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# observatory
General Observation Pattern Component

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### What is observatory?

Observatory is a general interface orchestration for observable
objects using a container for data transport. It's inspired by
the `SplObserver` implementation of [PHP](

### What is the goal of observatory?

Providing an easy to use, easy to understand, lightweight 
event hub to specific implementations without provided 
methods for each event invoker registration.

### How to use it?

Subcosm Observatory is available at [Packagist](https://packagist/subcosm/observatory):

# composer require subcosm/observatory ~1.0

#### Creating the Observable Object

use Subcosm\Observable\{
    AbstractObservationContainer as Container

class Foo implements ObservableInterface {
    use ObservableTrait;
    public function firstAction()
        $message = 'Hello from firstAction!';
        $container = new class($this, __METHOD__, $message) extends Container {
            protected $message;
            public function __construct($object, string $stage, string $message) 
                $this->message = $message;
                parent::__construct($object, $stage);
            public function getMessage()
    public function secondAction()
        $message = 'Another hello from secondAction!';
        $container = new class($this, __METHOD__, $message) extends Container {
            protected $message;
            public function __construct($object, string $stage, string $message) 
                $this->message = $message;
                parent::__construct($object, $stage);
            public function getMessage()

#### Creating an Observer

use Subcosm\Observable\{
    ObservationContainerInterface as Container

class EchoMessageObserver implements ObserverInterface {
    public function update(Container $container)
        echo $container->getMessage().PHP_EOL;

#### Using the Observable and Observer

$observable = new Foo;

$observer = new EchoMessageObserver;



Results in:

Hello from firstAction!
Another hello from secondAction!


### Package Stability and Maintainers

This package is considered stable. The maintainers of this package are:

- [Matthias Kaschubowski](

### License

This package is licensed under the [MIT-License](LICENSE).