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Test Coverage
# Node Boilerplate 🔥🥔

It's ready to eat! **Just add water.** Tada 🎉

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## Features

- [x] Babel 7
- [x] Webpack
- [x] Eslint
- [x] Prettier
- [x] Github Actions
- [x] Documentation (JsDoc)
- [x] Test (Mocha)
- [x] PM2 (Serve)
- [ ] Test Coverage (IDK?)
- [x] Appconveyor
- [ ] Docker

## Utils

- [x] nconf for your args, env and json config management
- [x] Winston For easy logging (file and console)
- [x] Lodash cherry pick 🍒👌
- [x] Signale Good looking console logging
- [x] Lint staged for preventing hot mess
- [x] Huskey for lint and testing hooks before commit and push
- [x] standard-version [See](

## Init it! ⚡️

Just click **Use this template** button or

$ git clone yourawesomeproject

$ cd yourawesomeproject

$ yarn

$ yarn dev

## Build it! 🔧

$ yarn build

## Start it! 🍍

$ yarn start

## Serve it! 📦

$ yarn serve

## Other Operations 🤔

Linting, fixing and running tests and prettier is in "auto mode" to preventing **"hot mess"**
( just commit and push it 🤜🏻)

### Lint and fix your file

$ yarn lint

### Run your mocha tests

$ yarn mocha

### Generate your documentation

$ yarn doc

## Folder Structure

├── /dist/ # Ready to serving files 🥘
├── /src/ # Your awesome Node project 💵
│   ├── /utils/ # Some helpers for you 👄
│        ├── logger.js # File/console Logging helper
│        ├── config.js # Manage and use your .env,args and config.json (Ready to use. Really)
│   ├── index.js # Your entry point!
└── /test/ # Mocha test files, config and helpers are here
└── /docs/ # Your generated documentation files (JSDoc)
└── /logs/ # Log files by logger.js and PM2
└── # You are reading this
└── pm2.config.js # Some configs for running PM2
└── package.json # Node packages

# 🙌🏻 That's all brothers.