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const errorProperties = [{
  value: 'statusCode',
  required: true
}, {
  value: 'errorCode',
  required: true
}, {
  value: 'errorMessage',
  required: true
}, {
  value: 'errorDetails',
  required: false
}, {
  value: 'originalError',
  required: false

class HTTPError extends Error {

  constructor(options) {

    errorProperties.forEach((prop) => {
      if (options[prop.value]) {
        this[prop.value] = options[prop.value];
      } else if (prop.required) {
        throw new Error(`${prop.value} is a required property`);
    }); = 'HTTPError';

    Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);

  // wrap a plain Error object in an HTTPError
  static wrap(originalError) {

    if (originalError instanceof HTTPError) {
      return originalError;

    return new HTTPError({
      statusCode: 500,
      errorCode: 'internal_error',
      errorMessage: 'An unknown server error occurred.',

  // return a generic 400 error
  static badRequest() {

    return new HTTPError({
      statusCode: 400,
      errorCode: 'bad_request',
      errorMessage: 'The server cannot process the request.'

  // return a generic 401 error
  static unauthorized() {

    return new HTTPError({
      statusCode: 401,
      errorCode: 'unauthorized',
      errorMessage: 'The request requires user authentication.'

  // return a generic 403 error
  static forbidden() {

    return new HTTPError({
      statusCode: 403,
      errorCode: 'forbidden',
      errorMessage: 'The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it.'

  // return a generic 404 error
  static notFound() {

    return new HTTPError({
      statusCode: 404,
      errorCode: 'not_found',
      errorMessage: 'The requested resource does not exist.'

  // return a generic 410 error
  static gone() {
    return new HTTPError({
      statusCode: 410,
      errorCode: 'gone',
      errorMessage: 'The requested resource is no longer available.'

  // return a generic 500 error
  static internalError() {

    return new HTTPError({
      statusCode: 500,
      errorCode: 'internal_error',
      errorMessage: 'An unknown server error occurred.'

  // return a generic 501 error
  static notImplemented() {

    return new HTTPError({
      statusCode: 501,
      errorCode: 'not_implemented',
      errorMessage: 'The requested resource has not been implemented.'

  // return a 400 error for missing header values
  static missingHeader(errorDetails) {

    return new HTTPError({
      statusCode: 400,
      errorCode: 'missing_header',
      errorMessage: 'The request is missing a required header.',

  // return a 400 error for invalid header values
  static invalidHeader(errorDetails) {

    return new HTTPError({
      statusCode: 400,
      errorCode: 'invalid_header',
      errorMessage: 'The request specified an invalid header.',

  // return a 400 error for invalid json
  static invalidJson() {

    return new HTTPError({
      statusCode: 400,
      errorCode: 'invalid_json',
      errorMessage: 'The request body does not contain valid JSON.'

  // return a 400 error for a missing body
  static missingBody() {

    return new HTTPError({
      statusCode: 400,
      errorCode: 'missing_body',
      errorMessage: 'The request body is empty.'

  // return a 400 error for missing input values
  static missingInput(errorDetails) {

    return new HTTPError({
      statusCode: 400,
      errorCode: 'missing_input',
      errorMessage: 'The request is missing a required input.',

  // return a 400 error for invalid input values
  static invalidInput(errorDetails) {

    return new HTTPError({
      statusCode: 400,
      errorCode: 'invalid_input',
      errorMessage: 'The request specified an invalid input.',

module.exports = HTTPError;