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Parser for command line options

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## Description

Parser for command line options

## Feature

- No need to setup complex configuration
- short options: -abc means a/b/c switches(returns [a=>true, b=>true, c=>true])
- long options: --a-key value/--a-key=value returns associative array(['a-key'=>value])
- ordered options: "command a b c" returns ordered array([a, b, c])

## Parameters

ArgParser::parse(array $args = null, array $required =[], array $defaults = []);

| arg name       | explain |
| ---------------|----------------|
| $args          | specify arguments(if omitted, global $argv is used) |
| $required      | specify required options |
| $defaults      | specify option default values |

## Demo

### [01] Parse command line

use stk2k\argparser\ArgParser;

$args = ArgParser::parse();     // script.php a b -c --favorite-food="Fried potato"
//    [0] => /path/to/script.php
//    [1] => a
//    [2] => b
//    [-c] => 1
//    [--favorite-food] => Fried potato

## Requirement

PHP 7.2 or later

## Installing stk2k/argparser

The recommended way to install stk2k/argparser is through

composer require stk2k/argparser

After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

## License

## Author


## Disclaimer

This software is no warranty.

We are not responsible for any results caused by the use of this software.

Please use the responsibility of the your self.