>
      <%%= button('One', :primary) %>
      <%%= button_group do %>
        <%%= button('Two', :info) %>
        <%%= button('Three', :info) %>
      <%% end>
      <%%= button('Four', :danger) %>
    <%% end %>

<h2>Button Dropdowns</h2>
<p><%= link_to('Bootstrap Documentation', '') %>

<div class="bs-docs-example">
  <%= button_toolbar do %>
    <%= button_dropdown('Actions', :info) do %>
      <%= dropdown_item 'Button' %>
      <%= dropdown_item 'Link', '/url' %>
    <% end %>
    <%= split_button_dropdown('Edit', url: '/edit') do %>
      <%= dropdown_item 'Flag', '/flag' %>
      <%= dropdown_item 'Copy', '/copy' %>
      <%= dropdown_divider %>
      <%= dropdown_item 'Delete', '/delete' %>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>

    <%%= button_toolbar do %>
      <%%= button_dropdown('Actions', :info) do %>
        <%%= dropdown_item 'Button' %>
        <%%= dropdown_item 'Link', '/url' %>
      <%% end %>
      <%%= split_button_dropdown('Edit', url: '/edit') do %>
        <%%= dropdown_item 'Flag', '/flag' %>
        <%%= dropdown_item 'Copy', '/copy' %>
        <%%= dropdown_divider %>
        <%%= dropdown_item 'Delete', '/delete' %>
      <%% end %>
    <%% end %>