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 * The Thing Schema.
 * In the spec, the "Thing" is the top-most, abstract parent for all other schemas.
 * @package Schemify
 * @link

namespace Schemify\Schemas;

use Schemify\Core as Core;

class Thing implements \JsonSerializable {

     * The data to display with this Schema.
     * @var array $data
    protected $data;

     * Is this instance the top-level schema for the current post object?
     * @var bool $isMain
    protected $isMain;

     * The ID of the post or object this schema represents.
     * @var int $postId;
    protected $postId;

     * A registry of all properties available for this schema.
     * @var array $propertyList
    protected $propertyList;

     * The Schema this class represents.
     * @var string $schema
    protected $schema;

     * The properties this schema may utilize.
     * @var array $properties
    protected static $properties = array(

     * Properties that would have normally been inherited but should not exist in a sub-tree.
     * For example, the "image" property is useful until you get into the ImageObject schema (or
     * anything that extends that), since you're describing an image with another image.
     * @var array $removeProperties
    protected static $removeProperties = array();

     * Class constructor, which automatically maps passed values to $this->data.
     * @param int  $post_id The ID of the post being represented by this object.
     * @param bool $is_main Optional. Is this the top-level Schema for this object? Default is false.
    public function __construct( $post_id, $is_main = false ) {
        $this->postId = $post_id;
        $this->isMain = (bool) $is_main;

     * Retrieve the data that has been stored for this object.
     * @return array The contents of $this->data.
    public function getProperties() {
        if ( ! $this->data ) {
            $data   = $this->build( $this->postId, $this->isMain );
            $schema = $this->getSchema();
            $filter = sprintf( 'schemify_get_properties_%s', $schema );

             * Filter the output for the given schema.
             * @param array  $data      The collection of properties assembled for this object.
             * @param string $schema    The current schema being filtered.
             * @param int    $object_id The object ID being constructed.
             * @param bool   $is_main   Is this the top-level JSON-LD schema being constructed?
            $data = apply_filters( $filter, $data, $schema, $this->postId, $this->isMain );

             * Filter the output for all schemas.
             * @param array  $data      The collection of properties assembled for this object.
             * @param string $schema    The current schema being filtered.
             * @param int    $object_id The object ID being constructed.
             * @param bool   $is_main   Is this the top-level JSON-LD schema being constructed?
            $this->data = apply_filters( 'schemify_get_properties', $data, $schema, $this->postId, $this->isMain );

        return array_filter( (array) $this->data );

     * Utility method to retrieve the property with key $property via the associated `get*` method.
     * @param string $property The property to retrieve a value for.
     * @return mixed Either the return value of the getter method or NULL.
    public function getProp( $property ) {
        $method = sprintf( 'get%s', ucwords( $property ) );

        return method_exists( $this, $method ) ? $this->$method( $this->postId ) : null;

     * Control what's visible when the object is converted into JSON.
     * @return array The object properties that should be serialized.
    public function jsonSerialize() {
        return $this->getProperties();

     * Get the schema name this class represents.
     * Since PHP doesn't offer an easy way to get the non-namespaced class name, we'll cache the
     * result in a local property.
     * @return string The current class name, devoid of any namespacing.
    public function getSchema() {
        if ( ! $this->schema ) {
            $this->schema = Core\strip_namespace( get_class( $this ) );

        return $this->schema;

     * Populate the $data attribute for the given post.
     * @param int  $post_id The ID of the post being represented by this object.
     * @param bool $is_main Whether or not this is the top-level schema being built.
    protected function build( $post_id, $is_main ) {

        // Placeholder is using %s as this *can* be a non-integer value (e.g. "home").
        $cache_key = sprintf( 'schema_%s', $post_id );

        // Return early if we have a cached version.
        $cached = wp_cache_get( $cache_key, 'schemify', false );
        if ( $is_main && $cached ) {
            return $cached;

        // Build the data array.
        $data = array();

        foreach ( $this->getPropertyList() as $prop ) {
            $data[ $prop ] = $this->getProp( $prop );

        // Merge in defaults and protected properties.
        $data = array_merge( array(
            '@context' => $is_main ? '' : null,
            '@type'    => $this->getSchema(),
        ), $data );

        // Cache the result (top-level only) so we don't have to calculate it every time.
        if ( $is_main ) {
            wp_cache_set( $cache_key, $data, 'schemify', 0 );

        // Finally, return the value.
        return $data;

     * Iterate through all parent schemas to build a list of available properties for this schema.
    protected function getPropertyList() {
        if ( $this->propertyList ) {
            return $this->propertyList;

        // Iterate through the list of parent classes to get their $properties properties.
        $class   = get_class( $this );
        $parents = array_reverse( class_parents( $this ) );

        // Be sure to include the current class at the end of the list.
        $parents[ $class ] = $class;

        // Now that we have an array of property additions/deletions keyed by their schema, merge 'em.
        $properties = array_reduce( $parents, function ( $list, $schema ) {
            $props = array_merge( $list, $schema::$properties );
            return array_diff( $props, $schema::$removeProperties );
        }, array() );

        // Ensure we don't have duplicates.
        $properties = array_unique( $properties );
        sort( $properties );

        // Save the value in $this->propertyList.
        $this->propertyList = $properties;

        return $this->propertyList;

     * Everything below this comment should be a getter method, called dynamically via the getProp()
     * method in this class.
     * Each method accepts exactly one argument: a post ID.

     * Retrieve the description for a post.
     * @param int $post_id The post ID.
     * @return string The post's excerpt/description.
    public function getDescription( $post_id ) {
        return esc_html( get_the_excerpt( $post_id ) );

     * Retrieve the name of a post.
     * @param int $post_id The post ID.
     * @return string The post's title.
    public function getName( $post_id ) {
        return get_the_title( $post_id );

     * Retrieve the image for a post.
     * @param int $post_id The post ID.
     * @return ImageObject An image object representing the post.
    public function getImage( $post_id ) {
        if ( ! $this->isMain ) {
            return null;

        $post_thumbnail = get_post_thumbnail_id( $post_id );

        return $post_thumbnail ? new ImageObject( $post_thumbnail ) : null;

     * Retrieve the URL for a post.
     * @param int $post_id The post ID.
     * @return string The post's URL.
    public function getUrl( $post_id ) {
        return get_permalink( $post_id );