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Test Coverage

namespace Strata;

use Strata\Logger\LoggerBase;
use Strata\Router\Router;
use Strata\Router\Rewriter;
use Strata\Utility\Hash;
use Strata\Core\StrataContext;
use Strata\Core\StrataConfigurableTrait;
use Strata\Model\CustomPostType\CustomPostTypeLoader;
use Strata\Middleware\MiddlewareLoader;
use Strata\Security\Security;
use Strata\I18n\I18n;
use Strata\Error\BaseErrorHandler;
use Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader;
use Exception;

 * Running Strata instance
 * @package Strata
class Strata extends StrataContext
    use StrataConfigurableTrait;

     * @var bool Flag specifying the requirements have been met from the current configuration.
    protected $ready = null;

     * @var I18n A reference to the localizations manager.
    // public $i18n = null;

     * @var Router A reference to the active routing object.
    // public $router = null;

     * @var Rewriter A reference to the global rewriter object.
    // public $rewriter = null;

     * Prepares the Strata object for running.
     * @throws Exception Throws an exception if the configuration array could not be loaded.
    public function init()
        if (!(bool)$this->ready) {



            $this->ready = true;

     * Kickstarts the Router and preload the custom post types associated to the project.
    public function run()
        if (!(bool)$this->ready) {



     * Loads the configuration file and assigns it to the running app.
     * @throws Exception An exception is raised when the configuration file cannot
     * be loaded.
    public function loadConfiguration()

        if (!$this->containsConfigurations()) {
            throw new Exception("Using the Strata bootstraper requires a file named 'config/strata.php' that declares a configuration array named \$strata.");

     * Assigns a class loader to the application
     * @param ClassLoader $loader The application's class loader.
    public function setClassLoader(ClassLoader $loader)
        $this->setConfig("runtime.classLoader", $loader);

     * Returns a class loader to the application
     * @return ClassLoader $loader The application's class loader.
    public function getClassLoader()
        return $this->getConfig("runtime.classLoader");

     * Looks through all the packages in composer and if they
     * are in our Strata\Middleware namespace, we try to autoload them.
    protected function loadMiddleware()
        $middlewareLoader = new MiddlewareLoader($this->getClassLoader());

        $this->setConfig("runtime.middlewares", $middlewareLoader->getMiddlewares());

     * Returns the list of declared middlewares in the application.
     * @return array
    public function getMiddlewares()
        return (array)$this->extractConfig("runtime.middlewares");

     * Loads up a Wordpress fixture on which the tests will register filters and
     * actions.
     * The file will only be included under CLI mode.
    public function includeWordpressFixture()
        if (self::isCommandLineInterface()) {
            include_once(self::getTestPath() . 'Fixture/Wordpress/bootstrap.php');

     * ~/src/Scripts/runner.php and WP-CLI command line scripts do not have the same
     * amount of parameters. This takes over WP-CLI's order of arguments
     * and registers them back for Strata.
    public function takeOverWPCLIArgs()
        if (self::isCommandLineInterface()) {
            $wpcliArgs = $_SERVER['argv'];
            if (strstr($wpcliArgs[0], 'wp-cli')) {
                // The first 4 items are wpcli arguments that are needed
                // for WP to exist in the context of the command line.
                $GLOBALS['_SERVER']['argv'] = array_slice($wpcliArgs, 4);

            if (!array_key_exists('SERVER_NAME', $GLOBALS['_SERVER'])) {
                $GLOBALS['_SERVER']['SERVER_NAME'] = "localhost";

     * Loads up a gettext fixture against which the tests will test.
     * The file will only be included under CLI mode.
    public function includeGettextFixture()
        if (self::isCommandLineInterface()) {
            include_once(self::getTestPath() . 'Fixture/Gettext/bootstrap.php');

     * Configures the global Logger instance
    protected function configureLoggers()
        $loggers = array();
        foreach ($this->extractConfig('logging') as $name => $config) {
            $logger = LoggerBase::factory($name);
            $logKey = isset($config['name']) ? $config['name'] : $name;
            $loggers[$logKey] = $logger;

        if (Strata::isBundledServer()) {
            $logger = LoggerBase::factory('Console');
            $loggers['StrataConsole'] = $logger;

        $this->setConfig('runtime.loggers', $loggers);

     * Sends a message to the active logger
     * @param  string $message
     * @param  string $context (Optional)
    public function log($message, $context = "[Strata]")
        $logger = $this->getLogger();
        if (!is_null($logger)) {
            $logger->log($message, $context);

     * Returns a reference to the Logger. When no $name is
     * provided, attempts to return the most plausible one.
     * @param $name The logger's name
     * @return Logger
    public function getLogger($name = '')
        if (empty($name)) {
            if (self::isBundledServer()) {
                return $this->getConfig("runtime.loggers.StrataConsole");

            if (self::isDev()) {
                return $this->getConfig("runtime.loggers.StrataFile");

        return $this->getConfig("runtime.loggers.$name");

    public function getRouter()
        return $this->getConfig("runtime.router_reference");

    public function getRewriter()
        return $this->getConfig("runtime.rewriter_reference");

    public function getI18n()
        return $this->getConfig("runtime.i18n_reference");

    protected function displayRuntimeHeader()
        $logger = $this->getLogger();

        if (self::isBundledServer()) {
                "<yellow>Loaded as PID</yellow> <success>#%d</success> <yellow>with</yellow> <success>%d</success> <yellow>handled custom post types.</yellow>",
            ), "<info>Strata</info>");
            $logger->log($this->getConfig("runtime.timezone"), "<info>Strata</info>");

        // TBD
        // elseif (self::isCommandLineInterface()) {
        // } else {
        // }

     * Initializes the internationalization class
    protected function localize()
        $i18n = new I18n();

        $this->setConfig("runtime.i18n_reference", $i18n);

     * Configures the default router object.
    protected function setupUrlRouting()
        $rewriter = new Rewriter();

        $router = Router::urlRouting();

        $this->setConfig("runtime.rewriter_reference", $rewriter);
        $this->setConfig("runtime.router_reference", $router);

     * Adds the pre-configured routes to the global
     * router.
    protected function addAppRoutes()
        $routes = $this->getConfig('routes');
        if (is_array($routes)) {

     * Configures the post type loader
    protected function configureCustomPostType()
        $loader = new CustomPostTypeLoader();

     * Saves an array of configuration attribute to the application.
     * @param  array $values A list of project values.
     * @return null
    protected function saveConfigurationFileSettings($values = array())
        if (count($values) > 0) {

     * Save the latest PHP process ID as a temp file in case an infinite loop
     * or any unexpected error breaks the server and prevents Strata
     * from closing it automatically.
     * @return boolean
    protected function saveCurrentPID()
        $pid = getmypid();
        $this->setConfig('', $pid);
        $filename = self::getLogPath() . "pid.log";

        if (is_writable($filename)) {
            return @file_put_contents($filename, $pid);

        return false;

    public function registerErrorHandler()
        $handler = new BaseErrorHandler();

     * Includes the global toolset functions in the current scope and
     * returns whether the include was successful or not.
     * @return boolean
    protected function includeToolset()
        $toolset = self::getUtilityPath() . "Toolset.php";

        if (file_exists($toolset)) {
            return include_once $toolset;

        return false;

     * Adds the current project namespace to the project's class loader.
     * @return null
    public function addProjectNamespaces()
        $classLoader = $this->getConfig("runtime.classLoader");
        $classLoader->setPsr4(self::getNamespace() . "\\", self::getSRCPath());

     * Sets the default namespaces Strata knows about in the project's Composer's
     * ClassLoader.
    public function setDefaultNamespace()
        $classLoader = $this->getConfig("runtime.classLoader");
        $classLoader->setPsr4(self::getDefaultNamespace() . "\\", self::getSRCPath());
        $classLoader->setPsr4(self::getDefaultTestNamespace() . "\\", self::getTestPath());

     * Improves PHP and Wordpress security of the application.
    protected function improveSecurity()
        $security = new Security();