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# Howitzer Maintenance

This guide provides detailed instructions how to release a new Howitzer version

To release a new Howitzer version:

* Make sure all pull requests have been merged to master branch
* Make sure last build is passed in [TravisCI](
* Make sure the code is covered 100% in [Codecov](
* Make sure the code is documented 100% with following command:
rake yard
* [Upgrade]( Howitzer examples [Cucumber](, [Rspec]( and [Turnip]( to last version of code from master and make sure all builds are green
* Bump [version](lib/howitzer/version.rb). Please note howitzer uses [semantic versioning](
* Verify and actualize [ChangeLog](
* Commit all changes and push to origin master
* Specify credentials for (once only) with following commands:
curl > ~/.gem/credentials
chmod 0600 ~/.gem/credentials
* Release Gem with following command:
rake release
* Verify successful release on [Rubygems](
* Force API documentation indexing for the new version on [Rubygems](
* Update new link to documentation on [web site]( Note: The web site will be updated automatically after pushing code to Github
* Update [Howitzer Guides]( regarding new changes
* Notify Community (Gitter, Twitter, Google Group) about the new release