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Test Coverage
.. _templates:


Default Views

By default this gem will use it's own templates for rendering its views.
The views that this gem serves by default (if the features are enabled) are:

* Login Page
* Registration Page
* Forgot Password Page
* Change Password Page
* Email Verification Page

If you want to customize these pages, there are two strategies.  You can install
our default templates and modify them

.. code-block:: ruby

    rails generate stormpath:views

or you can supply your own.

Custom Views

If you want to supply your own view for a given feature, you need to let us
know where it is.  You do this by telling us the specific path to the file.
For example, if you had a folder named ``views`` in the root of your project,
you would declare it like this:

.. code-block:: yaml

          view: 'sessions/new.html.erb' // My custom login view

View Variables

Our gem will provide these view variables to all templates that are

| **Variable**    | **Description**                                                   |
| current_account | The account object of the logged in user (undefined otherwise)    |
| signed_in?      | Boolean value which determines whether the user is signed in      |
|                 | or not                                                            |

You can also use the values from the ``stormpath.yml`` configuration file generated by this gem.
For example, if you want to iterate over all the fields that the register form contains you would do this by accessing:

.. code-block:: ruby


or if you just need to use a conditional statement:

.. code-block:: ruby


Response Variables

Our gem will provide these objects on the response object for all JSON requests.

==========  ==========
Variable    Description
==========  ==========
account     The account object of the logged in user (undefined otherwise)
==========  ==========

.. code-block:: ruby

      account: {
        href: account.href,
        username: account.username,
        modifiedAt: account.modified_at,
        status: account.status,
        createdAt: account.created_at,
        middleName: account.middle_name,
        surname: account.surname,
        givenName: account.given_name,
        fullName: account.full_name