# HTML, JS, CSS Linter #
Using [PhantomJS](, [node-horseman](, and [CasperJs](
### HTML Linter ###
using [W3 Validator](
Usage :
node htmlHorseman.js --url [URL] --destination [path]
* -url / --url : input the url to do the test (required)
* -d / --destination : input the path to store the JSON output
output : resultHTML.json
### CSS Linter ###
Will catch all external stylesheet from url
by : [csslint](
Usage :
node cssHorseman.js --url [URL] --destination [path]
* -url / --url : input the url of the file (required, end with .css)
* -d / --destination : input the path to store the JSON output
output : resultCSS.json
### JS Linter ###
Will catch all javascript file from url (exclude jQuery, Google Analytic)
by : [jshint](
Usage :
node jsHorseman.js --url [URL] --destination [path]
* -url / --url : input the url of the file (required, end with .js)
* -d / --destination : input the path to store the JSON output
output : resultJS.json