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Test Coverage
<div data-controller='text-extraction'>
  <%= form_with url: text_extraction_job_path, class: 'new_bulk_action', data: { turbo_frame: '_top' } do |f| %>
    <%= render 'bulk_actions/errors' %>

    <span class='help-block'>Start text extraction workflow for the selected items.</span>
    <div class="mt-2 alert alert-warning">
      <p>Auto-generating OCR files will not overwrite any existing OCR files that have been corrected to comply with accessibility standards. <strong>Any uncorrected OCR files will be overwritten.</strong> The originally-deposited contents will not be overwritten.</p>
      <p>Warning: Avoid auto-generating OCR files for contents that do not contain any text, as it may have adverse effects.</p>

    <span class='form-text'>
      Warning: Text extraction should only be performed on content types Image, Book, or Document/PDF.
    <%= render f) %>
    <%= render 'bulk_actions/druids', f: %>
    <%= render 'bulk_actions/common_fields', f: %>
  <% end %>