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.. _registration:


The registration feature of this gem allows you to use Stormpath to create
new accounts in a Stormpath directory.  You can create traditional password-
based accounts, which have a username and a password, or you can create customized accounts with multiple required or optional fields.

By default this gem will serve an HTML registration page at ``/register``.
You can change this URI with the ``web.register.uri`` option.  You can disable
this feature entirely by setting ``web.register.enabled`` to ``false`` in your ``stormpath.yml`` configuration file.


Configuration Options

This feature supports several options.  This example shows what is possible,
we will cover them in detail below:

.. code-block:: yaml

          enabled: true,
          uri: '/signup',  # Use a different URL
          nextUri: '/',    # Where to send the user to, if auto login is enabled
            fields: # see next section for documentation
            fieldOrder: # see next section

Modifying Default Fields

The registration form will render these fields by default, and they will be
required by the user:

* given_name
* surname
* email
* password

While email and password will always be required, you do not need to require
first and last name.  These can be configured as optional fields, or omitted
entirely.  You can also specify your own custom fields.  We'll cover each use
case in detail.

Configure First Name and Last Name as Optional

If you would like to show the fields for first name and last name, but not
require them, you can set required to false:

.. code-block:: yaml

              required: false
              required: false

Because the Stormpath API requires a first name and last name, we will auto-fill
these fields with `UNKNOWN` if the user does not provide them.

Disabling First Name and Last Name

If you want to remove these fields entirely, you can set enabled to false:

.. code-block:: yaml

              enabled: false
              enabled: false

Because the Stormpath API requires a first name and last name, we will auto-fill
these fields with `UNKNOWN` when a user registers.

.. _custom_form_fields:

Creating Custom Fields

You can add your own custom fields to the form.  The values will be
automatically added to the user's custom data object when they register
successfully. You can define a custom field by defining a new field object,
like this:

.. code-block:: yaml

              enabled: true,
              label: 'Favorite Color',
              placeholder: 'E.g. Red, Blue',
              required: true,
              type: 'text'

All field objects have the following properties, which must be defined:

- **enabled** - Determines if the field is shown on the form.

- **label** - The text label that is shown to the left of the input field.

- **placeholder** - The help text that is shown inside the input field, if the
  input field is empty (HTML5 property).

- **required** - Marks the field as a required field.  This uses the HTML5
  required property, to prompt the user to enter the value.  The post data will
  also be validated to ensure that the field is supplied, and an error will be
  returned if the field is empty.

- **type** - the HTML type of the input, e.g. text, email, or password.

.. note::

  The property name of the field definition, in this case ``favoriteColor``,
  will be used for the ``name`` attribute in the rendered HTML form, or the key
  in the JSON view model for the registration endpoint.

Changing Field Order

If you want to change the order of the fields, you can do so by specifying the
``fieldOrder`` array:

.. code-block:: yaml

            - 'givenName'
            - 'surname'
            - 'email'
            - 'password'
            - 'confirmPassword'

Password Strength Rules

Stormpath supports complex password strength rules, such as number of letters
or special characters required.  These settings are controlled on a directory
basis.  If you want to modify the password strength rules for your application
you should use the `Stormpath Admin Console`_ to find the directory that is mapped
to your application, and modify it's password policy.

For more information see `Account Password Strength Policy`_.

.. _email_verification:

Email Verification

We **highly** recommend that you use email verification, as it adds a layer
of security to your site (it makes it harder for bots to create spam accounts).

One of our favorite Stormpath features is email verification.  When this workflow
is enabled on the directory, we will send the new account an email with a link
that they must click on in order to verify their account.  When they click on
that link they will need to be directed to this URL:


We have to configure our directory in order for this to happen. Use the
`Stormpath Admin Console`_ to find the directory of your application, then
go into the Workflows section.  In there you will find the email verification
workflow, which should be enabled by default (enable it if not).  Then modify
the template of the email to use this value for the `Link Base URL`:

.. code-block:: sh


When the user arrives on the verification URL, we will verify that their email
link is valid and hasn't already been used.  If the link is valid we will redirect
them to the login page.  If there is a problem with the link we provide a form
that allows them to ask for a new link.

Auto Login

If you are *not* using email verificaion (not recommended) you may log users in
automatically when they register.  This can be achieved with this config:

.. code-block:: yaml

        autoLogin: true,
        nextUri: '/'

By default the nextUri is to the ``/`` page, but you can modify this.

Overriding Registration


Since Stormpath controllers are highly configurable, they have lots of configuration code and are not written in a traditional way.

A RegisterController would usually have two actions - new & create, however in Stormpath-Rails they are separated into two single action controllers - ``Stormpath::Rails::Register::NewController`` and ``Stormpath::Rails::Register::CreateController``.
They both respond to a ``call`` method (action).

To override a Stormpath controller, first you need to subclass it:

.. code-block:: ruby

    class CreateAccountController < Stormpath::Rails::Register::CreateController

and update the routes to point to your new controller:

.. code-block:: ruby

    Rails.application.routes.draw do
      stormpath_rails_routes(actions: {
        'register#create' => 'create_account#call'


To override routes (while using Stormpath default controllers), please use the configuration file ``config/stormpath.yml`` and override them there.
As usual, to see what the routes are, run *rake routes*.


You can use the Stormpath views generator to copy the default views to your application for modification:

.. code-block:: ruby

    rails generate stormpath:views

which generates these files::








JSON Registration API

If you are using this gem from a SPA framework like Angular or React, you
will want to make a JSON post to register users.  Simply post an object to
``/register`` that looks like this, and supply the fields that you wish to
populate on the user::

        "email": "",
        "password": "mySuper3ecretPAssw0rd",
        "surname": "optional"

If the user is created successfully you will get a 200 response and the body
will the the account object that was created.  If there was an error you
will get an object that looks like ``{ message: 'error message here'}``.

If you make a GET request to the registration endpoint, with ``Accept:
application/json``, we will send you a JSON view model that describes the
registration form and the social account stores that are mapped to your
Stormpath Application.  Here is an example view model that shows you an
application that has a default registration form, and a mapped Google

.. code-block:: javascript

    "accountStores": [
        "name": "stormpath-rails google",
        "href": "",
        "provider": {
          "providerId": "google",
          "clientId": "",
          "scope": "email profile",
          "href": ""
    "form": {
      "fields": [
          "label": "First Name",
          "placeholder": "First Name",
          "required": true,
          "type": "text",
          "name": "givenName"
          "label": "Last Name",
          "placeholder": "Last Name",
          "required": true,
          "type": "text",
          "name": "surname"
          "label": "Email",
          "placeholder": "Email",
          "required": true,
          "type": "email",
          "name": "email"
          "label": "Password",
          "placeholder": "Password",
          "required": true,
          "type": "password",
          "name": "password"

.. note::

  You may have to explicitly tell your client library that you want a JSON
  response from the server. Not all libraries do this automatically. If the
  library does not set the ``Accept: application/json`` header on the request,
  you'll get back the HTML registration form - not the JSON response that you

.. _Stormpath Admin Console:
.. _Account Password Strength Policy: