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# Uphold

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A ruby client for the [Uphold]( API.

# Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'uphold'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install uphold

# Contents

* [Usage](#usage)
* [Options](#options)
* [Creating an authenticated client](#creating-an-authenticated-client)
  * [Personal Access Token](#personal-access-token)
    * [Via argument](#via-argument)
    * [Via environment variable](#via-environment-variable)
* [Endpoints](#endpoints)
  * [Authentication](#authentication)
    * [OAuth2](#oauth2)
    * [Basic Authentication](#basic-authentication)
  * [Tickers](#tickers)
  * [Entities](#entities)
  * [Cards](#cards)
  * [Transactions](#transactions)
    * [Public Transactions](#public-transactions)
    * [Private Transactions](#private-transactions)
  * [Contacts](#contacts)
  * [Users](#users)
  * [Transparency](#transparency)
  * [Pagination](#pagination)
* [Contributing](#contributing)

# Usage

To use the gem, you have to instantiate a client. All API calls are made from there. Here's a minimal working example:

require 'uphold'

client =
puts client.all_tickers

## Sandbox mode

Uphold has a sandbox version for testing purposes:

* Sandbox site:
* Sandbox API:

You can set `Uphold.sandbox = true` to enable sandboxing mode to set the global base URL to point to the sandbox API instead of the production one.

# Options

This is a summary of the supported options when instantiating a new client, and their default values:

  # bearer_token for OAuth authentication

# Creating an authenticated client

In order to make most of the API calls, you will need to authenticate your
client. Here's how you can do that.

## Personal Access Token

If you don't have a PAT, learn how to generate one

If you already have a token, you can use it by setting an environment variable,
or by passing it when instantiating the client.

### Via argument

Pass the token to the constructor:

```ruby 'your-access-token')

### Via environment variable

Set the environment variable using [dotenv](, or by exporting it in your shell:

$ export UPHOLD_AUTH_TOKEN="your-access-token"

Then instantiate the client:


# Endpoints

This is a comprehensive list of all the mappings between this wrapper and the
Uphold's API.

## Authentication

[*Uphold documentation on authentication*](

### OAuth2


### Basic Authentication

[*Bireserve documentation on basic authentication*](

The only thing you need, in order to use basic authentication is a Personal
Access Token, everything else is transparent to you. If you already have a
token, see how to use it [here](#personal-access-token).

client.generate_access_token(username: 'your-uphold-username', password:
'your-uphold-password', otp: 'a-valid-uphold-otp')

To generate a valid OTP you can install [Authy](, follow
it's set up process and choose uphold. You should be prompted with a set of
numbers, which is your OTP (it only lasts 30 seconds, so you have to be quick).

## Tickers

[*Uphold documentation on tickers*](

**Return the current rates on Uphold for all currency pairs:**


**Return the current rates on Uphold for a specific currency:**

client.find_ticker(currency: 'EUR')

## Cards

[*Uphold documentation on cards*](

**Return all the user's cards:**


**Return the details for a specific card associated with the user:**

client.find_card(id: '37e002a7-8508-4268-a18c-7335a6ddf24b')

**Create a card for the user:**

client.create_card(label: 'My label', currency: 'BTC')

## Transactions

[*Uphold documentation on transactions*](

You can interact with both the authenticated user's and public transactions.

### Public Transactions

**Return the public view of all transactions in the reserve (supports


**Return the public view of a specific transaction (supports

client.find_public_transactions(id: 'a97bb994-6e24-4a89-b653-e0a6d0bcf634')

### Private Transactions

**Create a transaction:**

client.create_transaction(card_id: 'a6d35fcd-xxxx-9c9d1dda6d57', currency:
'BTC', amount: 0.1, destination: '')

**Commit a transaction:**

client.commit_transaction(card_id: 'a6d35fcd-xxxx-9c9d1dda6d57', transaction_id:

**Create and commit a transaction in a single request:**

client.create_and_commit_transaction(card_id: 'a6d35fcd-xxxx-9c9d1dda6d57', currency:
'BTC', amount: 0.1, destination: '')

**Cancel a transaction:**

client.cancel_transaction(card_id: 'a6d35fcd-xxxx-9c9d1dda6d57', transaction_id:

**Resend a transaction:**

client.resend_transaction(card_id: 'a6d35fcd-xxxx-9c9d1dda6d57', transaction_id:

**Return all transactions associated with the user (supports


**Return all transactions associated with a card:**


## Contacts

[*Uphold documentation on contacts*](

**Return all the user's contacts:**


**Return the details for a specific contact associated with the user:**

client.find_contact(id: '9fae84eb-712d-4b6a-9b2c-764bdde4c079')

**Create a contact for the user:**

client.create_contact(first_name: 'Luke', last_name: 'Skywalker', company: 'Lars
Moisture Farm Inc', emails: ['')

## Users

[*Uphold documentation on users*](

**Return the details of the user:**


**Return the list of phone numbers associated with the user:**


## Transparency

[*Uphold documentation on the reserve status*](

**Return a summary of all obligations and assets:**


[*Uphold documentation on the reserve ledger*](

**Return a detailed record of all obligations and assets flowing into the


## Pagination

[*Uphold documentation on pagination*](

All endpoints that support pagination take a `range` attribute, in which you can
specify the first and last indexes for the items you wish to retrieve.

The response will look exactly like an `Array`, but with a method called
`total_items`, that returns the total number of items of that type that
Uphold knows of.

client = token: 'XXX'
client.all_public_transactions.size # 5
client.all_public_transactions.total_size # 21110
client.all_public_transactions(range: (5..20)).size # 16

# Contributing

1. Fork it ( )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
4. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create a new Pull Request

# Copyright

Copyright (c) 2019 Subvisual. See [LICENSE.txt](LICENSE.txt) for further details.