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<% content_for :static_h1 do %>
  Statistics: Watch alonetone grow
<% end %>
<div class="stats-page">
  <div class="faq box">
    <h2 class="box static_content_heading">
      Currently on alonetone
    <div class="static_content big_stats">
        <%= @number_of_musicians %>
      musicians have uploaded
        <%= Asset.count %>
      original mp3s.
      It would take you
        <%= Asset.days %>
      days to listen to all
        <%= Asset.gigs %>
      gigabytes of their tunes.
  <div class="faq box">
    <h2 class="box static_content_heading">
      Tracks uploaded per week
    <div class="static_content">
      <%# raphael_report_tag(Asset.weekly_report, { width: 580, height: 100, line: "#6d9312", fill: "#8db038", hover_fill_color: '#5da5ba', hover_line_color:'#348fa9'}, { vertical_label_unit: 'Tracks' }).html_safe %>
  <div class="faq box">
    <h2 class="box static_content_heading">
      Listens per Week* since launch
    <div class="static_content">
      <%# raphael_report_tag(Listen.weekly_report, { width: 580, height: 100, line: "#6d9312", fill: "#8db038", hover_fill_color: '#5da5ba', hover_line_color:'#348fa9'}, { vertical_label_unit: 'Plays' }).html_safe %>
        <%= Listen.monthly_listen_count_for[0] %>
      Listens so far for
      <%= Listen.monthly_listen_count_for[1] %>
        * Please note that as of April-July 2008, alonetone began to filter out all hits by search engines & spiders
  <div class="faq box">
    <h2 class="box static_content_heading">
      New artists per week
    <div class="static_content">
      <%# raphael_report_tag(User.weekly_report, { width: 580, height: 100, line: "#6d9312", fill: "#8db038", hover_fill_color: '#5da5ba', hover_line_color:'#348fa9'}, { vertical_label_unit: 'Plays' }).html_safe     %>
  <div class="faq box">
    <h2 class="box static_content_heading">
      Other fun alonetone numbers
    <div class="static_content">
        <%= "%.0f" % @tracks_per_user %>
      tracks uploaded by the average alonetoner
        <%= "%.0f" % @listens_per_track %>
      listens to the average track
        <%= "%.0f" % @listens_per_user %>
      listens to the average alonetoner
      Average length of the
      <%= Asset.count %>
      uploaded mp3s is
        <%= @average_length_of_track %>
        <%= "%.0f" % @comments_per_user %>
      comments made by the average alonetoner