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2023-02-14 - Version 4.2.0 ❤
Added __set() and __isset() magic methods to JSON handling classes. Throws an exception if you try to set values in response objects.
Fixed minor bug in debugging code for webhooks
Fixed grammatical errors in comments
Fixed bug in getting webhook events
Cleaned up examples a bit more

2020-08-31 - Version 4.1.3
Fixed namespacing issues and unit tests

2020-08-28 - Version 4.1.2
Fixed: Added ability to get results from multiple payment results as may be possible when creating multiple payment profiles
Fixed potential bug where getting a transaction response would fail and cause transactions appear to not be approved.
Updated namespacing to be PSR-0/4 compliant
Improved example to show how more data is accessed
Cleaned up unit tests a bit
Minor code clean up

2020-06-21 - Version 4.1.1
Fixed HTTP headers being incorrect and causing isValid() to incorrectly fail
Added examples for ARBGetSubscriptionListRequest, ARBGetSubscriptionRequest, ARBCreateSubscriptionRequest (from Profile)
Removed unnecessary proxy code in Exception classes

2020-05-29 - Version 4.1.0
Added support for Accept.js and Accept Hosted APIs
Added to project
Cleaned up the examples even more
Minor code clean up

2020-05-08 - Version 4.0.0
Changed name of Akamai endpoint to be more generic and accurate (CDN); includes tests
Minor fixes for examples
Changed to throw RuntimeException
Master branch will now support PHP 7.2+. PHP 5.6+ has been moved to its own branch.

2020-03-08 - Version 4.0.0-beta
Bumped minimum supported version of PHP to 7.2
If trying to retrieve non-existent response value, NULL is returned in AuthnetJsonResponse::__get()
Added AuthnetJson::BOUNDLESS_OCCURRENCES to indicate an endless subscription
Added support for prepaid cards
Added constructor to Authnet exceptions
Removed unused AuthnetInvalidParameterException class
Updated unit tests for phpunit 8
Removed unneeded require of config file in unit tests
Added phpunit to require-dev
Shiny badges for the README
Cleaned up HTML and CSS in examples
Minor formatting changes

2019-06-03 - Version 3.1.9
Returned better error message when creating Webhook
Removed unnecessary suppression operators by checking if a variable is set in the __get() magic method

2019-01-26 - Version 3.1.8
Removed not actually missing return statement to AuthnetWebhooksRequest::delete
Reduced complexity of AuthnetApiFactory::getWebServiceURL()
Reduced complexity of AuthnetWebhooksResponse::getEventTypes()
Reduced complexity of AuthnetWebhook::getAllHeaders()

2019-01-22 - Version 3.1.7
Fixed incorrect and/or incomplete docblock comments
Added missing return statement to AuthnetWebhooksRequest::delete
Added ext-curl and ext-json to composer.json as dependencies
Minor formatting changes

2019-01-21 - Version 3.1.6
Changed SIM algorithm to SHA512
Added FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_THOUSAND when validating amount for SIM fingerprint
Added the requirements section to
Added notice about AuthnetJSON 4.0 PHP compatibility level changing.
Used sprintf() for string formatting with variables
Minor formatting changes

2019-01-02 - Version 3.1.5
Updated all usage of array() to []
Added examples/cim/createCustomerProfileRequestMultiplePayAccounts.php to demonstrate adding multiple payment accounts
Added file
Updated unit tests for PHPUnit 7
Added unit test for AuthnetWebhook::getAllHeaders()
Updated AuthnetWebhook::__constructor() to use AuthnetWebhook::getAllHeaders() instead of going straight to apache_get_headers()
Converted tabs to spaces!

2018-01-21 - Version 3.1.4
Really fixed case sensitivity issue with HTTP header in Webhook
Updated expiration dates in AIM examples

2017-09-06 - Version 3.1.3
Fixed case sensitivity issue with HTTP header in Webhook

2017-09-06 - Version 3.1.2
Made third parameter of AuthnetWebhook::__construct() optional

2017-08-30 - Version 3.1.1
Made providing headers when handling a webhook optional if apache_request_headers()/getallheaders() is available
Throws an exception when no signature is provided

2017-08-28 - Version 3.1.0
Added signature verification when receiving a webhook
Show N/A when there is no request JSON when printing out response objects
Got unit test coverage back to 100%

2017-04-18 - Version 3.0.0
Added support for webhooks
Switched to use \Curl\Curl for all Curl requests
Updated examples to use recent dates
Cleaned up and improved some unit tests
Converted some errant tabs to spaces
Removed BETA notice from README

2016-06-08 - Version 2.5.1
Uses the Akamai endpoint by default

2015-09-11 - Version 2.5.0
Exceptions extend AuthnetJson exception to allow for better error handling in client code
Added AuthnetJsonResponse::getRawRequest to get raw JSON request sent to Authorize.Net
Added AuthnetJsonResponse::getRawResponse to get raw JSON response returned from Authorize.Net
Added getError(), getErrorCode(), and getErrorMessage() for easier error handling and logging
Added support for the SIM API

2015-08-26 - Version 2.4.5
Added examples for PayPal Express

2015-08-25 - Version 2.4.4
Added examples for Verified by Visa

2015-08-21 - Version 2.4.3
Updated docblock comments and added phpdoc.xml to allow for better and easier to generate documentation

2015-08-16 - Version 2.4.2
Completed unit test for UpdateSplitTenderGroup API call

2015-08-09 - Version 2.4.1
Fixed potential bug in AuthnetJsonResponse::Fixed potential bug in checkTransactionStatus()
Got unit test coverage back to 100%

2015-08-09 - Version 2.4.0
Added support for the new Akamai endpoint

2015-07-15 - Version 2.3.0
Updated AuthnetJsonResponse::isApproved and AuthnetJsonResponse::isDeclined to work with AIM transactions
Got unit test coverage to 100%

2015-05-29 - Version 2.2.0
Added AuthnetJsonResponse::isApproved and AuthnetJsonResponse::isDeclined to easily get status of CIM transactions

2015-05-09 - Version 2.1.1
Fixed fatal error caused by removing __set() parameters

2015-05-06 - Version 2.1.0
Transaction data returned in some CIM API calls can now be accessed easily

2015-04-29 - Version 2.0.0
Requests now return response objects

2015-04-18 - Version 1.0.2
Fixed bug where AuthnetInvalidJsonException would not be thrown when invalid JSON was returned

2015-03-30 - Version 1.0.1
Fixed bug where setting the third parameter AuthnetApiFactory::getJsonApiHandler to NULL would default to production endpoint
Throws AuthnetInvalidJsonException if response JSON is not valid
Finished adding examples
Added more unit tests
Added more docbloc comments

2015-03-21 - Version 1.0.0
Initial Release