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Test Coverage
# Dissertate

## Getting started
1. Install LaTeX. For Mac OS X, we recommend MacTex (; for Windows, MiKTeX (; and for Ubuntu, Tex Live (`sudo apt-get install texlive-full`)
2. Install the default fonts: EB Garamond, Lato, and Source Code Pro. The files are provided in `fonts/EB Garamond`, `fonts/Lato`, and `fonts/Source Code Pro`.
3. Personalize the document by filling out your name and all the other info in `frontmatter/`.
4. Build your dissertation with `build.command`, located in the `scripts` directory (e.g., you can `cd` into the main directory and then run `./scripts/build.command`).

## FAQ

### How do I make the text justified instead of ragged right?
Remove or comment out the line `\RaggedRight` from the .cls file.