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A simle file system classes

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## Description

A simle file system classes

## Feature

- Simple file class(File)
- File function facade class(FileFacade)

## Usage

### making a file

use stk2k\filesystem\FileSystem;

FileSystem::put('/path/to/file', 'Hello, World');

### deleting a file

use stk2k\filesystem\FileSystem;


### getting file's content

use stk2k\filesystem\FileSystem;

// getting whole content as string
$ret = FileSystem::get('/path/to/file');
echo $ret;

// getting whole content as array
$ret = FileSystem::getAsArray('/path/to/file');

### putting file's content

use stk2k\filesystem\File;
use stk2k\filesystem\FileSystem;

// putting string content
$ret = FileSystem::put('/path/to/file', 'Hello, World!');
echo $ret->get();       // Hello, World!

// putting array(of strings) content
$ret = FileSystem::put('/path/to/file', ['Foo', 'Bar']);
echo $ret->get();
// Foo
// Bar

// putting File object
file_put_contents('/path/to/file1', 'Hello, World!');
$ret = FileSystem::put('/path/to/file2', new File('/path/to/file1'));
echo $ret->get();       // Hello, World!

// putting object content(Stringable)
class MyStringableObject
    public function __toString() : string
        return 'Hello, World!';
$ret = FileSystem::put('/path/to/file', new MyStringableObject());
echo $ret->get();       // Hello, World!


### file object

use stk2k\filesystem\File;

$ret = new File('/path/to/file');
echo $ret->get();

## Requirement

PHP 7.2 or later

## Installing stk2k/file-system

The recommended way to install stk2k/file-system is through

composer require stk2k/file-system

After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

## License
This library is licensed under the MIT license.

## Author


## Disclaimer

This software is no warranty.

We are not responsible for any results caused by the use of this software.

Please use the responsibility of the your self.