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# SearchWorks
The Stanford library searchable catalog.
## Local Installation
You'll need common dependencies for building rails applications such as a javascript runtime (e.g. v8). If you don't want to have the mysql gem installed for local development you can run the bundle install command below with the `--without production deployment` flag
After cloning the repository
$ bundle install
$ yarn install
$ rake searchworks:install
The installation script will
1. Migrate the database
You will need to update the configuration in `config/settings.yml` for various parts of the app to work. Please check that file for more information.
### Start Solr
There are at least two options for starting Solr.
#### Docker compose
docker compose up
#### solr_wrapper
To start Solr, you can use the `solr_wrapper` command. However, if starting from a fresh instance, you may first need to run `rake searchworks:install` or `rake ci` so that the CJK tokenizer gets copied into the appropriate directory. There is also a separate task (`rake searchworks:copy_solr_dependencies`) available if you find that you need to clean solr and the CJK tokenizer is getting removed.
$ solr_wrapper
### Start the rails app
Start the rails app
$ bin/dev
## Getting data in development
Once you have Solr running you can load fixture data using `bin/rails searchworks:fixtures`
We have included fixture files in the `spec/fixtures/solr_documents` directory.
If you want to add other documents you can add the identifiers into `FixtureHarvester`. This will download more yml files to the fixture folder. Run `bin/rails searchworks:fixtures` again to reindex. Please submit your changes and the new yaml files via a pull request. Please use this judiciously as adding many fixtures may add unnecessary complexity and size to the codebase.
## "Logging in" as a User in development
Given that this app is using shibboleth + devise for login, it can be tricky to get a user context set. The user itself can be set by starting rails with a `REMOTE_USER` env var set (e.g. `REMOTE_USER=jstanford bin/dev`).
If you need to set your affiliation attribute (e.g. `stanford:staff`) for things like testing article search, you can start rails with a `suAffiliation` env var set (e.g. `REMOTE_USER=jstanford suAffiliation=stanford:staff bin/dev`).
One caveat to this is that you may still need to go through the login path `/sso/login` in order to ensure proper session setup (e.g. eds guest flag set).
## Testing
There is one testing task: `rake ci`
#### ci
This is intended for running tests against the fixtures in the local index.
$ rake ci