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<p align="center">
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  <p align="center">Dynamically setup headers and redirects for you static deployments.<p>
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<p align="center"><strong>WARNING:</strong> This is still in active development, make sure you lock your versions!<p>

## Motivation

When deploying our [website]( we realized we wanted to have a very subtle difference in the redirects if the environment was `staging` or `production`, we could have gone for the ENV variable option, but the [netlify.toml]( file does not allow environment variable interpolation, so you end up having to use a `sed` command (or multiple) to do the replacement, something like:

sed -i s/REDIRECT_1_PLACEHOLDER/${REDIRECT_1_VALUE}/g netlify.toml
sed -i s/REDIRECT_2_PLACEHOLDER/${REDIRECT_2_VALUE}/g netlify.toml
yarn build

After that, we noticed that many static deployment sites have similar limitations, that lead us to creating [RedHead](, and now you can simply do:

redhead build && yarn build

## Table of content

* [Installation](#installation)
* [Supported Platforms](#supported-platforms)
* [Usage](#usage)
* [Commands](#commands)
  * [init](#redhead-init)
  * [build](#redhead-build)
  * [help](#redhead-help-command)
* [Examples](#examples)
* [Contributing](#contributing)
* [Credits](#credits)

## Installation

yarn global add redhead

Or you can add it to your `package.json`

yarn add redhead --dev

<!-- usage -->
$ npm install -g redhead
$ redhead COMMAND
running command...
$ redhead (-v|--version|version)
redhead/0.4.0 darwin-x64 node-v11.9.0
$ redhead --help [COMMAND]
  $ redhead COMMAND
<!-- usagestop -->

## Supported Platforms

We currently two static deployments, but we plan on adding more (contributions are welcome):

### Currently supported

* [Netlify](
* [Firebase Hosting](

### Plan on supporting

* [Heroku](

## Commands

<!-- commands -->
* [`redhead build`](#redhead-build)
* [`redhead help [COMMAND]`](#redhead-help-command)
* [`redhead init`](#redhead-init)

## `redhead build`

Generate the platform specific files based on the configuration

  $ redhead build

  -o, --output=output              [default: .] Folder where the generated files should be saved.
  -p, --platform=netlify|firebase  [default: netlify] The target platform for the generated files

_See code: [src/commands/build.js](

## `redhead help [COMMAND]`

display help for redhead

  $ redhead help [COMMAND]

  COMMAND  command to show help for

  --all  see all commands in CLI

_See code: [@oclif/plugin-help](

## `redhead init`

Initialize the required files

  $ redhead init

  -h, --no-headers    Whether or not to handle headers with redhead
  -r, --no-redirects  Whether or not to handle redirects with redhead

  Generates files for handling your headers and/or redirects configuration.

_See code: [src/commands/init.js](
<!-- commandsstop -->

## Examples

### Different config based on environment

For example, if you want to have different headers based on the environment you just need to customize the `headers.js` file for your needs and make sure you ENV variables are set for each case, for Netlify this could be done via the `netlify.toml` file.

// .redhead/headers.js

const headers = [];

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
    path: '/cool',
    headers: [
      'X-Cool: 123'

module.exports = headers;


### Redirecting one path to the latest post

Let's say you have a blog and want to have a `/latest` path that always takes users to the latest post that has been published, this could be easily achieved with RedHead.

// .redhead/redirects.js

// use your DB library here;
const db = require('db').config(process.env.CONNECTION_URL);
const lastPost = db.posts.last();

module.exports = [{
  from: '/latest',
  to: `${lastPost.permalink}`,
  status: '302',
  options: '',


## Contributing

All contributions or issue reporting are welcomed. If you are filing a bug please include information to help debug it!

If you plan to contribute, please make sure you test the code.

## Credits

- <div>Icon made by <a href="" title="Freepik">Freepik</a> from <a href=""                 title="Flaticon"></a> is licensed by <a href=""                 title="Creative Commons BY 3.0" target="_blank">CC 3.0 BY</a></div>