# File "modsulator.rb" - defines the Modsulator class, providing the main part of the API that lets you work
# with metadata spreadsheets and MODS XML.
require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/indifferent_access' # Required for indifferent access to hashes
require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank' # Required for template calls to blank?()
require 'erb' # Rails templating engine
require 'nokogiri'
require 'roo'
require 'stanford/mods/normalizer'
require 'modsulator/modsulator_sheet'
require 'deprecation'
# The main class for the MODSulator API, which lets you work with metadata spreadsheets and MODS XML.
# @see Requirements (Stanford Consul page)
class Modsulator
extend Deprecation
self.deprecation_horizon = 'modsulator version 2.0.0'
# We define our own namespace for <xmlDocs>
attr_reader :file, :template_xml, :rows
# The reason for requiring both a file and filename is that within the API that is one of the users of this class,
# the file and filename exist separately.
# Note that if neither :template_file nor :template_string are specified, the gem's built-in XML template is used.
# @param [File] file Input spreadsheet file.
# @param [String] filename The filename for the input spreadsheet.
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [String] :template_file The full path to the desired template file (a spreadsheet).
# @option options [String] :template_string The template contents as a string
def initialize(file, filename, options = {})
@file = file
@filename = filename
@rows =, @filename).rows
if options[:template_string]
@template_xml = options[:template_string]
elsif options[:template_file]
@template_xml =[:template_file])
@template_xml ='../modsulator/modsulator_template.xml', __FILE__))
# Generates an XML document with one <mods> entry per input row.
# Example output:
# <xmlDocs datetime="2015-03-23 09:22:11AM" sourceFile="FitchMLK-v1.xlsx">
# <xmlDoc id="descMetadata" objectId="druid:aa111aa1111">
# <mods ... >
# :
# </mods>
# </xmlDoc>
# <xmlDoc id="descMetadata" objectId="druid:aa222aa2222">
# <mods ... >
# :
# </mods>
# </xmlDoc>
# </xmlDocs>
# @return [String] An XML string containing all the <mods> documents within a nested structure as shown in the example.
def convert_rows
time_stamp ='%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S%p')
header = "<xmlDocs xmlns=\"#{NAMESPACE}\" datetime=\"#{time_stamp}\" sourceFile=\"#{@filename}\">"
full_doc = Nokogiri::XML(header)
root = full_doc.root
@rows.each do |row|
mods_xml_doc = row_to_xml(row)
sub_doc = full_doc.create_element('xmlDoc', { id: 'descMetadata', objectId: "#{row['druid']}" })
# Checks whether or not a string contains any <br> or <p> markup.
# @param [String] str Any string.
# @return [Boolean] true if the given string contains paragraph or line break HTML markup, false otherwise.
def has_whitespace_markup?(str)
str.match('<br>') || str.match('<br/>') || str.match('<p>') || str.match('<p/>')
# Transforms HTML paragraph and line break markup tags to newline characters. This should be run <b>before</b> escaping
# any XML characters.
# @param [String] str String to transform.
# @return [String] The given string, with a single newline character substituted for line break tags and two consecutive
# newline characters substituted for paragraph tags.
def transform_whitespace_markup(str)
str.gsub(/<br\/>/, '\n').gsub(/<br>/, '\n').gsub(/<p>/, '\n\n').gsub(/<p\/>/, '\n\n')
# Generates an XML string for a given row in a spreadsheet.
# @param [Hash] metadata_row A single row in a MODS metadata spreadsheet, as provided by the {ModsulatorSheet#rows} method.
# @return [String] XML template, with data from the row substituted in.
def generate_xml(metadata_row)
manifest_row = metadata_row
# XML escape all of the entries in the manifest row so they won't break the XML. This will turn any '<' into &#lt;
# and international characters into their corresponding code point etc.
manifest_row.each do |k, v|
next unless v
v = transform_whitespace_markup(v) if v.instance_of?(String) && has_whitespace_markup?(v)
manifest_row[k] =, Nokogiri::XML('')).to_s
# Enable access with symbol or string keys
manifest_row = manifest_row.with_indifferent_access
# Run the XML template through ERB. This creates a new ERB object from the template XML,
# NOT creating a separate thread, and omitting newlines for lines ending with '%>'
template =, nil, '>')
# ERB.result() actually computes the template. This just passes the top level binding.
descriptive_metadata_xml = template.result(binding)
# The manifest_row is a hash, with column names as the key.
# In the template, as a convenience we allow users to put specific column placeholders inside
# double brackets: "blah [[column_name]] blah".
# Here we replace those placeholders with the corresponding value
# from the manifest row.
manifest_row.each { |k, v| descriptive_metadata_xml.gsub!("[[#{k}]]", v.to_s.strip) }
# Generates normalized (Stanford) MODS XML, writing output to files.
# @param [String] output_directory The directory where output files should be stored.
# @return [Void]
def generate_normalized_mods(output_directory)
# Write one XML file per data row in the input spreadsheet
rows.each do |row|
sourceid = row['sourceId']
output_filename = output_directory + '/' + sourceid + '.xml'
mods_doc = row_to_xml(row), 'w') { |fh| fh.puts(mods_doc.root.to_s) }
# Checks that all the headers in the spreadsheet has a corresponding entry in the XML template.
# @param [Array<String>] spreadsheet_headers A list of all the headers in the spreadsheet
# @return [Array<String>] A list of spreadsheet headers that did not appear in the XML template. This list
# will be empty if all the headers were present.
def validate_headers(spreadsheet_headers)
spreadsheet_headers.reject do |header|
header.nil? || header == 'sourceId' || template_xml.include?(header)
# Converts a single data row into a normalized MODS XML document.
# @param row A single row in a MODS metadata spreadsheet, as provided by the {ModsulatorSheet#rows} method.
# @return An instance of Nokogiri::XML::Document that holds a normalized MODS XML instance.
def row_to_xml(row)
# Generate an XML string, then remove any text carried over from the template
mods_xml = generate_xml(row)
mods_xml.gsub!(/\[\[[^\]]+\]\]/, '')
# Remove empty tags from when e.g. <[[sn1:p2:type]]> does not get filled in when [[sn1:p2:type]] has no value in the source spreadsheet
mods_xml.gsub!(/<\s[^>]+><\/>/, '')
mods_xml_doc = Nokogiri::XML(mods_xml)
normalizer =
return mods_xml_doc
class << self
# Returns the template spreadsheet that's built into this gem.
# @return [String] The template spreadsheet, in binary form.
def get_template_spreadsheet'../modsulator/modsulator_template.xlsx', __FILE__), mode: 'rb')
deprecation_deprecate :get_template_spreadsheet
# This can be used by modsulator-rails-app so we can do:
# send_file Modsulator.template_spreadsheet_path
# which is more memory efficient than:
# render body: Modsulator.get_template_spreadsheet
# @return [String] the path to the spreadsheet template.
def template_spreadsheet_path
File.expand_path('../modsulator/modsulator_template.xlsx', __FILE__)