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<%= content_for :open_graph do %>
  <meta property="og:type" content="profile" />
  <meta property="og:title" content="<%= %>" />
  <meta property="og:description" content="<%= %>'s music on alonetone" />
  <meta property="og:image" content="<%= user_avatar_url(@user, variant: :large_avatar) %>" />
<% end %>

<% if authorized? && @user.brand_new? %>
<div class="page_container page_container_with_blank_slate_full_cloud">
  <%= render layout: 'shared/blank_slate', locals: { name: 'jenya', role: 'backend dev' } do %>
        Welcome to the farm — er, I mean your profile.

        Your playlists and tracks and activity will show up here once you start doing stuff!

        You can also send people to this page with this address: <%= link_to request.original_url, request.original_url %>
  <% end %>
<% elsif authorized? && !@user.avatar_image_present? && ! %>
<div class="page_container page_container_with_blank_slate_full_cloud">
  <%= render layout: 'shared/blank_slate', locals: { name: 'samo', role: 'designer' } do %>
        Mmmmm, it looks like you haven't uploaded a profile pic or written a bio yet...

        Click that avatar icon in the top right of the page and then click "Edit" and you'll be on your way!
  <% end %>
<% end %>

<div class="page_container" id="user_home">
  <div id="user_header_area">
    <div id="user_header">
      <div class="user_name_and_follow">
          <h1 class="user_name"><%= %></h1>
          <% if logged_in? && current_user != @user %>
          <%= button_to put_toggle_follow_path(login: @user.login), method: :put, class: 'follow',
          data: {controller: 'follow', action: 'follow#toggle', 'follow-following-value': current_user.is_following?(@user).present? } do %>
            <div class="follow_button" data-follow-target="label">Follow</div>
            <%== render file: svg_path('svg/animation_heart.svg') %>
          <% end %>
        <% end %>
      <div class="user_header_avatar">
        <%= user_image(@user, variant: :medium_avatar) %>

  <% if @playlists.present? %>
    <div id="user_playlists_area">
      <div class="user_featured_playlists">
        <ul class="playlists no_artist_name_playlists responsive_grid responsive_grid_single_row">
          <%= render partial: 'shared/playlist', collection: @playlists.limit(4), as: :playlist %>
      <% if current_user_is_mod_or_owner?(@user) and @user.playlists.include_private.count > 4 %>
        <div class="below_box">
          <%= link_to user_playlists_path(@user), class: 'view_all', title: "albums by #{}"  do %>
            <span>view all, edit &amp; sort playlists&nbsp;&nbsp;
              <i class="icon_caret">
                <%== render file: svg_path('svg/icon_caret.svg') %>
          <% end %>
      <% elsif current_user_is_mod_or_owner?(@user) %>
        <div class="below_box sparse">
          <%= link_to user_playlists_path(@user), class: 'view_all', title: "albums by #{}"  do %>
            <span>sort &amp; edit playlists&nbsp;&nbsp;
              <i class="icon_caret">
                <%== render file: svg_path('svg/icon_caret.svg') %>
          <% end %>
      <% elsif @playlists.count > 4 %>
        <div class="below_box">
          <%= link_to user_playlists_path(@user), class: 'view_all', title: "albums by #{}"  do %>
            <span>view all &nbsp;
              <i class="icon_caret">
                <%== render file: svg_path('svg/icon_caret.svg') %>
          <% end %>
      <% else  %>
        <div class="below_box"></div>
      <% end %>
  <% end %>

  <div id="user_left_column">
    <% if @assets.size > 0 %>
      <div id="user_latest_area">
        <h2>Latest Music</h2>
        <div id="user_latest" class="box">
          <%= render partial: 'assets/asset', layout: 'assets/normal_playback', collection: @assets %>
        <div class="below_box">
          <%= link_to user_tracks_path(@user), class: 'view_all', title: "uploaded mp3s by #{}"  do %>
          <span>view all &nbsp;
            <i class="icon_caret">
              <%== render file: svg_path('svg/icon_caret.svg') %>
          <% end if @user.assets_count > 5 %>
    <% end %>

    <% unless @listens.empty? %>
      <div id="user_listens_area">
        <h2>Recently Listened To</h2>

        <div class="box">
          <%= render partial: 'assets/asset', layout: 'assets/normal_playback',
            collection: @listens, as: :asset %>

        <div class="below_box">
            <%= link_to listens_path(@user.login), class: 'view_all' do %>
            <span>view all &nbsp;
              <i class="icon_caret">
                <%== render file: svg_path('svg/icon_caret.svg') %>
            <% end if @listens.size > 4 %>
    <% end %>

    <% if authorized? && @user.listens_count > 0 %>
      <div id="user_plays_area">
        <% cache([@user, @track_plays]) do %>
          <h2>Latest Listens To Your Music</h2>
          <div id="user_track_plays" class="box">

            <div class="static_content">
              <strong><%= %></strong> new plays &amp; downloads today <br/>
              <%= @user.listens_count %> total plays and downloads
            <%= render partial: 'users/track_play', collection: @track_plays %>
        <% end%>
        <div class="below_box">
          <%= link_to listens_path(@user.login), class: 'view_all' do %>
            <span>view all &nbsp;
              <i class="icon_caret">
                <%== render file: svg_path('svg/icon_caret.svg') %>
          <% end if @track_plays.size > 4 %>
    <% end %>


  <div id="user_right_column">

    <% if @popular_tracks.present? && @user.most_popular? %>
      <div id="user_popular_area">
        <h2>Most Popular</h2>

        <div id="user_popular" class="box">
          <%= link_to " ", user_tracks_path(@user),
          class: 'view_more_tracks', title: "uploaded mp3s by #{}" if @user.assets_count > 5%>
          <%= render partial: 'assets/asset', layout: 'assets/normal_playback', collection: @popular_tracks %>
    <% end %>

    <% if @favorites.present? %>
    <div id="user_favorites_area">
      <h2>Recent Favorites</h2>
      <div class="box">
        <%= render partial: 'assets/asset', layout: 'assets/normal_playback',
          collection: @favorites, as: :asset %>
      <div class="below_box">
        <%= link_to user_playlist_path(@user, @user.favorites), class: "view_all" do %>
          <span>view all &nbsp;
            <i class="icon_caret">
              <%== render file: svg_path('svg/icon_caret.svg') %>
        <% end if @user.favorites.tracks.size > 5 %>
    <% end %>

    <div id="user_comments_area">
      <%= render partial: 'shared/comments' if @comments.present? %>

  <div id="user_card_area">
    <div class="user_card_avatar">
      <%= user_image(@user, variant: :large_avatar) %>
    <div class="user_card_content">
      <div class="user_card_bio">
       <% if @profile.try(:bio) %>
       <%= markdown( %>
       <% else %>
       <%= %> doesn't have anything to say, unfortunately...
       <% end %>
     <% if (user_location(@profile).length > 0) %>
      <div class="user_card_content_divider"></div>
      <div class="user_location">
          <%= user_location(@profile) %>
     <% end %>
  <% if @user.followees.present? %>
    <div id="user_follows_area">
      <h2 class="area_heading">
        Who <%= %> follows
      <div class="area_content" data-controller="followees" data-action="resize@window->followees#resize">
        <%= render partial: 'shared/users_to_edge', locals: { users: @user.followees } %>
  <% end %>

  <% if @profile.has_links? %>
    <div id="user_links_area">
      <div class="user_links_container">
          <% if %>
            <%= link_to "https://#{}", rel:"nofollow" do %>
              <div class="link_left">

              <div class="link_right">
                <%== render file: svg_path('svg/icon_user_link.svg') %>
            <% end %>
          <% end %>
          <% if @profile.twitter.present? %>
            <a href="<%= @profile.twitter %>" rel="nofollow">

                <div class="link_left">

                <div class="link_right">
                  <%== render file: svg_path('svg/icon_user_twitter.svg') %>
          <% end %>
          <% if %>
            <a href="<%= %>" rel="nofollow">
              <div class="link_left">
                <div>Apple Music</div>
              <div class="link_right">
                <%== render file: svg_path('svg/icon_user_apple_music.svg') %>
          <% end %>
          <% if @profile.bandcamp.present? %>
            <a href="http://<%= @profile.bandcamp %>" rel="nofollow">
              <div class="link_left">
              <div class="link_right">
                <%== render file: svg_path('svg/icon_user_bandcamp.svg') %>
          <% end %>
          <% if @profile.instagram.present? %>
            <a href="<%= @profile.instagram %>" rel="nofollow">
              <div class="link_left">
              <div class="link_right">
                <%== render file: svg_path('svg/icon_user_instagram.svg') %>
          <% end %>
          <% if @profile.spotify.present? %>
            <a href="<%= @profile.spotify %>" rel="nofollow">
              <div class="link_left">
              <div class="link_right">
                <%== render file: svg_path('svg/icon_user_spotify.svg') %>
          <% end %>
          <% if %>
            <a href="<%= %>" rel="nofollow">
              <div class="link_left">
              <div class="link_right">
                <%== render file: svg_path('svg/icon_user_youtube.svg') %>
          <% end %>
  <% end %>

  <div id="user_stats_area">
    <h2 class="area_heading">
      Stats and Stuff
    <div class="area_content">
      <div class="time_and_date">
            Last seen
            <%= local_time_ago(@user.last_request_at || @user.created_at)%></strong>
      <% if @user.listens_count > 0 %>
      <div class="tracks_and_listens">
            <%= pluralize @user.assets_count, 'track' %>
            <%= @user.listens_count %>
      <% end %>

  <% if moderator? %>
    <div id="user_mod_stats_area">
      <h2 class="area_heading">

      <div class="area_content">
        <div class="user_ip">
            <div>IP Address</div>
            <div><%= @user.current_login_ip %></div>
            <div>Other with the same IP:</div>
              <% if @other_users_with_same_ip.present? %>
              <%= @other_users_with_same_ip.collect{|u| link_to u, "/#{u}"}.join(', ').html_safe %>
              <% end %>

        <div class="user_agent">
          <div>User agent</div>
          <div><%= @profile.user_agent %></div>

        <div class="user_agent">
          <div>User's email</div>
          <div><%= %></div>
  <% end %>

  <% if authorized? %>
    <div id="user_actions_area">
      <%= link_to edit_user_path(@user), class: "edit_profile #{ admin? ? 'admin' : ''}" do %>
        Edit Profile
      <% end %>
      <% if moderator? %>
        <%= link_to "Spam User", spam_admin_user_path(@user), method: :put, class: 'edit_profile--delete'  %>
        <%= link_to "Delete User", delete_admin_user_path(@user), method: :put, class: 'edit_profile--delete' %>
      <% end %>

  <% end %>
