# Changelog
## Unreleased
### Breaking Changes
- With the integration to the go/packages library, `-pkg` option now requires a **Go-style package path** instead of a path to the directory. If you want to use a relative path, you need to prefix it with `./` or `../`.
### Added
- Now supports interface embedding
- `-model-pkg` option to specify the package containing the model struct. Without specifying this option, it will fall back to the same value as `-pkg` option.
- `-dest-pkg` option to specify the package path to write the generated code to. Without specifying this option, it will fall back to the same value as `-pkg` option.
### Changed
- The constructor of the generated repository implementation now returns a pointer to the generated repository implementation instead of the repository interface.
- `-pkg` option now requires a **Go-style package path** instead of a path to the directory. Without specifying a dot (`./` or `../`) at the beginning of the path, Go will assume the absolute package path.
## v0.3.1 - 2024-01-14
### Changed
- Make find many operations return empty slice instead of nil to provide consistency when further encoded to JSON.
## v0.3.0 - 2023-10-31
### Breaking Changes
- `-src` option is now removed, replacing with `-pkg` option. Repogen now supports when model struct and repository interface is placed in separate files in the same package. Instead of specifying a single Go file to scan the model struct and repository interface, you can now specify a path to the package containing with `-pkg`. If the `-pkg` option is not specified, it will default to the current directory.
- The keyword `One` after `Find` is not allowed anymore. If you have `FindOne` declared anywhere, replace them with `Find`.
### Added
- Package scanning: Instead of specifying a single Go file to scan the model struct and repository interface using `-src` option, you can now specify a path to the package containing the model struct and repository interface using `-pkg` option.
- Find many operations with limits: Write `TopN` keyword after `Find` to allow finding with limit N: e.g. `FindTop5AllOrderByAge`.
- Query comparators: `Exists` and `NotExists`
### Removed
- `-src` option is removed, in favor of `-pkg` option.
### Fixed
- Fixed decoding error when the struct tag has space characters
## v0.2.1 - 2021-11-27
### Fixed
- Fixed error when any method parameter is assigned with map type
## v0.2.0 - 2021-06-05
### Added
- Query operators: `NotIn`, `True` and `False`
- Update the whole model by not specifying queries: e.g. `UpdateByID`
- Sorting in find operations (both find one and find many)
- Deeply referencing to struct fields: e.g. ContactEmail =
- Update operators: `Push` and `Inc`
### Improved
- Improved error message from generation to help investigate repository interface errors
## v0.1.0 - 2021-02-16
Initial release
- Supports create, read, update, delete and count functionality
- Supports single-entity and many-entity operations
- Supports AND and OR query
- Supports many comparators (equal, less than, less than or equal, greater than, greater than or equal, not equal, between, in)
- Validate method signature depending on method operations