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<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 180 90">
<title>Flag of the Philippines</title>
<desc>Coding according to the official "description and specification of the FILIPINO flag" in Executive Order No. 23 from 1936</desc>
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<rect y="45" width="180" height="45" fill="#ce1126"/>
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<g id="j">
<g id="i">
<g id="h">
<path d="M -1,0 L -0.93848823,0.06151177 L 0,0 L -0.93848823,-0.06151177 z" transform="scale(19)"/>
<path id="g" d="M -0.88366349,0.11633651 L -0.83408932,0.16591068 L 0,0 z" transform="scale(19.238092)"/>
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<use xlink:href="#j" transform="rotate(180)"/>
<g transform="translate(-2.019238)">
<g id="s" transform="translate(37.961524,0)">
<path id="t" d="M 5,0 L 1.618034,1.175571 1.545085,4.755283 -0.618034,1.902113 -4.045085,2.938926 -2,0 z"/>
<use xlink:href="#t" transform="scale(1,-1)"/>
<use xlink:href="#s" transform="rotate(120)"/>
<use xlink:href="#s" transform="rotate(-120)"/>