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Test Coverage
# Contributing to Smee

Thank you for your interest in contributing the ongoing development of Smee!

## Contributing code

Begin by cloning the GitHub repo locally and installing the dependencies with [Composer](

# Clone the repository + change into the directory
$ git clone && cd smee

# Install local dependencies
$ composer install

### Branching

Pull requests should be based off the `develop` branch, which represents the current development state of the library. The only thing ever merged into `master` should be new release branches, at the time a release is tagged.

To create a new feature branch:

# Start on develop, making sure it's up-to-date
$ git checkout develop && git pull

# Create a new branch for your feature
$ git checkout -b feature/my-cool-new-feature

When submitting a new pull request, your `feature/my-cool-new-feature` should be compared against `develop`.

### Coding standards

This project uses [the PSR-2 coding standards](, and a `pre-commit` Git hook is automatically installed (via Smee, #dogfooding) upon `composer install`.

### Running unit tests

[PHPUnit]( is included as a development dependency, and should be run regularly. When submitting changes, please be sure to add or update unit tests accordingly. You may run unit tests at any time by running:

$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit

To generate a report of code coverage for the current branch, you may run the following Composer script, which will generate an HTML report in `tests/coverage/`:

$ composer test-coverage

Note that [both the Xdebug and tokenizer PHP extensions must be installed and active]( on the machine running the tests.