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# fluent-plugin-chatwork

fluentd output plugin for post to [ChatWork](

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## Requirements

| fluent-plugin-chatwork | fluentd | ruby |
| >= 2.0.0 | >= v0.14.0 | >= 2.1 |
|  < 2.0.0 | >= v0.12.0 | >= 1.9 |

## Installation

    $ gem install fluent-plugin-chatwork

## Configure

### For non-buffered

<match **>
  @type        chatwork
  api_token    YOUR_SECRET_TOKEN
  room_id      0000000000
  message      Hello ChatWork!\n<%= record["value"] %>

### For buffered

<match **>
  @type        chatwork
  api_token    YOUR_SECRET_TOKEN
  room_id      0000000000
  message      Hello ChatWork!\n<%= record["value"] %>
  buffered     true
  <buffer tag>
    @type memory

* api_token
  * secret api token
* room_id
  * send message to this room
* message
  * message content
  * support erb format
  * support newline character (\n)
* buffered
  * Switch non-buffered/buffered output

## Contributing

1. Fork it ( )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create a new Pull Request