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2 hrs
Test Coverage
#! /usr/bin/env node
import { pipeline } from 'node:stream/promises'
import process from 'node:process'
import fs from 'fs-extra'
import path from 'pathe'
import JSZip from 'jszip'
import { globby } from 'globby'
import { oraPromise } from 'ora'
import parseArgv from 'minimist'
import chalk from 'chalk'
import { temporaryDirectoryTask } from 'tempy'
import { $ } from 'execa'
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/node'
import consola from 'consola'
import { requestPresignedUploadURL, uploadSiteTemplate } from '../runtime/api/siteTemplate'
import { EventName, initTrack, track } from '../track'
import type { Tblock, Tlayout } from './bundle/types'
import { SummaryType } from './bundle/types'
import { bundleEditorBlocks, bundleLayouts } from './bundle'
import { checkFile } from './checkFile'
import { karbonMsg, sizeErrorMsg } from './checkFile/setting'
import { configYarn } from './prepare'

/* eslint-disable no-console */
const log = console.log
const group =
const groupEnd = console.groupEnd
const { deployStart, deploySuccess, deployFail } = EventName
const siteTemplateName = ''

async function runBundle() {
  const argv = parseArgv(process.argv.slice(2), {
    alias: {
      packOnly: 'pack-only',
  await initTrack('cli')
  await track(deployStart)

  const { layouts, blocks } = await oraPromise(bundle, { text: 'bundling', successText: 'bundled' })
  try {
    await oraPromise(compress, { text: 'compressing', successText: 'compressed' })
    await checkFile(siteTemplateName)
    await oraPromise(testBuild, { text: 'testing', successText: 'tested' })
    if (!argv.packOnly) {
      await oraPromise(upload, { text: 'uploading', successText: 'uploaded' })
    await track(deploySuccess, { articleLayout: layouts.length, editorBlock: blocks.length })
    log(`${chalk.greenBright('❤️ Karbon app successfully deployed to Storipress ❤️!')}`)
    log(`${chalk.whiteBright('It may take up to 5 minutes for changes to be reflected live')} \n`)
    log(`${chalk.whiteBright.bold('Summary deploy fields')}`)
    logSummary(layouts, 'template')
    logSummary(blocks, 'block')
  } catch (error) {
    await track(deployFail, { articleLayout: layouts.length, editorBlock: blocks.length })
      'Karbon app fail to deploy! Please open an issue on with the following log',


async function bundle() {
  await fs.remove('.storipress')
  await fs.mkdirs('.storipress/editor-blocks-ssr')
  await fs.mkdirs('.storipress/editor-blocks')
  const layouts = await bundleLayouts()
  const blocks = await bundleEditorBlocks()

  fs.writeFileSync('.storipress/storipress.json', JSON.stringify({ ...layouts, ...blocks }))

  return { ...layouts, ...blocks }

async function compress() {
  await fs.remove(siteTemplateName)

  const files = await globby(
      ignoreFiles: [path.join(process.cwd(), '.karbonignore')],

  const zip = new JSZip()

  for (const file of files) {
    const data = fs.readFileSync(file)
    zip.file(file, data)

  let fileSize = 0
  const maximumSize = 1024 * 1024 * 2

  await pipeline(
        type: 'nodebuffer',
        streamFiles: true,
        compression: 'DEFLATE',
        compressionOptions: { level: 9 },
      .on('data', (chunk) => {
        fileSize += chunk.length
      .once('end', () => {
        if (fileSize > maximumSize) {
          consola.error(sizeErrorMsg(fileSize, maximumSize))
          throw new Error(karbonMsg.compressingError)

async function unzipFile(zipFilePath: string, targetDirectory: string) {
  try {
    const zipFileContent = await fs.promises.readFile(zipFilePath)
    const zip = new JSZip()
    const zipContents = await zip.loadAsync(zipFileContent)

    await Promise.all(
      Object.keys(zipContents.files).map(async (filePath) => {
        const fileContent = await zipContents.file(filePath)?.async('nodebuffer')
        if (!fileContent) return

        const directoryPath = path.dirname(filePath)
        await fs.ensureDir(`${targetDirectory}/${directoryPath}`)
        const fullTargetPath = `${targetDirectory}/${filePath}`
        await fs.promises.writeFile(fullTargetPath, fileContent)
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('unzip error:', error)

function getPackageManager(projectPath: string) {
  const yarn = fs.existsSync(path.resolve(projectPath, './yarn.lock')) && 'yarn'
  const npm = fs.existsSync(path.resolve(projectPath, './package-lock.json')) && 'npm'
  const pnpm = fs.existsSync(path.resolve(projectPath, './pnpm-lock.yaml')) && 'pnpm'

  return yarn || npm || pnpm || 'npm'

async function testBuild() {
  const { exitCode, stderr } = await temporaryDirectoryTask(async (tempPath) => {
    await unzipFile(siteTemplateName, tempPath)
    const $$ = $({ cwd: tempPath })

    const packageManager = getPackageManager(tempPath)

    if (packageManager === 'yarn') {
      await configYarn(path.resolve(tempPath, './.yarnrc.yml'))
      // eslint-disable-next-line ts/no-require-imports, ts/no-var-requires
      const packageJson = require(path.resolve(tempPath, './package.json')) // skipcq: JS-0359
      const version = packageJson?.packageManager?.split?.('@')?.[1] || 'berry' // skipcq: JS-W1043

      await $$`yarn set version ${version}`
    await $$`${packageManager} install`
    const { exitCode, stderr } = await $$`npx nuxi build`
    return { exitCode, stderr }
  if (exitCode !== 0) {
    throw new Error(stderr)

async function upload() {
  const buffer = await fs.readFile(siteTemplateName)
  const key = await requestPresignedUploadURL(buffer)
  const result = await uploadSiteTemplate(key)
  if (result) {
    await fs.remove(siteTemplateName)

function logSummary(resources: (Tlayout | Tblock)[], type: keyof typeof SummaryType) {
  // Remove duplicate display. Editor block will have two versions, the log only needs to be displayed once
  if (type === 'block') {
    const set = new Set()
    resources = resources.filter((resource) => (!set.has( ? set.add( : false))

  const LABEL = {
    template: 'Article Templates',
    block: 'Editor Blocks',
  const summary =
    (resource) => `- ${SummaryType[type]} \`${chalk.whiteBright.bold(}\` (path: ${resource.path})`,
