# frozen_string_literal: true
module Cocina
module Models
# Domain-defined abstraction of a 'work'. Digital Repository Objects' abstraction is describable for our domain’s purposes, i.e. for management needs within our system.
class DROLite < Struct
include Checkable
TYPES = ['',
# The version of Cocina with which this object conforms.
# example: 1.2.3
attribute :cocinaVersion, CocinaVersion.default(VERSION)
# The content type of the DRO. Selected from an established set of values.
attribute :type, Types::Strict::String.enum(*DROLite::TYPES)
# example: druid:bc123df4567
attribute :externalIdentifier, Druid
# Primary processing label (can be same as title) for a DRO.
attribute :label, Types::Strict::String
# Version for the DRO within SDR.
attribute :version, Types::Strict::Integer
attribute? :access, DROAccess.optional
attribute? :administrative, Administrative.optional
attribute? :description, Description.optional
attribute? :identification, Identification.optional
attribute? :structural, DROStructural.optional
attribute? :geographic, Geographic.optional