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Test Coverage
  cannot_find_instrument: "Cannot find instrument %<instrument>s. Please try again."
  file_not_found: "File not found"
  goodbye_response: "Goodbye."
  help_response: "Alexa can only process a few seconds of speech at a time, so after each sentence, pause for a breath while your sentence is saved, then continue speaking when you hear the prompt."
  instrument_name_missing: "Instrument name is missing"
  launch_response: "What would you like to do? Say tests to list tests. Say start Depression to start a Depression test. Say help for more help."
  list_test_response: "There are %<count>d tests. Here are the first four: %<list>s. You can ask to list test again, or start a test."
  loader_nil_instrument: "Error: no instrument was passed. Please create your instrument before loading contents."
  missing_table_name: "Missing Table Name"
  start_over_response: "What would you like to do now?"
  unknown_instrument_type: "Unknown Instrument Type"