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Test Coverage
## [2.6.0]( (2023-01-16)

### Features

* Add Docker support ([#321]( ([d0e7bc9](
* Ruby3.2 support ([#327]( ([265acc3](

### Bug Fixes

* Handle section options ([#324]( ([b976e5b](
* Section method typo ([#318]( ([984deeb](

## [2.6.1]( (2023-02-24)

### Bug Fixes

* add missing hidden files to gem ([#335]( ([60d0559](
* changed Target ruby version ([#329]( ([911d4a7](
* dev dependecies moved to Gemfile ([#333]( ([ed289de](

## [2.5.0]( (2022-08-16)

### Features

* 1secMail integration ([#316]( ([6850758](
* integration ([#314]( ([7f62bae](

### Bug Fixes

* mailtrap integration update ([#313]( ([49e7390](

## [2.4.0]( (2022-07-22)

### Features

* LambdaTest support ([#305]( ([eca5b8a](
* RegExp email subject matcher for Mailgun  ([#304]( ([598c9a2](
* Selenium 4 support ([#303]( ([c5bf2d8](

### Continuous Integration

* release-please integration ([#307]( ([bd2f53e](

## [v2.3.0](

### New Features
- Support Ruby 3.0 (minimum version is 2.6.8)
- Unlock Activesupport 6.x
- Support latest versions of Cucumber
- Integrate rubocop-rspec linter
- Use latest version Rubocop
- Stop capybara-webkit support
- Stop poltergeist support
- Stop Apium driver support
- remove gmail gem from dependencies and add it only when it is really required
- Migrate to new Travis CI domain
- Replace abandoned Coveralls integration with Codecov [](

## [v2.2.0](

### New Features
- [#293]( add support ordering for run tests
- [#276]( Add support Capybara v3
- [#280]( Add support Firefox Headless
- [#241]( meta interface added. Allows tracking elements,sections, iframes on the page.
- [#266]( ruby 2.2 no longer supported
- [#265]( Add Appium driver
### Bug-fixes
- [#286]( [Installation] generated rubocop.yml doesn't cover ruby sources
- [#274]( Stopped PhantomJS supporting
- [#282]( Multiple sessions don't work properly

## [v2.1.1](

### New Features
- Cucumber rake tasks minor updates
- [#257]( Simplify working with multiple domains

### Bug-fixes
- [#225]( Frames under namespace support
- [#254]( Screenshot driver now created for the active driver
- [#252]( Wrong location of log files fixed
- [#248]( FactoryGirl renamed to FactoryBot in cucumber transformation.
- [#246]( Options fixed for rspec rake tasks

## [v2.1.0](

### New Features
- Integrate CrossBrowserTesting
- Add Mailtrap support
- Add Gmail support
- Add Colorized output
- Add new option **user_agent** to allow custom user agent setup
- **mailgun_sleep_time** deprecated, **mail_sleep_time** used instead for all mail adapters
- Split Capybara drivers configuration to separate files
- Migrate FactoryGirl to FactoryBot
- Support Cucumber 3

### Bug-fixes
- [#231]( **window_maximized** option fixed for chrome browser on MacOS

## [v2.0.3](

### New Features
- Integrate Google Chrome Headless
- Stop supported **mailgun_idle_timeout** deprecated setting
- Added maintenance instructions for releasing

### Bug-fixes
- [#222]( fix issue with incorrect iframe scope identifying

## [v2.0.2](

### New Features
- Integrate rspec-wait gem
- Support Ruby 2.4.0
- Support Selenium 3
- Integrate cuke-sniffer gem
- Activate rspec disable_monkey_patching! mode by default
- Support capybara frame options
- Add element_presence argument validation
- Review and improve tests quality

### Bug-fixes
- Fix element capybara options merging
- [#211]( Validation for iframe does not operate as intended
- [#210]( Options like "wait" can not be used with iframe methods

## [v2.0.1](

### New Features
- New rubocop changes supporting
- Add custom page url processor supporting
- Limited Selenium to v2.x
- Add ability to use instance variables and methods from outer cotext in page dsl
- Add wait time dsl method for particular email
- Implement wait_for_xxx_element method for sync
- Implement within_xxx_element method like Capybara.within

### Bug-fixes
- [#188]( Page validation by element presence does not work properly
- [#191]( Generated project is broken
- [#195]( Incorrect parameters passing in lambda locators
- [#200]( capybara-screenshot does not work
- [#205]( Fix incorrect page identification on failed test
- Fix issue for IE in configs
- Fix issue found in generated prerequisites

## [v2.0.0](

### New Features
- Added REST API prerequisites with FactoryBot
- Added Turnip supporting
- Restricted using several bdd frameworks at the same time
- Removed Opera browser supporting
- Integrated Rubocop
- Stopped Ruby supporting less than v2.2.2
- Introduced /web folder for page object elements
- Moved capybara settings to framework side
- Integrated Capybara screenshots
- Renamed and restructured default settings
- Placed everything to own namespace
- Introduced "subject" dsl method for emails
- Moved framework dependent libraries from the gem
- Introduced common tag groups for all BDD frameworks
- Stopped Rawler supporting
- Reimplemented page dsl methods from scratch
- Introduced sections and iframes
- Introduced email adapters
- Stopped supporting of output to txt file
- Removed raising error on log.error
- Removed locator storage
- Prevented capybara form dsl method usage
- Introduced new Page.on method

## [v1.1.1](

### Bug-fixes
- fixed problem with Mailgun
- fixed problems with gems

## [v1.1.0](

### New Features
- Simplified upgrading process(`howitzer update`)
- Added new Rubies supporting (2.1.4-2.2.2)
- Added Selenium Grid supporting
- Added Browserstack supporting
- Added windows maximization in tests
- Added Safari supporting
- Added general framework rake tasks
- Migrated to Cucumber 2.x
- Migrated to Rspec 3.x
- Actualized other dependencies
- Updated and extended documentation.
- Improved unit test coverage
- Added integration with [](
- Integrated YardDoc
- Integrated Gitter

### Bug-fixes
- Fixed issue with loading ActiveSupport

## [v1.0.2](

### New Features
- Added Ruby 2.1 supporting
- Added Windows Supporting
- Improved project documentation
- Simplified new project creation
- Rewritten Mailgun integration to support Fabruary changes
- Created [Howitzer_example](
- Moved from personal github account to organization
- Added supporting of native selenium phantomjs driver
- Implemented smart page identification
- Rewritten command line interface and covered by acceptance tests fully
- Simplified DataStorage clearing after each tests

### Bug-fixes
- Fixed reset session after each scenario against to IE
- Corrected default Cucumber and Rspec formatters
- Minor bug fixing and code refactoring

## [v1.0.1](

### Bug-fixes
- Fixed unit tests
- Fixed correct Ruby version supporting

## [v1.0](

It is major release, so there are many new features, refactoring, unit tests, code documentation.

**Caution**: It is not going to support old versions anymore.

## [v0.0.3](

### New Features

* Added supporting poltergeist driver

### Bug-fixes

* Fixed problem with dependencies

## [v0.0.1](

Initial version