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<%= form_with url: catalog_record_id_and_barcode_csv_job_path, class: 'new_bulk_action', data: { turbo_frame: '_top' } do |f| %>
  <%= render 'bulk_actions/errors' %>

  <span class='help-block'>
    Adds or updates <%= CatalogRecordId.label %>s and/or barcodes associated with objects.
  <div class='mb-3'>
    <%= f.label :csv_file, 'Upload a CSV file' %>
    <p><small><em>Please note that each row should have headers for:
      <li>Druid (required)</li>
      <li><%= CatalogRecordId.label %> (optional). May be repeated if an item is associated with multiple catalog record IDs.</li>
      <li>Refresh (optional). Set to "true" to indicate descriptive metadata is refreshable from first catalog record ID; set to "false" to indicate descriptive metadata is not refreshable.</li>
      <li>Barcode (optional)</li>
    <%= f.file_field :csv_file, class: 'form-control', accept: '.csv' %>

  <%= render 'bulk_actions/common_fields', f: %>
<% end %>