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.. _social_login:

Social Login

Do you want users to authenticate with a social provider, such as Facebook?
Stormpath provides integration with the following services:

* Facebook
* Google
* Linkedin
* Github

In this guide we cover all of them step by step.

Facebook Login

To use Facebook Login you must create a Facebook Application, this is done
through their Developer site.

Create a Facebook App

The first thing you need to do is log into the `Facebook Developer Site`_ and
create a new Facebook App.

You can do this by visiting the `Facebook Developer Site`_ and clicking the "Apps"
menu at the top of the screen, then select the "Create a New App" button.  You
should see something like the following:

.. image:: /_static/facebook-new-project.png

Go ahead and pick a "Display Name" (usually the name of your app), and choose a
category for your app.  Once you've done this, click the "Create App" button.

Specify Allowed URLs

The next thing we need to do is tell Facebook what URLs we'll be using Facebook
Login from.

From the app dashboard page you're on, click the "Settings" tab in the left
menu, then click the "Add Platform" button near the bottom of the page.  When
prompted, select "Website" as your platform type.

In the "Site URL" box, enter your private and public root URLs.  This should be
something like ``"http://localhost:3000"`` or ``""``.  *If you
want to allow Facebook Login from multiple URLs (local development, production,
etc.) you can just click the "Add Platform" button again and enter another URL.*

Lastly, click the "Save Changes" button to save the changes.

Your settings should now look something like this:

.. image:: /_static/facebook-url-settings.png

Create a Facebook Directory

Next, we need to input the Facebook app credentials into Stormpath Directory.
This allows Stormpath to interact with the Facebook API on your behalf, which
automates all OAuth flows.

To do this, you need to visit the `Stormpath Admin Console`_ and create a new
directory.  When you click the "Create Directory" button you will choose
"Facebook" as the provider, and enter the following information about your
Facebook application:

- For the "Name" field, you can insert whatever name you want.
- For the "Facebook Client ID" field, insert your Facebook App ID which you got
  in the previous steps.
- For the "Facebook Client Secret" field, insert your Facebook Client Secret
  which you got in the previous steps.

Make sure to click "Create" to finish creating your directory.

Next, you need to hook your new Facebook Directory up to your Stormpath
Application.  To do this, visit the `Stormpath Admin Console`_, navigate to
Applications, and select your application from the list.

On your application page, click the "Account Stores" tab, then click the "Add
Account Store" button.  From the drop down list, select your newly created
Facebook Directory, then save your changes.

That's it!

Test it Out

Now that you've plugged your Facebook credentials into stormpath-rails, social
login should already be working!

Open your Rails app in a browser, and try logging in by visiting the login page
(``/login``).  If you're using the default login page included with this
gem, you should see the following:

.. image:: /_static/login-page-facebook.png

You now have a fancy new Facebook enabled login button!  Try logging in!  When
you click the new Facebook button you'll be redirected to Facebook, and
prompted to accept the permissions requested:

.. image:: /_static/login-page-facebook-permissions.png

After accepting permissions, you'll be immediately redirected back to your
website at the URL specified by ``redirectUrl`` in your app's config.

Google Login

Integrating Google Login is very similar to Facebook.  You must create an application
in the Google Developer Console, then create a Directory in Stormpath which holds
settings for the Google application that you created.

Create a Google Project

The first thing you need to do is log into the `Google Developer Console`_ and
create a new Google Project.

You can do this by visiting the `Google Developer Console`_ and clicking the "Create
Project" button.  You should see something like the following:

.. image:: /_static/google-new-project.png

Go ahead and pick a "Project Name" (usually the name of your app), and
(*optionally*) a "Project ID".

Enable Google Login

Now that you've got a Google Project -- let's enable Google Login.  The way
Google Projects work is that you have to selectively enable what functionality
each Project needs.

From your `Google Developer Console`_ click on your new Project, then in the
side panel click on the "APIs & auth" menu option.

Now, scroll through the API list until you see "Google+ API", then click the
"OFF" button next to it to enable it.  You should now see the "Google+ API" as
"ON" in your API list:

.. image:: /_static/google-enable-login.png

Create OAuth Credentials

The next thing we need to do is create a new OAuth client ID.  This is what
we'll use to handle user login with Google.

From your project, click the "APIs & auth" menu, then click on the "Credentials"

You should see a big red button labeled "Create New Client ID" near the top of
the page -- click that.

You'll want to do several things here:

1. Select "Web application" for your "Application Type".
2. Remove everything from the "Authorized Javascript Origins" box.
3. Add the callback URI of your site (both publicly and locally) into the
   "Authorized Redirect URI" box.  This tells Google where to
   redirect users after they've logged in with Google.  The default callback
   URI for this gem is ``/callbacks/google``.

In the end, your settings should look like this:

.. image:: /_static/google-oauth-settings.png

Once you've specified your settings, go ahead and click the "Create Client ID"

Lastly, you'll want to take note of your "Client ID" and "Client Secret"
variables that should now be displayed on-screen.  We'll need these in the next

Create a Google Directory

Next, we need to input the Google app credentials into Stormpath.  This allows
Stormpath to interact with the Google API on your behalf, which automates all
OAuth flows.

To do this, you need to visit the `Stormpath Admin Console`_ and create a new
directory from the Directories section.  When you click "Create Directory",
choose "Google" as the provider, and enter the following information about your
Google application:

- For the "Name" field, you can insert whatever name you want.
- For the "Google Client ID" field, insert your Google Client ID which you got
  in the previous steps.
- For the "Google Client Secret" field, insert your Google Client Secret
  which you got in the previous steps.
- For the "Google Authorized Redirect URI" field, insert your Google Redirect
  URL from the previous section. Be sure to *only enter the URI you're currently
  using*.  EG: If you're running your app in development mode, set it to your
  local URL, if you're running your app in production mode, set it to your
  production URL.

Lastly, be sure to click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.

Next, you need to hook your new Google Directory up to your Stormpath
Application.  To do this, visit the Applications section and select your
application from the list.

On your application page, click the "Account Stores" tab, then click the "Add
Account Store" button.  From the drop down list, select your newly created
Google Directory, then save your changes.

Test it Out

Now that you've plugged your Google credentials into stormpath-rails, social
login should already be working!

Open your Rails app in a browser, and try logging in by visiting the login page
(``/login``).  If you're using the default login page included with this
gem, you should see the following:

.. image:: /_static/login-page-google.png

You now have a fancy new Google enabled login button!  Try logging in!  When you
click the new Google button you'll be redirected to Google, and prompted to
select your Google account:

.. image:: /_static/login-page-google-account.png

After selecting your account you'll then be prompted to accept any permissions,
then immediately redirected back to your website at the URL specified by
``redirectUrl`` in your app's settings.

LinkedIn Login

Integrating LinkedIn Login is very similar to Google. You must create an application
in the LinkedIn Console, then create a Directory in Stormpath which holds
settings for the LinkedIn application that you created.

Create a LinkedIn Application

The first thing you need to do is log into the `LinkedIn Developer Console`_ and
create a new LinkedIn Application.

You can do this by visiting the `LinkedIn Developer Console`_ and clicking the "Create
Application" button.  You should see something like the following:

.. image:: /_static/linkedin-new-application.gif

Continue by filling out all the required fields.

Enable LinkedIn Permissions

Now that you've got a LinkedIn Application -- let's enable LinkedIn permissions.  The way
LinkedIn Applications work is that you have to selectively enable what permissions
each Application requires.

Under the "Default Application Permissions" section, be sure to enable the "r_basicprofile"
and the "r_emailaddress" permissions. These permissions allow Stormpath to access the basic
profile properties (first, middle, and last name) and email (*these permissions are required*).

.. image:: /_static/linkedin-add-permissions.gif

The next thing we need to do is add in all of the allowed Redirect URLs for our application.  Well do this by
entering all of our absolute redirect URLs under the "OAuth 2.0" section.  For instance, if I was running
my site locally on port 3000, as well as under the "" domain, I'd add two redirect URIs:

- http://localhost:3000/callbacks/linkedin

.. image:: /_static/linkedin-add-authorized-urls.gif

Create a LinkedIn Directory

Next, we need to input the LinkedIn Application credentials into Stormpath.  This allows
Stormpath to interact with the LinkedIn API on your behalf, which automates all
OAuth flows.

To do this, you need to visit the `Stormpath Admin Console`_ and create a new
directory from the Directories section.  When you click "Create Directory",
choose "LinkedIn" as the provider, and enter the following information about your
LinkedIn Application:

- For the "Name" field, you can insert whatever name you want.
- For the "LinkedIn Client ID" field, insert your LinkedIn Client ID which you got
  in the previous steps.
- For the "LinkedIn Client Secret" field, insert your LinkedIn Client Secret
  which you got in the previous steps.

Lastly, be sure to click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.

Next, you need to hook your new LinkedIn Directory up to your Stormpath
Application.  To do this, visit the Applications section and select your
application from the list.

On your application page, click the "Account Stores" tab, then click the "Add
Account Store" button.  From the drop down list, select your newly created
LinkedIn Directory, then save your changes.

Test it Out

Now that you've plugged your LinkedIn credentials into rails-stormpath, social
login should already be working!

Open your Rails app in a browser, and try logging in by visiting the login page
(``/login``).  If you're using the default login page included with this
gem, you should see the following:

.. image:: /_static/login-page-linkedin.png

You now have a fancy new LinkedIn enabled login button!  Try logging in!  When you
click the new LinkedIn button you'll be redirected to LinkedIn, and prompted to
select your LinkedIn account:

.. image:: /_static/linkedin-permissions-page.png

After selecting your account you'll then be prompted to accept any permissions,
then immediately redirected back to your website at the URL specified by
``redirectUrl`` in your app's settings.

Github Login

To use Github Login you must create a Github Application, this is done
through their Developer site.

Create a Github App

The first thing you need to do is log into the `Github Developer Site`_ and
create a new Github App.

You can do this by visiting the `Github Developer Site`_ and clicking the "Register a new application"
menu at the top of the screen. You should see something like the following:

.. image:: /_static/github_create_app.png

After filling out the form fields click on "Register application"

Create a Github Directory

Next, we need to input the Github app credentials into Stormpath Directory.
This allows Stormpath to interact with the Github API on your behalf, which
automates all OAuth flows.

To do this, you need to visit the `Stormpath Admin Console`_ and create a new
directory.  When you click the "Create Directory" button you will choose
"Github" as the provider, and enter the following information about your
Github application:

- For the "Name" field, you can insert whatever name you want.
- For the "Github Client ID" field, insert your Github App ID which you got
  in the previous steps.
- For the "Github Client Secret" field, insert your Github Client Secret
  which you got in the previous steps.

Make sure to click "Create" to finish creating your directory.

Next, you need to hook your new Github Directory up to your Stormpath
Application.  To do this, visit the `Stormpath Admin Console`_, navigate to
Applications, and select your application from the list.

On your application page, click the "Account Stores" tab, then click the "Add
Account Store" button.  From the drop down list, select your newly created
Github Directory, then save your changes.

Test it Out

Now that you've plugged your Github credentials into rails-stormpath, social
login should already be working!

Open your Rails app in a browser, and try logging in by visiting the login page
(``/login``).  If you're using the default login page included with this
gem and if all social login providers are set, your login page should look like the following:

.. image:: /_static/login_page_with_all_providers.png

.. _Stormpath Admin Console:
.. _Facebook Developer Site:
.. _Google Developer Console:
.. _LinkedIn Developer Console:
.. _Github Developer Site: